Showing posts with label ego or Ego?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ego or Ego?. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 12, 2011 - Source and Sight

ACIM workbook lesson #43:
"God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him."

Glacier National Park
photo by Aaron Springston
A recurring point of semantic difference between A Course in Miracles writings and the works of Mary Baker Eddy is the use of the word ego. In ACIM, "ego" is synonymous with Mrs. Eddy's "mortal mind". When the word is used in Science & Health, it's used with a capital "E", signifying the Only. For example, "When will the ages understand the Ego, and realize only one God, one Mind or intelligence?" (S&H Page 204:19-21) It seems to me that the realization of this idea, that there is one source, one vision,one Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, one Life, Truth, one Love -- with that single realization lies infinite peace and harmony. And this from today's ACIM lesson, "You cannot see apart from God because you cannot be apart from God." This statement solidifies our position of Oneness and allows us to assert these facts fearlessly as a child of God. Continuously I will ask myself how God sees a situation, person, place. Do I truly think that God sees one person as holier than another? Does God see one bird as more beautiful than another, one tree more special? I think not. So neither will I.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“In viewing the sunrise, one finds that it contradicts the evidence before the senses to believe that the earth is in motion and the sun at rest. As astronomy reverses the human perception of the movement of the solar system, so Christian Science reverses the seeming relation of Soul and body and makes body tributary to Mind. Thus it is with man, who is but the humble servant of the restful Mind, though it seems otherwise to finite sense. But we shall never understand this while we admit that soul is in body or mind in matter, and that man is included in non-intelligence.  Soul, or Spirit, is God, unchangeable and eternal; and man coexists with and reflects Soul, God, for man is God's image.”
Science & Health Page 119: 25-6

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