Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Harmony of Divine Mind

photo credit: Heather Peters
ACIM Workbook Lesson #356 "Sickness is but another name for sin. Healing is but another name for God. The miracle is thus a call to Him."

When we read the above words, "Sickness is but another name for sin", the immediate response could be to think these words mean that we're sinners and are being punished for it by sickness. We are learning that sin is defined as anything which separates us from the Love which is God.  Most of us have been taught that sickness, evil, and many other aspects of this material existence are powers over which we have little to no control. Divine Principle, law, negates these mesmeric thoughts. As we wake up to this truth, multitudes of things we thought to be our master turn out to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors. As we lift the veil and reveal reality, the quotations we read here today begin to be more than words. They are principles by which to live. I relish every step of this awakening!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Christian Science brings to the body the sunlight of Truth, which invigorates and purifies. The effect of this Science is to stir the human mind to a change of base, on which it may yield to the harmony of the divine Mind." 

Science & Health Page 162:4-5, 9-11

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Eloquent Silence

photo credit: Arthur Lau Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #359 "God's answer is some form of peace. All pain is healed; all misery replaced with joy. All prison doors are opened. And all sin is understood as merely a mistake." 

Amid all the hustle and bustle of these holy days, many of us are being called to spend time in solitude. I’ve always looked forward to the quiet of Christmas Day. I wish everyone happiness this day and every day, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “I love to observe Christmas in quietude, humility, benevolence, charity, letting good will towards man, eloquent silence, prayer, and praise express my conception of Truth’s appearing." Miscellany Page 262:18-30

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Sunlight of Truth

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #356 "Sickness is but another name for sin. Healing is but another name for God. The miracle is thus a call to Him."

When we read the above words, "Sickness is but another name for sin", the immediate response could be to think it's telling us that we're sinners and are being punished for it by sickness. We are learning that sin is defined as anything which separates us from the Love that is God.  Most of us have been taught that sickness, evil, and many other negative aspects of this existence are powers over which we have little to no control. Divine Principle, law, negates these material mesmeric thoughts. As we wake up to this truth, multitudes of things we thought to be our master turn out to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors. As we lift the veil and reveal reality, the quotations we read here today begin to be more than words. They are principles by which to live. I relish every step of this awakening!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Christian Science brings to the body the sunlight of Truth, which invigorates and purifies. The effect of this Science is to stir the human mind to a change of base, on which it may yield to the harmony of the divine Mind." 
Science & Health Page 162:4-5, 9-11

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4, 2012 - I Am as God Created Me

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #94
“I am as God created me.”

Aaron at World Cup in Germany 2006
[Marsha's thoughts]
To deal with physical ailments, there are many healing modalities we experience and/or hear of every day.  Some seem to be no more than masking symptoms, some work to find the cause of our distress and eliminate or change it, and others we classify under the heading of miracles because we don't understand their basis. Recently I watched an Oprah Soul Sunday interview with Wayne Dyer in which he told of his diagnosis of leukemia and the subsequent healing he experienced through working with the Brazilian man known as John of God. He was asked to send photographs of himself, taken from four angles, he was to take some prescribed herbs and lots of water, and there were some other physical dictates he was to follow. He was told what time the "surgery" was to take place and instructed to stay in bed for 24 hours afterwards. Many things passed through my mind as I watched this show. First of all, that dis-ease is just that. Dr. Dyer had been going through some rough emotional times, including his wife of many years leaving him. Through the study of Christian Science, I have learned that illness and the healing thereof is facilitated by a change in thought. It is a bringing into alignment thought with Truth. And this Truth is that I am as God created me. With the realization that anything other than this is illusion, we are able to see through the veil into the actuality of our true being. To deny physical symptoms of disease is not to ignore them. It is to see them for what they are: a universal belief in separation from God. By understanding this, we can also release any guilt we may have in the situation. By focusing on what is rather than what isn't, we are learning to understand God and our relation to that source of All that Is. As I go through this day, the seven synonyms for God as given in Science & Health will rotate through today's lesson: Life, Truth, Love, Soul, Spirit, Mind, Principle. If a situation comes up in which I'm tempted to express irritation, I will think: I Am as Love created me. If I don't understand something, I will think: I Am as Mind  created me. What a perfect day this will be!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Sometime we shall learn how Spirit, the great architect, has created men and women in [the] Science [of the Christ]. We ought to weary of the fleeting and false and to cherish nothing which hinders our highest selfhood.”
Science & Health Page 68:4-9

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