Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Ever-Appearing Creation

ACIM Workbook Lesson #260 “Let me remember God created me.”

I Am the experience and expression of God. We are learning what this means and it's a wonderful adventure! For too many years, high officials of churches have tried to tell us we are mortal sinners and the only way we can gain favor with God is to go through them, performing odd penances and other rituals which I feel certain have nothing to do with the Oneness we are embracing. God Is; I Am. There really isn't anything else to say, but yet there is so much! We have questions which seem unanswerable, but perhaps that's because we have been told there are many things we must simply accept because we can't understand. Through the study of divine metaphysics, we find there are no unanswerable questions. In this remembering, I see there are no dead ends where I must simply "believe", relying on blind faith alone. God is as close as I am to myself, and all answers lie within, available for the asking -- and, most importantly, for the listening! Remembering what is true leaves me with a wonderful peace. I am most grateful.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Infinite Mind creates and governs all, from the mental molecule to infinity. This divine Principle of all expresses Science and art throughout His creation, and the immortality of man and the universe. Creation is ever appearing, and must ever continue to appear from the nature of its inexhaustible source.” Science & Health Page 507:24-28

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Image and Likeness

ACIM Workbook Lesson #237
“Now would I be as God created me."

How did God create me? If I think of creation from a standpoint of human, mortal mind, I may think of the  Adam and Eve story. Looking beyond material, illusory opinions to pure spiritual ideas is a step toward understanding how "God created me". We tell ourselves: I'm only human and I couldn’t be created as the image and likeness of God. If we accept material creation myths as the truth of our being, we live the dream of life in and of matter with all the limitations that implies. The realization that we are an idea of God takes us to the threshold of understanding Life. Today I will see everything in the light of spiritual truth, omitting no one nor thing!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The mythical human theories of creation, anciently classified as the higher criticism, sprang from cultured scholars in Rome and in Greece, but they afforded no foundation for accurate views of creation by the divine Mind.”

Science & Health Page 255: 5-10

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

No Dead Ends - September 17, 2015

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #260
“Let me remember God created me.”

I Am the experience and expression of God. We are learning what that means and it's a wonderful adventure! For too many years, high officials of churches have tried to tell us that we are mortal sinners and the only way we can gain favor with God is to go through them, performing odd penances and other rituals which I feel certain have nothing to do with the Oneness we are embracing. God Is; I Am. There really isn't anything else to say, but yet there is so much! We have questions that seem unanswerable, but perhaps that's because we have been told there are many things we must simply accept because we can't understand. Through the study of divine metaphysics, we find there are no unanswerable questions. In this remembering, I find there are no dead ends where I must simply "believe", relying on blind faith alone. God is as close as I am to myself, and all answers lie within, available for the asking -- and, most importantly, for the listening!! Remembering what is true leaves me with a wonderful peace. I am most grateful.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Infinite Mind creates and governs all, from the mental molecule to infinity. This divine Principle of all expresses Science and art throughout His creation, and the immortality of man and the universe. Creation is ever appearing, and must ever continue to appear from the nature of its inexhaustible source.Science & Health Page 507:24-28

Monday, August 24, 2015

Releasing Myths

"Beaver Bridge"
photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #237
“Now would I be as God created me."

Seeing past our thoughts about words to the true meaning behind them is part of letting go of the beliefs and dogma with which we have been indoctrinated. There are so many words I’ve had “problems” with, but those illusions are fading away as I learn that the words in these workbook lessons are leading me to peace and love, and the forgiveness of my belief is part of that journey. Letting go of the myths of creation, dramas which attempt to bring us guilt and limitation, is all a part of the changing thought we are experiencing as we allow the light of Mind to shine away the illusions of mortality. Today I will see myself and everyone as extensions of divine Love, allowing nothing to convince me otherwise.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The mythical human theories of creation, anciently classified as the higher criticism, sprang from cultured scholars in Rome and in Greece, but they afforded no foundation for accurate views of creation by the divine Mind.”
Science & Health Page 255: 5-10

Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 17, 2011

ACIM Lesson #260

“Let me remember God created me.”

ACIM Prayer:“Father, I did not make myself, although in my insanity I thought I did. Yet, as Your Thought, I have not left my Source, remaining part of Who created me. Your Son, my Father, calls on You today. Let me remember You created me. Let me remember my Identity. And let my sinlessness arise again before Christ's vision, through which I would look upon my brothers and myself today.”

“Now is our Source remembered, and Therein we find our true Identity at last. Holy indeed are we, because our Source can know no sin. And we who are His Sons are like each other, and alike to Him.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
In today's remembering of our true creation, I think of reminders of the Truth of our Being. Many moments of perfect peace and joy stand out in memory, and it's easy to think replicating them is what this study is all about. And maybe it is! But that's beside the point. As there is only one cause, God, the effects we experience can only be from this original Cause. Each experience we have is individual, as this Cause is infinite. Today I will remember not to limit God through my expectations. I know people who feel they must meditate for hours a day in order to feel the presence of God. Some may think they can only have this experience in a certain place. One of my favorite books is "Practicing the Presence" by Joel Goldsmith. A central point of his writing is that the only way to experience true Being as the image and likeness of God is through silent communion. This listening Within doesn't need to be long, but it does need to be thorough. Through that thoroughness, it eventually becomes perpetual. And so today I surrender thoroughly and experience what that yielding brings.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Infinite Mind creates and governs all, from the mental molecule to infinity. This divine Principle of all expresses Science and art throughout His creation, and the immortality of man and the universe. Creation is ever appearing, and must ever continue to appear from the nature of its inexhaustible source. Mortal sense inverts this appearing and calls ideas material. Thus misinterpreted, the divine idea seems to fall to the level of a human or material belief, called mortal man. But the seed is in itself, only as the divine Mind is All and reproduces all--as Mind is the multiplier, and Mind's infinite idea, man and the universe, is the product. The only intelligence or substance of a thought, a seed, or a flower is God, the creator of it. Mind is the Soul of all. Mind is Life, Truth, and Love which governs all.”
Science & Health Page 507:24-8

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