Showing posts with label Echoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Echoes. Show all posts

Friday, May 30, 2014

May 31, 2014 - Inspired to Aspire

ACIM  Workbook Lesson #151
“All things are echoes of the Voice for God.”

I thought of Eckhart Tolle often today. I've been listening to many of his youtube videos where he speaks to quieting the mind. He goes so far as to say that thinking is an addiction which we can release. I've witnessed excessive thinking in customers who have come into the gallery today. There was the woman who would ask a question and not allow me to answer it before she asked another. Then there was the man who asked things and answered them before I could. Eckhart teaches us how to quiet our busy minds and listen to the silence, being totally present in the moment, enjoying every bit to its fullest. He inspires me to aspire!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“As the reflection of yourself appears in the mirror, so you, being spiritual, are the reflection of God. The substance, Life, intelligence, Truth, and Love, which constitute Deity, are reflected by creation; and when we subordinate the false testimony of the corporeal senses to the facts of Science, we shall see this true likeness and reflection everywhere.”

Science & Health Page 516:2-8

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