Thursday, May 31, 2012

June 1, 2012 - Hiding from Truth

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #152
“The power of decision is my own.”

"Truth or Shadow"
photo by Aaron Springston
I have mentioned before that much inspiration is derived from a monthly meeting of our book club. We have grand discussions and I, personally, walk away with much insight into this life which perhaps would never have occurred to me without these sweet gatherings. Our most recent meeting centered around a book of historical fiction which looks at the life of Ernest Hemingway and his first wife: The Paris Wife. Apparently they led quite a hedonistic life, and we had an interesting conversation centered around this. We pondered why people forsake all conventional rules and indulge in wild behavior usually involving consuming mass quantities of alcohol. One of our astute members put forth the opinion that we are trying so hard to put off the shackles of human behavior which is stifling and not serving us in the first place that we go overboard in trying to affect a change. Bingo! This is exactly what we're doing in these metaphysical studies, but without the drugs and alcohol. We're seeing that life as we know it is not working. We want a change. But we don't just want to shut out our dissatisfaction by passing out drunk, we want to do something about it! A quote from today's workbook lesson is this: "Truth can have no opposite. Nothing but the truth is true, and what is false is false." That's quite a straightforward statement, but we don't always recognize what this Truth is.  We think that all the falsities are as much a part of our existence as is the Truth, and we end up very confused and think there is no way out of this circular life of dualistic beliefs we have accepted. I once heard Deepak Chopra say he thought it was a good sign that we had so many people experiencing substance abuse, because this meant they were searching for God but had no idea how to find It. That's what we're learning today: how to fill that God-hole by recognizing that we can make the decision to do so. To accept the truth of our being, our relationship to God, annuls falsity. Hallelujah!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The point for each one to decide is, whether it is mortal mind or immortal Mind that is causative. We should forsake the basis of matter for metaphysical Science and its divine Principle.”
Science & Health Page 195:11-14

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 31, 2012 - Affirmative Studies and Practices

A Course in Miracles Lesson #151
“All things are echoes of the Voice for God.”

"Aaron, Utah Sunset"
photo by Heather Magnan
I love the affirmative nature of our metaphysical studies! It is not necessary to deconstruct ourselves in order to figure out what is wrong so we can fix it. That is not even an element in the development of the spiritual sense we are exercising. In the acknowledgement that all true seeing, hearing, feeling, is spiritual -- or "ehoes of the Voice for God", as today's lesson expresses it -- all we need do is practice this truth and the error falls away. Recently, women have become angry with me during discussions concerning women's issues and what is to be expected at a certain stage in our life. If I walk up stairs on an 85-degree day and I become flushed and perspire, I think of it as a natural occurrence, not a symptom of a malady predominantly thought of as inevitable. When someone begins to tell me of their experiences of "hot flashes" and expect me to commiserate with them, I don't. And it's not because I'm not compassionate for their discomfort. I am, but I don't feel that simply feeling sorry and agreeing with someone is the ultimate kindness. Rather than feeding a false sense of punishment enforced by some material law, I attempt to break the illusion by expressing spiritual truth. Perhaps something such as, "Take possession of your body, govern its action. God has made you capable of this." (This is a paraphrase of a statement in Science & Health) When said in reference to so-called menopause symptoms, I usually get a disgruntled response at the very best! But I can't be silent any longer. I have reached a point in time where it's impossible to sit and watch. Now is the time to express and live Truth, recognizing all reality as the Voice of God. And anything which is not this reality will be left behind and forgotten.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Your mirrored reflection is your own image or likeness. If you lift a weight, your reflection does this also. If you speak, the lips of this likeness move in accord with yours. Now compare man before the mirror to his divine Principle, God. Call the mirror divine Science, and call man the reflection. Then note how true, according to Christian Science, is the reflection to its original. As the reflection of yourself appears in the mirror, so you, being spiritual, are the reflection of God. The substance, Life, intelligence, Truth, and Love, which constitute Deity, are reflected by [Its] creation; and when we subordinate the false testimony of the corporeal senses to the facts of Science, we shall see this true likeness and reflection everywhere.”
Science & Health Page 515:25-6

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 30, 2012 - Unity Through Realization of Truth

A Course in Miracles Lesson #150
Review of:
#139 "I will accept Atonement for myself."
#140 "Only salvation can be said to cure."
The main thought to hold to in this review:
“My mind holds only what I think with God."
Photo by Aaron Springston
This atonement which is spoken of is mine for the acceptance of myself as God created me -- and, that is, in the image and likeness of God Itself. This acceptance includes the acknowledgement that we are all created as ideas of divine Mind, and this creation includes everyone and everything. As we are one with this emanation of Mind -- much like a ray of sunshine is the same with its source -- it only requires an awareness of this Truth in order for us to demonstrate it. If I am as God created me, then you are, too! When I accept this atonement -- this acknowledgement that I am as God created me, in perfect Oneness -- then, through this unity, we all accept it. Now, some may ask, if we are One in this sense, wouldn't all the horrible things that happen to everyone become a part of us? No, because divine Mind is all that's One. Material, mortal mind (ego, to ACIM-ers) is the epitome of the division which we all appear to live, because that is what we have accepted as inevitable for ourselves. Remember the hit movie, The Matrix? There were some profound metaphysical principles addressed! I particularly liked when Neo is in what appears to be a center for extraordinary behavior. He goes up to a person bending a spoon without touching it. He tries to do the same, to no avail. He is told that the way to do this is through knowing the truth: the spoon is not there. That's what metaphysical healing is all about. Today's workbook lesson review makes plain that the only cure is the understanding that there is no place where sickness can abide. The spoon is not there. Awakening to this knowledge brings with it the revelation that all which seems to be unlike good, God, has no reality. If we are attempting to change a material condition, it's just like trying to bend the spoon by the power of your mind. Only by the knowledge of its unreality is it seen for what it actually is: an idea. We are all ideas of divine Mind. We are all One in this reality. What will this realization unfold in experience  today? I am open with no expectations!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Universal salvation rests on progression and probation, and is unattainable without them. Heaven is not a locality, but a divine state of Mind in which all the manifestations of Mind are harmonious and immortal, because sin is not there and man is found having no righteousness of his own, but in possession of 'the mind of the Lord,' as the Scripture says.”
Science & Health Page 291:12-18

Monday, May 28, 2012

May 29, 2012 - Learning a New Language

A Course in Miracles Lesson #149
Review of:
#137 "When I am healed I am not healed alone."
#138 "Heaven is the decision I must make."
The main thought to hold to in this review:
“My mind holds only what I think with God.”

