Showing posts with label Giving and Receiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giving and Receiving. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2015

June 7, 2015 - Learning to Receive

Adventures in Thailand
photo from Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #158
“Today I learn to give as I receive.”

A dear friend, Jim Young, did an interview today on a radio show called Reality Spirituality. The woman who interviewed him told us that at one point she went for 40 days without speaking. I think this was a lovely exercise in learning to give what she was receiving. Bypassing words, which can so often be misinterpreted, she was communicating purely with the energy of her Being. At one point during the program Jim asked us what if, rather than try to tell someone how much we love them, we simply sit and BE love, and through this sharing of energy we impart our true feelings. Opening ourselves to Love allows this transfer of energy to occur naturally with no misunderstanding by another.  

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Let us feel the divine energy of Spirit, bringing us into newness of life and recognizing no mortal nor material power as able to destroy.” 

Science & Health Page 249:6-8

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 11, 2013 - Giving and Receiving Miracles

"Eureka Springs B&B"
photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #345
"I offer only miracles today,
For I would have them be returned to me."

Today I received a phone call from a friend whose first words were, "Do you think we live in a police state?" Of course, said I. These are the types of conversations I walk away from face-to-face, but since he had just had this realization and was upset, I stayed with him on the subject. While I did express more strong opinions than I generally like to admit I have, the conversation was, for the most part, a cry for him to return to Love. I see our current mortal, mental state as a reflection of the fear we harbor; a fear which is fed by most everything in daily life. I talked to him of tipping points, and mass consciousness, and our true consciousness as an expression of God. We could banter back and forth for a very long time the material conditions, causes, solutions of this existence. But to get to the heart of it all takes spiritual sense, which cannot be gleaned from intellectual exercises. And that's where I see the miracle: the revelation which reveals the omnipresence of God, good. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Christian marvels (and marvel is the simple meaning of the Greek word rendered miracle in the New Testament) will be misunderstood and misused by many, until the glorious Principle of these marvels is gained."

Science & Health Page 474:11-15

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 12, 2013 - Give and it is Mine

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #316
“All gifts I give my brothers are my own.”

At times, these concepts are not only difficult to comprehend, but they may, at first, sound downright silly! Yesterday we pondered that everything anyone gives is mine; now we are to think that everything I give is mine, too. How can that be? This is one of the many proofs that this Oneness we speak of is actually a viable possibility! But thoughts like this cause our mortal mind, ego, to jump up and say that if this is true, evil can be spread to everyone, also. And if that is so, how can we keep from feeling doomed? But it's not true because the only thing that is One is what God created. God did not create anything unlike itSelf, so what we term "evil" is actually unreal, as it is only found in the mortal mind, never in divine Mind. And so there is a choice! I can live as though one or the other is true. As Einstein said, You can live as though everything is a miracle or as if nothing is. My choice is easy on this one!

“… that joy which finds one’s own in another’s good”

Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, p. 127

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 7, 2012 - I give as I receive

"Photographer at Rest"
photo by Heather Magnan

A Course in Miracles Lesson #158
“Today I learn to give as I receive.”
The first paragraph of this workbook lesson states: “What has been given you? The knowledge that you are a mind, in Mind and purely mind, sinless forever, wholly unafraid, because you were created out of Love. Nor have you left your Source, remaining as you were created. This was given you as knowledge which you cannot lose. It was given as well to every living thing: for by that knowledge only does it live.” I've said it before and I'll probably say it again: It would be much easier to demonstrate this way of living if I could be sequestered on an unreachable island! Intellectually, I grasp today's lesson and know that what I'm giving by receiving is the knowledge that we are creations of the same Mind, that we are pure ideas of All that Is, that when I see this in others, it becomes what I see in me. Now, I know this to be true. So why is it that when I feel bothered by someone or something, I look for ways to apportion blame and/or find ways to fix it, rather than going straight to the source of my Being and recognizing this Love to be the only fact, both in me and in whatever-it-is-I-think-is-bothering-me? If I find someone to be irritating, perhaps it's because I am. Maybe the neighbor who seems dull and mean-spirited is my reflection pointing to something within my mortal self. What if the micro-managing busybody down the street is me? And with that said, do I really want to pull apart every emotional response, lay it out on the table with the purpose of dissecting it until it disappears? No! I choose to recognize creation in Its perfection. I know this is true for the same reason you do. We all have this knowledge at the core of our Being. We've forgotten this, but we're remembering! This Truth is not just something to be repeated, but rather I will send it out as love reflected in Love. In that emanation there is no place for mortal blame and guilt. Voila! Pure peace is mine -- and yours!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Mind [God] creates [Its] own likeness in ideas, and the substance of an idea is very far from being the supposed substance of non-intelligent matter. Hence the Father Mind is not the father of matter. The material senses and human conceptions would translate spiritual ideas into material beliefs, and would say that an anthropomorphic God, instead of infinite Principle,--in other words, divine Love,--is the father of the rain, ‘who hath begotten the drops of dew,’ who bringeth ‘forth Mazzaroth in his season,’ and guideth ‘Arcturus with his sons.’” 
Science & Health Page 257: 12-21

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