Showing posts with label Sinless or Sinful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sinless or Sinful. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What Am I?

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #351
"My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And which I choose to see I will behold."

A popular introspective question is: Who are you? This query elicits responses such as: I'm a mother, a lawyer, or something having to do with what a person does. But these answers, which have to do with our day-to-day actions, do not begin to address what we are. Today's lesson starts a 10-day examination of the question, What am I? To answer this we are looking to our inner Self, freed from the beliefs we hold about what we should be, or want to be, or what others think we are, leaving us bare of physical trappings which distract from the unchanging answer to this question. Recognizing our selves as consciously living divinity frees us to perform our function as the expression of Love. We don't have to wait to be anything, for we already are!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The death of a false material sense and of sin, not the death of organic matter, is what reveals man and Life, harmonious, real, and eternal.” Science & Health Page 296:10-13

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