"St. Petersburg Quartet with
11-year-old Claire Luan Wells"
photo from the Lovely County Citizen
The language of the symphony is so exquisite! Recently, I've been finding the most wonderful performances on the internet. These musical masterpieces are performed wordlessly in the language of beauty and harmony, excitement and grace. As a result of this listening, I've been practicing the same thing with music which we are doing with words denoting things and circumstances in these daily ACIM workbook lessons. If I've heard a piece of music before, it's very likely I have put some material meaning onto it. It may be a melody I remember hearing with a loved one, or something played on the piano at a particular occasion, or any of a multitude of interpretations I've placed upon the piece of music. Through the practice of releasing any meaning which I've placed on anything, I'm learning a new language. This is the language of Spirit, which we're discovering in our study of divine metaphysics.  For instance, the word "Spirit" as I used it in the last sentence has an entirely different meaning than how the Ghost Tours at the Crescent Hotel may refer to it! The capitalization of this word not only creates a synonym for God, but incorporates all the other nuances which are a part of its spiritual interpretation. For instance, Spirit is tangible; Spirit is substance. It "blesses the multiplication of its own pure ideas". (MBE) As with the learning of anything new, we must practice until it becomes natural to us; until we incorporate these ideas into our lives without specific thought. As we bring this Truth to our illusionary beliefs, we realize the healing we practice is universal, we see there is no choice between heaven and anything else, and we find it All in "what we think with God".

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“When we realize that Life is Spirit, never in nor of matter, this understanding will expand into self-completeness, finding all in God, good, and needing no other consciousness.
Science & Health Page 264:15-19

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 28, 2012 - No Defense for or against Truth

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #148
Review of:
#135 "If I defend myself I am attacked."
#136 "Sickness is a defense against the truth."
The main idea to hold to in this review:
“My mind holds only what I think with God.”
"Heather in Utah"
photo by Aaron Springston
Recently I listened to a recorded session of our local metaphysical society. This is a group which I assisted in founding a number of years ago and had been actively involved with. The recording I listened to took place a week after my announcement that I would no longer be a part of that group. "If I defend myself, I am attacked" is the statement which reminded me of this discussion. Although I never felt attacked at the time this took place, I had a desire to explain myself while listening to this recording almost two years after the fact. And so I am very glad of this review to remind me that attack is not possible, unless I allow it to be by my defense. Any time this comes to mind, I recognize it for what it is, which is just that! It is what it is. It truly has nothing to do with me, unless I feel the need to speak to it, at which point I will be taking it personally and defending myself in some way. So if anything I heard on that tape causes me to want to explain my actions or thoughts, I'll smile with the remembrance of the Love expressed within that particular group of people, and I'll remind myself that "my mind holds only what I think with God". Our defenses against the truth of our being are rampantly expressed in numerous ways, including our belief that sickness trumps spiritual perfection. My reluctance to accept Truth as mine is defended by any actions which place matter as superior to Spirit. Divine Mind expresses everything which is the actuality of Its ideas, demonstrated as the creation we experience. I am the creation of this divine Mind, and as such there is no need for defense of any kind; only acceptance of the reality of Being and how I emanate that Truth.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Mind, supreme over all its formations and governing them all, is the central sun of its own systems of ideas, the life and light of all its own vast creation; and man is tributary to divine Mind.”
Science & Health Page 209:5-8

Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 27, 2012 - Unreality

A Course in Miracles Lesson #147
Review of:
#133 "I will not value what is valueless."
#134 "Let me perceive forgiveness as it is."
The main thought to hold to in this review:
“My mind holds only what I think with God.”

"Eclipse 2012"
photo by Aaron Springston
God is All. I am a reflection of that all-ness: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love and everything which that implies. Namaste' ~~~
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Everything good or worthy, God made. Whatever is valueless or baneful, He did not make, -- hence its unreality."
Science & Health Page 525:20-22

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 26, 2012 - Changing Thought

A Course in Miracles Lesson #146
Review of:
#131 "No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth."
#132 "I loose the world from all I thought it was."
The main thought to hold to in this review:
“My mind holds only what I think with God.”

"Blacksnake in Nearby Woods"
photo by Christopher Fischer

When I read today's review and saw the words, "I loose the world from all I thought it was", my mind immediately went to something I've decided to believe about spiders. I never watch doom-and-gloom television shows, and steadfastly refuse to listen to people's stories of their fear of nature and its consequences. But recently I saw a short snippet of a video about brown recluse spiders, which are prevalent in our area. The narrator of this video was telling us how spiders don't attack unless they're surprised or bothered in some way, and they showed a clip of a spider resting on a stack of wash cloths with a person's hand going toward them. Yikes!! Well, that image has stuck in my mind to the extent that I look for spiders on every towel or washcloth I touch. And the odd thing is, I try to pretend I'm not doing this! Who do I think I'm fooling? Myself? God? This is the type of fearful living which I refuse to acknowledge, but yet I'm doing it. Now, I can choose to analyze this behavior and rationalize that I don't worry about spiders in other places so why here? But that's all it would be: a material rationalization, trying to convince myself there's nothing to fear. So in following today's teachings, when this thought comes to my mind, I'll ask myself what God thinks about spiders. And that's how I'll think of them, too, because "my mind holds only what I think with God". If I'm to "loose the world from all I thought it was", doesn't this include fears and worries about what-if situations? Our review tells us we cannot fail when seeking to reach the truth of Being. I rejoice as these pure spiritual ideas replace any fearful thoughts which may intrude. Harmonious actions are assured in this space where I realize the nothingness of material beliefs and the Truth of spiritual reality, leaving me free to live Love right out loud!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Science reveals only one Mind, and this one shining by its own light and governing the universe, including man, in perfect harmony. This Mind forms ideas, its own images, subdivides and radiates their borrowed light, intelligence, and so explains the Scripture phrase, "whose seed is in itself." Thus God's ideas "multiply and replenish the earth." The divine Mind supports the sublimity, magnitude, and infinitude of spiritual creation.”
Science & Health Page 510:28-6

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 25, 2012 - Perspective

A Course in Miracles Lesson #145
Review of:
#129 "Beyond this world there is a world I want."
#130 "It is impossible to see two worlds."

