Showing posts with label Answer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Answer. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 23, 2011 - Change is freedom

ACIM Lesson #327
"I need but call and You will answer me."
Change is liberating! We hold onto traditions and memories in the hopes of keeping the past alive. This letting go which I'm witnessing in so many is bringing peace and a new level of joy. One friend tells me of her beloved cat being at the vet's office, perhaps getting ready to pass on. In times past she would have been distraught, but is surprised that she is not! It's not that she loves any less, and perhaps she's expressing Love even more fully in her peaceful acceptance of what is. Another friend tells me she's going through a time of letting go -- without even being aware of what is being loosed! Isn't this great? We don't have to know what it is that's bothering us in order to be freed from it! This concept in itself is freeing, to have no need for analysis or so-called deconstruction, but to simply give yourself the gift of freedom. These are just two of the ways in which our call is answered and every need is supplied. I am so grateful for all of you who stand unafraid, welcoming the new paradigm!
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"God is not influenced by man. The 'divine ear' is not an auditory nerve. It is the all-hearing and all-knowing Mind, to whom each need of man is always known and by whom it will be supplied."
Science & Health Page 7:20-22

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