Showing posts with label happy outcome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy outcome. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Happy Outcome to All Things

photo from Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #292
“A happy outcome to all things is sure.”

The sky is falling!! I'm often reminded of the proverbial Chicken Little and his worries about everything. Many people I know remind me of him, with their certainty that something awful is going to happen. A dear woman came to me asking for advice. She told me that she was afraid to go outside her home, and so she would drink alcohol before she went out to have the courage to leave. She had been drinking heavily when she came to talk to me. She related many concerns she had about life in general and a few things in specific. I mentioned Wayne Dyer's words about worry: If you can do something about a situation, you will; if you can't, why worry?? She was very excited by this because she has heard him on television and she really wants to think this way, too. I told her she can, that all it takes is practice and applying the ideas to daily life. Replacing practiced, circular thought with realized spiritual Truth may seem difficult, but a happy outcome is sure!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Choke these errors in their early stages, if you would not cherish an army of conspirators against health, happiness, and success.” Science & Health Page 405:9-11

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 19, 2011

ACIM Lesson #292
“A happy outcome to all things is sure.”

Lyla Allison in
May Festival of the Arts Parade
[Marsha's thoughts]
Putting God first is living a life of constant prayer. This prayer brings us into harmony with divine Mind, and from this we witness happy outcomes. Twelve years ago I took my young boys on a 3,000-mile road trip. We made no reservations and had no plans other than to attend women's World Cup soccer games and look for miniature golf courses. In preparation for this trip, I spent a lot of time studying the science of Mind and working to bring myself into alignment with these metaphysical principles. Through this process, we witnessed many happy outcomes, but the most dramatic was on the first day of our trip. I had worn glasses to see far away for more than 30 years and suddenly found I could see without them. I enjoyed this freedom until a few years ago when renewing my drivers' license and found that they were needed again. It is said by many that these things are to be expected as we grow older. In steadfastly refusing to accept this prognosis, yesterday I renewed my license with no restrictions as to sight. Instances such as this affirm my conviction to live single-mindedly, with only God as my goal, expecting only happy outcomes.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The scientific unity which exists between God and man must be wrought out in life-practice,
and God's will must be universally done.”
Science & Health Page 203:3-5

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