The main thought to hold to in this review:
“My mind holds only what I think with God.”

photo by Aaron Springston
This is a time of rapid change in thought. Most everyone I meet senses that something important is in the air. I notice myself doing things differently without planning a change. For instance, I realized that most of the time when I wash dishes, it could be done in a big bowl in the sink, with the wastewater dumped out the back deck for the benefit of the forest. And if the dishwashing detergent is too harsh for the plants, then I need to change to something else!  This is a small example of how we're being led to do everyday activities in more harmonious and environmentally-friendly ways. Think about it! Aren't you evolving into more You? As we are all becoming aware of unseen realities, we're also becoming more of ourSelves. We're doing things we never considered possible in the past. A good friend, who is a veterinarian, is allowing herself to communicate with animals on an entirely different level than when she started her career.  I know a woman who gardens and is experimenting with talking to the deer and other animals who want to eat her vegetables. We are all waking up to new ways of living -- or is it  old ways of Being?! When my mind "holds only what I think with God", the world I see and experience is one of common ground amongst everyone and everything. We are not different, you and I. We may have convinced ourselves that the material differences we see in each other make us separate, as well they may. But look past all of that to your heritage as a child of God. Let go of preconceived notions about how things are or should be. Let's allow ourselves this freedom of thought -- and see where it takes us!
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“When will the ages understand the Ego [note capitalization], and realize only one God, one Mind or intelligence?”
Science & Health Page 204:19-20

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 24, 2012 - What do I want?

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #144
Review of:
#127 "There is no love but God's."
#128 "The world I see holds nothing that I want.”
And the main thought to hold to in this review:
“My mind holds only what I think with God.”

Heather in Montana
photo by Aaron Springston
One of our review subjects leads to quite a bit of questioning and discussion: "The world I see holds nothing that I want." That seems to be saying that I shouldn't enjoy this beautiful life which unfolds every day. For instance, today was the most glorious day, with perfect temperatures and mild breezes energizing me as I played in the flower garden. Everything from cooking and cleaning to playing Scrabble with an old friend was blissfully full of joy and love. How could that not be something that I want? As the other part of our review tells us, "There is no love but God's." Everything I experienced today was demonstrating the spiritual reality of my existence. It wasn't what I was doing that caused these feelings, but these feelings caused the perception of the experience. Not everyone would enjoy digging in the dirt, and scrubbing the floor, and chopping vegetables, and being outscored in a game of Scrabble! But it was my experience unfolding in an individual way which reflected this Love that is God, which allowed "my mind [to] hold(s) only what I think with God". It's this demonstration of Love which brings the experience. And the great thing about this is that we won't ever be at the end of these experiences! It's an eternal unfolding of Love, God. This unfoldment brings unpredictable adventures in harmony when we listen and follow the still, small voice within. Although it's all a joy to experience, it's not the activity which I want, it's the Love being expressed with it. So I can truthfully say, "The world holds nothing that I want", because what I want is the Love, allowing the rest to unfold. I can hardly wait to start another day, fresh with the full breath of Life creating my every moment.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“When the divine precepts are understood, they unfold the foundation of fellowship, in which one mind is not at war with another, but all have one Spirit, God, one intelligent source, in accordance with the Scriptural command: "Let this Mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Man and his Maker are correlated in divine Science, and real consciousness is cognizant only of the things of God.”
Science & Health Page 276:4-11

May 23, 2012 - "Be Impeccable in your Word"

ACIM Workbook Lesson #143:
Review of:
#125 "In quiet I receive God's Word today."
#126 : "All that I give is given to myself."
And the main thought to hold to in these review:
“My mind holds only what I think with God.”
"Heather Shining Light in Washington D.C."
Photo by Aaron Springston
Once again I am reminded of the Toltec wisdom as translated by Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreements. The first agreement is, "Be impeccable in your word." It has been a number of years since I've read this book and am not sure of where he takes us with this agreement, but in reading today's review those words came to thought. Being impeccable in our word usually means to do what we say we're going to do, to be honest, to speak truth. The latter definition, to speak truth, is so often qualified by words such as "whatever is true for you". This is one of those new-age axioms which is a combination of a qualifier and a cop-out. People say things such as, "My truth may not be your truth." In the material world, this is very much so. But in the world we're learning of, the spiritual reality of our being, there is only one Truth. Mortal mind, ego, fights against this because it tells us if there is only one truth, then we wouldn't have individuality, we would be giving up free will, we would all be the same. Looked at from another perspective, perhaps that's what happens to us when we steadfastly believe the material concepts which have been fed to us every day of our life. What if our true freedom comes from being open to the reality of Spirit? On the chance that this could be true freedom, it certainly seems worth a try, doesn't it? When observing our environment, the miasma of materiality rules everything. To quietly "receive God's Word" seems to me to be the ultimate in being "impeccable in my word". I won't have to rely on deciphering what's right and wrong, truth and lie, or any other gauge I've set up for determining what to do. I need only be aware of what "my mind holds" with God. By this awareness and expression thereof, I allow myself to give and receive with every thought and action. There is no room for anything else when I fill my thought with Truth.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“There is but one I, or Us, but one divine Principle, or Mind, governing all existence; man and woman unchanged forever in their individual characters, even as numbers which never blend with each other, though they are governed by one Principle. All the objects of God's creation reflect one Mind, and whatever reflects not this one Mind, is false and erroneous, even the belief that life, substance, and intelligence are both mental and material.”
Science & Health Page 511:11-19

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 22, 2012 - Hearing Truth as clearly as music

ACIM Workbook lesson #142:
Review of :
#123 "I thank my Father for His gifts to me."
#124 "Let me remember I am one with God."
And our main thought to hold in these review lessons:
"My mind holds only what I think with God."

