Showing posts with label Love God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love God. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 13, 2014 - One Thing

ACIM Workbook Lesson #225
“God is my Father, and His Son loves Him.”

The Biblical quote which advises me to love God above all else and seek nothing other than to know divine Love is the basis for the way I want to live. Recently, I've re-dedicated myself to this way of life by resolving to only see, speak, hear, and repeat good. I knew this would be challenging. Today, while at the farmers' market, I overhead someone say something which I deemed to be horribly bigoted and ignorant. While it's not a temptation for me to repeat the story to anyone else, it has been a challenge to keep from repeating it to myself! In analyzing this scenario, I see that if I weren't judging it to be awful, I wouldn't feel the need to keep condemning him for saying it. Hence, it's my judgment of the situation which wants to keep it alive in my thought. No judgment, no condemnation, no need to replay it for myself or anyone else! Sounds simple, huh?

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"All nature teaches God’s love to man, but man cannot love God supremely and set his whole affections on spiritual things, while loving the material or trusting in it more than in the spiritual."

Science & Health Page 140:7-14

Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25, 2013 - Loving Friends

"A Walk at Principia"
photo by Marsha Havens
ACIM Workbook Lesson #298
“I love You, Father, and I love Your Son.”

A dear friend and I have recently had a few readjustments in our working and personal relationship. This is the same type of adjustment which we occasionally experience within our own thought. If thinking needs to be purged of error, we do so. And I feel the same way about this friendship. When we are willing to accept our Oneness with divine Love, there is no way anyone can do or say anything which offends us. This beautiful acceptance allows for avenues to open which we may not have seen otherwise. Perhaps we are blinded by "senseless journeys ... and artificial values". I'm pleased to go forward with renewed thought and purpose in this ever-expanding friendship. When there was joking mention made of winning the way back to friendship, we both knew there was no necessity for anything as dualistic as winning or losing when it comes to Love. Namaste, dear Friend ~~~ 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Love never loses sight of loveliness. Its halo rests upon its object. One marvels that a friend can ever seem less than beautiful. Men and women of riper years and larger lessons ought to ripen into health and immortality, instead of lapsing into darkness or gloom.”

Science & Health Page 249:3-7

Sunday, November 25, 2012

November 26, 2012 - Love More

"Loving and Learning in Mongolia"
photo by Justin Myers

ACIM Workbook Lesson #330
“I will not hurt myself again today."

The words attributed to Jesus teach us many things, not the least of which is how to be nice to each other. His two commandments were to love God above all else and to love our neighbor as ourself. I've often thought that we need to love ourselves more, because it seems so many of us are expressing the lack of love for ourselves in our actions toward others. Jesus also told us we are capable of so much more than we know. We are not powerless victims of circumstance. Power and dominion have become ugly words because of the things done to others by ruthless people. True power and dominion have to do with peace and grace and Love expressed. We are capable of more than we know. Let's not be afraid to express that power in healing every ill which seems so real to our material sense. We are spiritual Beings, expressions of God, perfect and whole, needing nothing to be added or taken away for that perfection to show forth and bless all mankind.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“In divine Science, man is the true image of God. The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow,--thoughts which presented man as fallen, sick, sinning, and dying. The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea,--perfect God and perfect man,--as the basis of thought and demonstration.”
Science & Health Page 259:6-15

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