Showing posts with label No blame in Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No blame in Love. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 15, 2012 - Blameless, sinless, free

ACIM workbook lesson #46:
“God is the Love in which I forgive.”

Heather at Glacier National Park
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
We are first told in today's workbook lesson that God does not forgive because there is no condemnation. I easily acknowledge the idea that God does not forgive because there is no need -- indeed, no concept of such! -- as forgiveness is letting go of separation, and how can the One know of such an idea? Unfortunately, it seems I can know of this illusion of thought! A number of years ago, two close friends of mine became embroiled in a difference of perceptions which escalated to the point of one of them leaving the community and the spiritual ties we had with each other. A few months ago, one of these friends showed up in my art gallery and it was as though we'd never had the separation we imagined. We had a lovely visit, with promises of keeping in touch. But this has not happened. Upon reflection, I feel that he wanted an apology from me, and I didn't think there was anything to apologize for. Today's lesson prompts me to do some deep searching concerning my actions. I see that now I would find a way to not "take sides". I regret having done so and wonder what may have transpired had I not. But that is past and there is no need to wonder about it. What I do wonder about is what will be said in the letter of apology I will write him today! The inspiration will come while practicing today's lesson of forgiveness and Love. And whatever it brings will be freeing to us both -- and us All!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"'God is Love.' More than this we cannot ask, higher we cannot look, farther we cannot go. To suppose that God forgives or punishes sin according as His mercy is sought or unsought, is to misunderstand Love and to make prayer the safety-valve for wrong-doing."
Science & Health Page 6:17-22

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