"No Baggage"
photo by Aaron Springston
There is someone I like very much whom I've heard ugly stories about. It doesn't matter how much I try to put these tales away from thought, they come back every time I see or think of her. Why do I think of that first, before all the wonderful times we've shared together and the stimulating conversations we've had? That's mortal mind ruling again! It took me a while to really understand the quote which I paraphrase here: "That which I don't want, I do; that which I do want, I don't." But it seems to pertain to just about everything, doesn't it?  When I think about this woman's supposed deeds, I don't want to give them any credence, but there they are, wiggling into being, time and again. But isn't this what we're studying? The thought we're holding to throughout these lesson reviews certainly pertains to my situation. Does Love see this woman as subject to bouts of mean-spirited behavior? Wouldn't this behavior be the lie about her and not her true Being?  Isn't this gift from God which we talk of today the ability to think and be as God is? We have the God-given right to be pure in every thought and deed. This is our Oneness demonstrated; our gift from God. And I feel sure this woman is not the only person or thing which causes a knee-jerk reaction in my thinking. So I'll notice that today. And I won't simply tell myself that I shouldn't think like that, but I'll gently correct myself, turning thought to the Truth which shows her to be the pure reflection of Love, too. In seeing her as such, I won't blame myself for actions which may be mirroring hers. My reaction toward her will not bring me feelings of guilt, only acknowledgement that I'm giving power to error, and that's not what my mind holds when thinking with God. As Mary Baker Eddy posits, before we decided on a false sense of things, perhaps we heard impressions of Truth as easily as we hear musical tones. Let's listen for them together today.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Before human knowledge dipped to its depths into a false sense of things,--into belief in material origins which discard the one Mind and true source of being,-- it is possible that the impressions from Truth were as distinct as sound, and that they came as sound to the primitive prophets. If the medium of hearing is wholly spiritual, it is normal and indestructible.” 
Science & Health Page 213: 30-4

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 21, 2012 - "The Holy Man" by Susan Trott

A Course in Miracles Workbook lesson #141:
Today begins a review. Our main theme is:
“My mind holds only what I think with God" Specifically we remember #121 and 122: “Forgiveness is the key to happiness”, and “Forgiveness offers everything I want.”

South African Life
photo by Aaron Springston
I am reminded of a delightful little book called, "The Holy Man" by Susan Trott. It is comprised of numerous scenarios recounted by and through a group of people who are waiting in line to see the Holy Man. They feel all their questions will be answered, all their problems solved, if only they can meet and speak with him. The irony is that when they are finally admitted, he simply leads them through the house and out the back door. The beauty of the book is that everyone comes to see what they need to see from their interactions while waiting in the long line and through their reflections on life. In pondering today's workbook lesson, it occurs to me that this is true of us, also. The realization that my true thoughts are those I think with God brings a newness to everyday life. By releasing my practiced thoughts of events and interactions today, I will be able to see without judgment. This is the meaning of forgiveness, which I will practice with every thought I have. If I'm thinking purely with God, I needn't place meaning on anything I experience today. With this pure slate, who knows what insights will be mine? As with those waiting to speak to someone they think has all the answers, I will be finding answers in every moment, simply by the allowing myself to accept that I am One with God. As such, all the answers are mine, without even asking.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God creates all forms of reality. His thoughts are spiritual realities. So-called mortal mind--being nonexistent and consequently not within the range of immortal existence--could not by simulating deific power invert the divine creation, and afterwards recreate persons or things upon its own plane, since nothing exists beyond the range of all-inclusive infinity, in which and of which God is the sole creator. Mind, joyous in strength, dwells in the realm of Mind. Mind's infinite ideas run and disport themselves. In humility they climb the heights of holiness.”
Science & Health Page 513:26-9

Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 20, 2012 - Healing thought

A Course in Miracles workbook lesson #140:
“Only salvation can be said to cure.”

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston
Today's lesson is a culmination of what we've been studying for the last few days. No matter what "ills" appear to be in our lives, there is no law which says we are condemned to suffer. There is no reason for us to pick ourselves apart and try to figure out what's wrong in our thought. We needn't place blame or experience guilt for having transgressed some material law. We only need realize Truth. This truth is that we're one with God. We are spiritual and reflect only Spirit. It's a mistaken belief that we are victims of heredity, or subject to communicable disease, or any of the myriad problems which seem to be so real in our collective and individual thought. It can be very difficult to take ourselves out of the perpetual loop of dis-ease. We have commercials in various media telling us what's wrong with us, friends and strangers love to relate their maladies, and we're taught through our educational system that we must beware almost everything we encounter. So it can seem impossible to realize this Truth in our life, while living amongst this constant flow of erroneous thought. So everytime we turn away from material illusion into the shining perfection of ourselves, as seen through the spiritual sense we're developing, we should celebrate! Each revelation is a step toward salvation from this trap of victimhood. Only the understanding of what is truth and what is illusion can lift us past the thoughts which hold us trapped in sickness and the disharmony of our existence. And it's not by trying to rid ourselves of illusion that we are freed; it's by knowing what Truth is. Knowing what it is and allowing it to be first in our thought -- no, the only reality in our thought. And by filling ourselves with Truth, error has no room in thought and disappears into the nothingness which is its only reality. Now that's something to celebrate!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Many imagine that the phenomena of physical healing in Christian Science present only a phase of the action of the human mind, which action in some unexplained way results in the cure of disease. On the contrary, Christian Science rationally explains that all other pathological methods are the fruits of human faith in matter,--faith in the workings, not of Spirit, but of the fleshly mind which must yield to [the] Science [of the Christ]. The physical healing of Christian Science results now, as in Jesus' time, from the operation of divine Principle, before which sin and disease lose their reality in human consciousness and disappear as naturally and as necessarily as darkness gives place to light and sin to reformation. Now, as then, these mighty works are not supernatural, but supremely natural. They are the sign of Immanuel, or 'God with us,'--a divine influence ever present in human consciousness and repeating itself, coming now as was promised aforetime, ‘To preach deliverance to the captives [of sense], And recovering of sight to the blind, To set at liberty them that are bruised.’"
Science & Health Page xi:9-21

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 19, 2012 - At One with All that Is

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #139:
"I will accept Atonement for myself."

