Showing posts with label One People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One People. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Irreconcilable Differences?

PC: Arthur Bruno

It may seem as though we are all different. Our race, nationality, and teachings are said to combine to make us who we are. We supposedly have differences which are sometimes irreconcilable with others of our species. I am reminded of something Isaac Asimov said in one of his novels. I don't have the exact quote, but it was to the effect that we, as humans, would not realize our unity until life was discovered on another planet; then it could be us against them. This is the way it seems to be with human beings.  Many of us are eager to let go of the beliefs which keep us shackled to this stagnant thought. Seeing everyone as reflections of God precludes thinking of others as different. Although it seems impossible that we could all live in this way, doing no harm to anyone or anything, always expressing Love in our actions and thoughts, it is not. This possibility is an actuality which we're seeing more clearly every day. Love and happiness are our realities, and this is seen clearly when the veil of material belief is lifted.

“Jesus aided in reconciling man to God by giving man a truer sense of Love, the divine Principle of Jesus’ teachings, and this truer sense of Love redeems man from the law of matter, sin, and death by the law of Spirit,the law of divine Love.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 312:16-19

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