Showing posts with label I rest in God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I rest in God. Show all posts

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012 - I need do nothing

Mongolian Sunset
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #109
“I rest in God.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
At a recent Course in Miracles meeting we discussed what it means to live the Course teaching, "I need do nothing". I find it correlates directly to most lessons in the workbook, but particularly so with today's! To rest in God frees us from all the planning and worry about possibilities. To give away all belief in and living from past experience clears the way for a more pure sight in which to know God, to know ourselves, to demonstrate Truth in our every thought and action. Although I find this spiritual discipline invigorating, not everyone feels the same. I know people who think they would be giving away their individuality if they let go of their personal history. They have a vague suspicion that listening to Spirit would be tantamount to some form of hypnotism, where their every move would be dictated by something that wants to use them for selfish benefit. I find the opposite to be true. When I lose a sense of personal responsibility, when I let go the beliefs I've had about certain circumstances, these acts, and more, enable me to replace the empty space where those beliefs before resided. This space is now free to recognize what was already there: Love. Divine Love. We cannot change God. That ever-presence is there no matter what we think about It. Only by relaxing into this infinity of Love can we give our every thought to Spirit, knowing that solutions and answers will be there when we need them. Because they are always there, if we but listen.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The miracle of grace is no miracle to Love. Jesus demonstrated the inability of corporeality, as well as the infinite ability of Spirit [God], thus helping erring human sense to flee from its own convictions and seek safety in divine Science"
Science & Health Page 494:15-19

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