"Heather, Light, Zion National Park"
photo by Aaron Springston
Atonement is one of those words which often trigger uncomfortable feelings. Visions of atoning for sins can be pretty creepy, especially when it's possible we may have committed said sins, possibly without even knowing it!  That's the way the concept of atonement has come to be interpreted by many theologians. It has been decided that we're all born sinners and we must spend our life finding ways to atone for that. It seems to me that this way of interpreting atonement is yet another material illusion. We are learning that sin is anything which separates us from the Love which is God. Simple, huh? Atonement is accepting our Oneness as the image and likeness of God. Some may say this is a form of sacrilege to say you're one with God. I say it's a sacrilege not to! To acknowledge God as the only Cause, and to see ourselves as the effect of that Cause, is to accept our at-one-ment with All that Is. What could be more humble? I will accept this reality today, and see everyone I meet in this light. Namaste' ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The atonement of [the] Christ reconciles man to God, not God to man; for the divine Principle of Christ is God, and how can God propitiate Himself? Christ is Truth, which reaches no higher than itself. The fountain can rise no higher than its source. Christ, Truth, could conciliate no nature above his own, derived from the eternal Love. It was therefore Christ's purpose to reconcile man to God, not God to man. Love and Truth are not at war with God's image and likeness. Man cannot exceed divine Love, and so atone for himself. Even Christ cannot reconcile Truth to error, for Truth and error are irreconcilable. Jesus aided in reconciling man to God by giving man a truer sense of Love, the divine Principle of Jesus' teachings, and this truer sense of Love redeems man from the law of matter, sin, and death by the law of Spirit,--the law of divine Love.”
Science & Health Page 18:13-11

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 18, 2012 - Choices?

A Course in Miracles Lesson #138
“Heaven is the decision I must make.”

"Maryhill, Washington"
photo by Aaron Springston

In these teachings, heaven is not some place with which you are rewarded after you die if you've been good. As Jesus told us, The kingdom of heaven is within. With this knowledge, we are free to live this heritage -- or not. It seems every step of our day involves choices of some sort, and it's very easy to be overwhelmed by them. I find that a dedicated time of silence in the morning is essential to allowing myself to live in Spirit. This space of all-knowing silence is always there for us, but so often we forget to listen for it. But the realization that I can choose heaven, or I can choose the materialism that is clamoring for my attention at every turn, keeps me centered in the space where Love leads. Today I realized I had forgotten a deadline given to me by our public relations person for our gallery association. Having only a few moments to come up with something which would bring the ideas together was at first daunting! But I decided to choose the one Mind to guide me. In quietness the right words came to me. Through this listening, the word "tonality" came to me and then the rest fell into place. Here it is: "We at Eureka Thyme have noticed that all the galleries in Eureka Springs have a distinct song to sing. When all these songs are put together, they are a magnificent symphony. This tonality is what we celebrate every day in Eureka. But specifically for the month of June, our theme for the gallery stroll is 'The Music of the Springs'. We join with the town in celebration of the springs for which we are named, and the musical events which are being held here this month." There is really no choice about anything when we choose God above all else.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Heaven represents harmony, and divine Science interprets the Principle of heavenly harmony. The great miracle, to human sense, is divine Love, and the grand necessity of existence is to gain the true idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven in man.” Science & Health Page 560:10-15
“HEAVEN: Harmony; the reign of Spirit; government by divine Principle; spirituality; bliss; the atmosphere of Soul." Science & Health Page 587:25-27

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 17, 2012 - I am not healed alone

"Mt. Timpanogos Goats"
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in Miracles Lesson #137
“When I am healed I am not healed alone.”

Today I was led to read Liz Cronkhite's blog on A Course in Miracles.
In it she reminds us to not allow the "ego" to bring us guilt when we are experiencing sickness in our life. These teachings we're studying are so pure that we tend to think we'll never be sick again, we'll never be unhappy again, we'll never have a need which is not immediately met. It's easy to feel this way when our first initiation into this way of thought is accompanyed by immediate physical relief of whatever malady we may have been suffering. I have a friend who recently was introduced to this Truth and experienced relief from a long-standing physical problem which has caused her much pain through the years. Certainly when this happens, we are very grateful for the peace it brings. Christian Science has been propounded as a healing Science since its discovery in 1865. That is because the knowledge of the Truth of our Being replaces erroneous thought and allows harmony to prevail in every way. Although I, personally, have never felt guilt when I have a cold, I suppose there are those who might. There are at least two books on the market which tell of the horrors of growing up in a household which practiced divinely scientific healing. In the many families I've known where Christian Science is the way of life, people haven't beat themselves up over illness and have visited doctors when they felt the need. I tell you this to emphasis that it's not physical healing we're striving for, but a greater understanding of Truth, of God. As this understanding is attained through the opening of thought to it, many adjustments take place simultaneously. I urge you to be truly open to the guidance which is always there. Just because I'm not led to go to a doctor doesn't mean you won't hear that call! Listen and act, on whatever that may be.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"To-day the healing power of Truth is widely demonstrated as an immanent, eternal Science, instead of a phenomenal exhibition. Its appearing is the coming anew of the gospel of "on earth peace, good-will toward men." This coming, as was promised by the Master, is for its establishment as a permanent dispensation among men; but the mission of Christian Science now, as in the time of its earlier demonstration, is not primarily one of physical healing. Now, as then, signs and wonders are wrought in the metaphysical healing of physical disease; but these signs are only to demonstrate its divine origin,--to attest the reality of the higher mission of the Christ-power to take away the sins of the world."
Science & Health Page 150:4-17

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 16, 2012 - More Defenses Against the Truth?

A Course in Miracles Lesson #136:
“Sickness is a defense against the truth.”

