Showing posts with label All gifts are mine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All gifts are mine. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

All For One and One For All!

photo credit:
Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #315
“All gifts my brothers give belong to me.”

When someone compliments us on something we have done, it feels like a gift, don't you think? Sometimes we'll feel like Snoopy when he levitates from pure joy! We're beginning to understand that any time anyone gives this gift to anyone, anywhere, it buoys us, too. When we open ourselves to the radiance of Love, which flows through all existence, we are carried along effortlessly and joyfully. We no longer expect the so-called murphy's law to be in effect, bringing us challenges rather than harmony. Instead, we allow all the goodness and knowledge of the universe to be ours, expecting nothing and welcoming everything. Every good thought we send out into the universe multiplies. The good we do for one is done for all!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The sun, giving light and heat to the earth, is a figure of divine Life and Love, enlightening and sustaining the universe.”

Science & Health Page 538:11-13

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