"Illinois Peace"
photo by Aaron Springston
Yesterday we thought about the defenses we set up to supposititious attacks. "If I defend myself I am attacked." This is the statement we endeavored to understand. Basically, if anything is a perceived danger and we make plans to counter-attack, we have set ourselves up for a continuous battle: my will against the world. When we let all that go and are led by Truth, there is no need for defense. When looked at with our new knowledge of the defense/attack relationship, today's lesson that sickness is a defense against the truth holds some very interesting aspects for us to examine! First of all, let's be aware of something. We tend to take these statements personally, getting upset at the idea that we are "causing" our own illnesses. Please put that thought aside and try to see this without any kind of judgment. This is what we practiced for the first 50 lessons this year: looking at things as meaningless, not placing our preconceived notions on anything, being free to be led by spiritual sense, Soul, God. The topics we're studying are very important to our overall understanding of our relationship with All That Is. I urge you to read the Course in Miracles Workbook Lessons for yourself. They are readily available online or at your library. I strongly encourage you to read any of the Christian Science publications, particularly Science & Health, with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. I tease you with this first paragraph of today's ACIM lesson: “No one can heal unless he understands what purpose sickness seems to serve. For then he understands as well its purpose has no meaning. Being causeless and without a meaningful intent of any kind, it cannot be at all. When this is seen, healing is automatic. It dispels this meaningless illusion by the same approach that carries all of them in truth, and merely leaves them there to disappear.” With this and the below MBE quote to hold in thought, what an adventure we have in store today!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“That mortal mind claims to govern every organ of the mortal body, we have overwhelming proof. But this so-called mind is a myth, and must by its own consent yield to Truth. It would wield the scepter of a monarch, but it is powerless. The immortal divine Mind takes away all its supposed sovereignty, and saves mortal mind from itself. The author has endeavored to make this book the Aesculapius of mind as well as of body, that it may give hope to the sick and heal them, although they know not how the work is done. Truth has a healing effect, even when not fully understood.”
Science & Health Page 151:31-8

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 15, 2012 - Plan of defense??

A Course in Miracles Lesson #135
"If I defend myself I am attacked."

"Rain Catchers"
oil painting by Denise Ryan
I love this lesson as it pertains to absolutely everything. (But I guess they all do!) Let's think of the more obvious ways we defend ourselves. Perhaps we are watchful of what we say and do, planning responses and activity based upon accepted behavior. Maybe we use hand sanitizer and take vitamin-c pills during so-called cold and flu season. I often wonder why we focus so intently on that which is not reality, rather than developing and demonstrating spiritual sense.  In this life, we tend to feel attacked by everything from ice cream to nuclear weapons, and we defend ourselves in various ways, insuring the attack our thought insists upon. As an example, let's take ice cream. Most everyone enjoys ice cream, but lots of us think of it as attacking us with fat and cholesterol and sugar, things which we must defend ourselves against if we are to be healthy. We are told in both A Course in Miracles and Christian Science that the body performs best when given the least thought. 'The body ... need merely be perceived as quite apart from you, and it becomes a healthy, serviceable instrument through which the mind can operate until its usefulness is over.' (ACIM) Another point I love in this lesson is this: 'A healed mind does not plan. It carries out the plans that it receives through listening to wisdom that is not its own. It waits until it has been taught what should be done, and then proceeds to do it.' (ACIM) What a freedom it is to realize we needn't be in charge of everything! To wake up in the morning, open to Spirit, God, we are led in ways that wouldn't be obvious if we weren't listening. Of course, there are often parameters involved in our day, but that doesn't preclude our being open to thought about ways to "think outside the box". Life is an adventure, and a harmonious one when we leave behind the desire to plan every moment of it!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"One says: 'I take good care of my body.' To do this, the pure and exalting influence of the divine Mind on the body is requisite, and the Christian Scientist takes the best care of his body when he leaves it most out of his thought ..."
Science & Health Page 383:5-9

Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 14, 2012 - What is forgiveness?

A Course in Miracles Lesson #134
"Let me perceive forgiveness as it is."

"Forgiveness in Washington, D.C."
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
In our material world, forgiveness has many faces. In everyday life, someone tells us they're sorry and we say, That's all right. Or maybe someone has done something which stays on our mind as a transgression until we finally decide to forgive them, perhaps noting that we won't or can't forget. This is not what we're talking about today. Our topic involves the releasing of illusions, the acknowledgement that there is no reality in sin. And I use the definition of sin as anything which separates us from the love that is God. I often go back to the ancient Toltec wisdom as interpreted by Miguel Ruiz in his book, The Four Agreements. One of these agreements asks us not to take anything personally. This request speaks to "forgiveness as it is". He goes so far as to state that even if someone shoots you in the head, it's not your problem, it's theirs! What an interesting thought! Mortal mind tells us that anything which seems to threaten this physical body is to be feared. I recently watched a movie, Soul Surfer, which related the events surrounding a shark attack which took a young surfer's arm. The most beautiful part of this story was that she not only held no fear of returning to the ocean, but how her realization of her true worth was expressed to others. This forgiveness acknowledges no blame in the first place, holds no grudge as there is no blame, and requires no forgiveness because there was no blame or grudge. As we learn to see ourselves and everything through this spiritual sense we're developing, forgiveness takes on a different flavor for us. It becomes a peaceful acknowledgement of reality, and facilitates a letting go of the belief in separation.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“In Science man is the offspring of Spirit. The beautiful, good, and pure constitute his ancestry. His origin is not, like that of mortals, in brute instinct, nor does he pass through material conditions prior to reaching intelligence. Spirit is his primitive and ultimate source of being; God is his Father, and Life is the law of his being.”
Science & Health Page 63:5-11

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 13, 2012 - Do I value the valueless?

"Sunrise at Snowbird"
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in Miracles Lesson #133
"I will not value what is valueless."

A few years ago, I met a lovely family who had just lost their house and belongings in a fire. There was a mom, dad, and little boy. When I expressed my sadness for their loss, the mom told me it was nothing. That they had lost a child a few years before, and this was no loss at all to them. It does put it in perspective when looked at through the eyes of Love.  One of the "tests" given in today's lesson for recognizing if something is valuable is to ask yourself if what you're valuing is changeable. What does not change? Certainly everything physical does, often quite rapidly. Love, with a capital "L" doesn't  change, although many of the fleeting things we call love do tend to change, grow, lessen, and even turn into other not-so-nice emotions. You will meet people who think that jealousy is part of love. Some believe that overprotective, controlling behavior symbolizes their love. Strangely, people even kill in the name of love. So the second part of our litmus test comes into play. This thing that we value, do we feel guilt in association with it? So now we have two tests to check for the reality of what we value: does it last and do we feel guilty in any way. I'm looking around the room right now and asking myself what do I value. Many things bring a smile to my heart, many things I enjoy looking at and remembering emotions I associate with them -- but value? No, I don't think I value anything in here as much as I value the love of my dog, and my love for him. The more I understand the Love that is mine through the inheritance I share with everything as a reflection of God, the more there is to value as I recognize its existence everywhere. And the less I have to worry about losing things to change. After all, how can I lose that which is not real?

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
“Everything good or worthy, God made. Whatever is valueless or baneful, He did not make,--hence its unreality. In the Science of Genesis we read that He saw everything which He had made, "and, behold, it was very good." The corporeal senses declare otherwise; and if we give the same heed to the history of error as to the records of truth, the Scriptural record of sin and death favors the false conclusion of the material senses. Sin, sickness, and death must be deemed as devoid of reality as they are of good, God.”
Science & Health Page 525:20-27

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 12, 2012 - Every Thought Counts!

A Course in Miracles Lesson #132
"I loose the world from all I thought it was."

[Marsha's thoughts]
People often ask me how I have time for these studies, telling me they are too busy for this. And I ask them how much time they spend each day in thinking meaningless thoughts, reviewing past conversations, fantasizing about the future in various ways, replaying events from their lives and giving them different outcomes, visualizing how things could have been different if only they had done something else. We've all been there. I have chosen (as can you!) to spend these times in pondering statements such as may be found in today's lessons, both A Course in Miracles and the Christian Science Bible Lesson. In the morning, I make time to read or listen to these spiritual writings and readings. When something jumps out at me, I make a note of it. On my walk to work, there is a good ten minutes or so to deeply ponder a thought, such as, what things can I loose from thought, allowing Truth to permeate it instead. Or perhaps I'll think, What is divine Mind? Hum -- Mind [as a synonym for God] is creator, is the only cause, is One. And as I allow myself to practice such thoughts, it becomes a part of my regular way of life. Instead of spending countless hours repeating what I don't want in my life, I hold thought to "the enduring, the good, and the true" (S&H Page 261:4) By living consistently in this way, turning away from material belief and looking toward spiritual truth, I am demonstrating today's workbook lesson: "I loose the world from all I thought it was." I am coming a step closer to knowing where Mrs. Eddy was standing when she said, "The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness." And so we have all those quiet moments to reflect, while standing in line at the grocery store, or waiting at a traffic light: moments of inactivity in a too-busy world. Not only that, but we can put them into active practice in every moment of every day, loosing any thoughts other than those led by Love.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"In the Apocalypse it is written: 'And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.' In St. John's vision, heaven and earth stand for spiritual ideas, and the sea, as a symbol of tempest-tossed human concepts advancing and receding, is represented as having passed away. The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness."
Science & Health Page 536:1-9

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 11, 2012 - No one fails seeking Truth

A Course in Miracles Lesson #131
"No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth."

"Super Moon at Boardman Pass"
photo by Aaron Springston
This statement that we cannot fail in seeking to reach the truth seems silly to our ego-self, to our mortal mind. Isn't the fear of failure what keeps us from trying new things? I read somewhere that the fear of humiliation is at the top of the list for why we remain with the familiar. Looking back at my childhood, the embarrassing moments seem most vivid. Then why am I so eager to step out of my so-called comfort zone and reach for the truth which is seldom embraced? I think it's seldom felt because it's seldom sought. And this Truth is always there for our knowing. No one is ever turned away from this presence of God. As I think of the things we do in life, the foods we eat and how we obtain them, the modes of transportation we utilize, the lies we tell ourselves every day, the realization surfaces that we are craving simpler ways of doing everything. We want to eat fresh food in season. We want to heat our homes and travel without sucking the life out of the earth. What does this have to do with "seeking the truth"? In opening to our inner knowing, to the Truth that is waiting for us to remember it, solutions to problems which may have seemed insolvable to material sense suddenly are seen. Ways of approaching everything in our lives, from healthcare to relationships, are enlightened in thought and we wonder why we never thought of it that way before. But this is the secret -- if there is one. If you are seeking to receive something, be it material or spiritual, you are closing the door to truth. But if you are seeking like Mary Magdalene, in the humble single-mindedness of Love, then Truth becomes visible. How will you see it? That, I do not know. This adventure is quite an individual trip! However truth is seen in your world gives you glimpses of the Oneness we speak of. This pearl of great price, recognized and known, is the Truth I accept today.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"This is what is meant by seeking Truth, Christ, not 'for the loaves and fishes,' nor, like the Pharisee, with the arrogance of rank and display of scholarship, but like Mary Magdalene, from the summit of devout consecration, with the oil of gladness and the perfume of gratitude, with tears of repentance and with those hairs all numbered by the Father.”
Science & Health Page 367:10-16

All original writings property of Marsha Havens

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 10, 2012 - Love and fear: mutually exclusive!

A Course in Miracles Lesson #130
"It is impossible to see two worlds."

Today's lesson reminds us that we cannot see a world of love and and a world of fear at the same time. We cannot know the world of Spirit when we are thinking from the standpoint of mortal sense. We cannot love our neighbors when we are judging them. These dualities represent the two worlds we seek to embrace. But this can't be. Everything we do, say, think, plants us firmly in one world or the other. Moment by moment, we choose what we accept as the truth. We are learning how to allow our true Self to come forth. One of those ways is remaining receptive in order to experience the guidance which is always available to us. Very recently, by an avenue opened through these daily writings, I have had a book brought to my attention which I didn't know existed. It's entitled, "Your Divinity Revealed", by Helen Wright. It speaks to concepts I hadn't thought of before in connection to the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. In the early 1900s, a group of people explored the supposition that she had written a new language, a spiritual language, centered around the seven synonyms for God, which are well-known to readers of Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures. By a thorough understanding of these capitalized words, (Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love) we are able to apply them to all of experience, allowing them to be spiritualized in thought and realized in the demonstration of Oneness. By consistently turning thought away from mortal concepts and utilizing spiritual interpretations, we are choosing the world we want to see. A close friend once wrote an essay called, "Upper Case Living". I will think of it as I choose this world today!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Take heart, dear sufferer, for this reality of being will surely appear sometime and in some way. There will be no more pain, and all tears will be wiped away. When you read this, remember Jesus' words, "The kingdom of God is within you." This spiritual consciousness is therefore a present possibility.”
Science & Health Page 573:29-2

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 9, 2012 - Life, demonstrated

A Course in Miracles Lesson #129
"Beyond this world there is a world I want."

photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
The uninitiated in this way of thought may think today's lesson is referring to a world which will appear when we pass from this material realm through the change we call death. This "beyond" which is spoken of is seen through the death of old belief and a rebirth in new thought. As children we're taught in school that all animals have instincts except humans; that everything is a learned behavior with us. While marveling at the expansive instinctual behavior of numerous species, I remember thinking how silly that seemed. Didn't we have instincts, too? Why would we be left out of this amazing system of knowing? Why could animals easily have babies and humans couldn't? Why did animals not fear death and we do? At every new wonder learned in science class, I asked myself why we were different from every living thing on earth. It didn't seem right. And, as we are coming to understand, it is not. As we try to lose learned beliefs in order to allow inner knowing to shine forth, it is inspiring to notice the ease with which trees, plants, animals, insects perform their function. Looking beyond the world we have made for ourselves, we see reality. We find that we do have so-called instincts, which we become aware of when we release the barriers we have built to this inner knowledge. "This is the world of time, where all things end." Let's look beyond this world into the world of Being, where time neither ends nor begins, and everything Is.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“How true it is that whatever is learned through material sense must be lost because such so-called knowledge is reversed by the spiritual facts of being in [the] Science [of the Christ]. That which material sense calls intangible, is found to be substance. What to material sense seems substance, becomes nothingness, as the sense-dream vanishes and reality appears."
Science & Health Page 312:1-6

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 8, 2012 - No Fear of New Thoughts

A Course in Miracles Lesson #128
"The world I see holds nothing that I want."

"Bryce Canyon Shadows"
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
Today is one of those lessons which could send the fence-sitter running! Let's not be frightened when facing new ideas. If we've been taught to think that new thought is subversive and dangerous, let's wonder why we were taught that. Time-honored concepts are engrained in our thought, and this lesson is asking us to realize that these concepts are not valid in the development of spiritual sense. In asking ourselves to set aside these accepted ways we see the world, we are breaking through the same barriers of thought which were once held in regard to the earth being flat. In this time of shifting views of reality and a deepening sense of our capabilities, many long-held beliefs are being challenged.  I recently watched a movie which illustrates our human desire to keep things as they've always been: Moneyball. It's a baseball movie, centered around a general manager and his realization that the process by which players are chosen for professional teams is flawed. He is ridiculed and disagreed with at every juncture, and barrels ahead with his new thought despite the impediments to their enactment. To me this illustrated the opposition we face within ourselves to our own acceptance of this new-old thought. When I question if this is what I should be doing, I'll remember the obstacles Jesus faced when he brought us these ideas over 2000 years ago. And I thank Mary Baker Eddy who planted the seeds of quantum thought more than 150 years ago. By reiterating the "primitive Christianity" which was taught by Jesus, she has ushered in a new age, which has been ripening steadily and is now ready to be joyfully demonstrated.  As the Beatles lyrically told us: "Nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about."

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"In the material world, thought has brought to light with great rapidity many useful wonders. With like activity have thought's swift pinions been rising towards the realm of the real, to the spiritual cause of those lower things which give impulse to inquiry. Belief in a material basis, from which may be deduced all rationality, is slowly yielding to the idea of a metaphysical basis, looking away from matter to Mind as the cause of every effect." Science & Health Page 268:1-9

May 7, 2012 - One Love

A Course in Miracles Lesson #127
“There is no love but God's”
"Aaron and Heather in Red Butte"
photo by Sandy Magnan
[Marsha's thoughts]
Self-help books which attempt to teach us about love will usually talk of the various faces of love. In the divinely metaphysical studies of which I partake there is no division in this attribute of God which we reflect as Its image and likeness. This Love does not judge. No one is more worthy of Love than another. No one is more capable or less capable of expressing this Love. Now this certainly is not what seems to be true in the world we see. But God is "no respecter of persons", which means that we are all the same. Can I begin to fathom what that means? It would seem not in this material illusion we call life. We must have a "clean and open mind" to understand these truths. We tend to rebel when we think someone is trying to take some long-held belief from us. The idea that all the varying degrees of love we feel is not real could tend to be upsetting. But let's not take this personally! Today's lesson states: "What the world believes was made to hide Love's meaning." In thinking about what this means, I will attempt to set aside everything I believe as I hold to this larger view of Love, this all-encompassing goodness which leaves no room for blame or guilt. We are asked to hold the following Truth at least three times an hour: "I bless you, brother, with the Love of God, which I would share with you. For I would learn the joyous lesson that there is no love but God's and yours and mine and everyone's." Every instance where I catch a glimpse of this true Love is a moment to treasure.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Love is infinite. Therefore all that really exists is in and of God, and manifests His love.”
Science & Health Page 340:12-14

Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 6, 2012 - All I give is given to myself

Photo by Aaron Sringston
A Course in Miracles Lesson #126
"All that I give is given to myself."

[Marsha's thoughts]
In thinking about today's lesson, I reflect on conversations from yesterday. What things do we think we are giving? These are a few  highlights of what people think they are giving: good advice, scornful judgment of another's actions, support for loved ones, opinions which we hope will change the world. This list could go on and on. In examining what I'd like to give today, I see that the only thing which can truly be given is Love. Anything else is but a material opinion in some way. Even what we think of as forgiveness is a mortal concept which includes lots of stipulations. So often we forgive someone so we ourselves will feel better, or perhaps we think God will be mad at us if we don't, or so often we imply that I'll forgive you because I'm a better person than you are. Oh my! But we know that forgiveness is the key to the door of truth, so how do we forgive without the material trappings? Love! We give and live Love, and there is nothing else to think about. There is no need to forgive and forget, because this all-encompassing Love erases the need to forgive, as we realize there truly is nothing to forgive. Someone once said, "Reality is that which does not change." And what doesn't change? Certainly everything in the physical realm does. But Life, Truth, Love, Sprit, Soul, Mind, Principle, the seven synonyms for God, these things are changeless and eternal. And they are what we have as our touchstones in daily life, to focus on when we have opinions we feel need to be expressed to others. Before I give anything today, I will ask myself, Is this what I want to receive? If it's not, then I'd best not give it. But my realization that God is Love, that Love is all there is, allows me to slip into that sweet space of living from Truth, which is expressing the Love we are.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“We cannot fathom the nature and quality of God's creation by diving into the shallows of mortal belief. We must reverse our feeble flutterings--our efforts to find life and truth in matter--and rise above the testimony of the material senses, above the mortal to the immortal idea of God. These clearer, higher views inspire the God-like man to reach the absolute centre and circumference of his being.” Science & Health Page 262:9-16

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