Showing posts with label Protected. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protected. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Holiest Spot

photo credit: Aaron Springston

"Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you." This Mary Baker Eddy quote is one of my favorites, which I've always thought of as meaning that the human hatred others feel cannot reach me when I'm wearing the armor of divine Love. I now see that it includes the hatred I may feel toward others, also. It's very easy for me to think that I don't hate anyone or anything. Actually, it's a word I have pruned from my vocabulary and simply do not use. BUT if I am irritated by another's actions or words, or if I replay a past situation in my mind which caused anger in the past, or if I allow criticism to gnaw at me and I think of retaliatory statements which could have been said -- isn't that human hatred? Wearing this cloak of Love calms these nagging feelings and thoughts. I know that if I'm wearing the protection of Love, hatred cannot enter from inside or out!

“The holiest of all the spots on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.” A Course in Miracles

Friday, December 2, 2016

Saving Grace of Unity

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #337
"My sinlessness protects me from all harm."

In the last five years of writing this daily blog, there have been multiple days when I've mentioned that every thought we have is important. In tandem with this, I've said how the last thing we think before sleep and the first thing upon waking are the most important of all. While I still wholeheartedly believe this to be true, I find it increasingly difficult to keep my mind from sinking to depths I haven't witnessed since my heavy drinking days of long ago. Today's ACIM workbook topic assures us that sinlessness protects from harm. Since we've defined sin as being anything which separates us from the Love which is God, I feel certain that my lifeline will come by way of accepting our unity with divine Mind and the infinity of Love. I'm going to ask for guidance by way of this ever-presence, listening open-heartedly and trustingly, knowing fear is truly false evidence appearing real.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts.” Science & Health Page 261:4-7

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 3, 2012 - Protection

"Mount Superior in Utah"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #337
"My sinlessness protects me from all harm."

First of all, let's define sin as anything which separates us from the Love which is God. When my children were small, we'd often talk about how they could experience the safety which comes from listening to intuition. When driving a car, I often hear an inner prompting to slow down or sometimes to speed up, once to even stop completely. So when my children began driving, I naturally talked to them about this listening which insures we are where we need to be. That split second which puts you in the same place as a car crossing into your lane, or the moment a deer is stepping into your path, these are the situations which are avoided by listening to intuition. And what allows us to hear this inner direction? First it takes a willingness to hear it, of course. And the recognition of our Oneness with All that Is creates an open heart, willing to know God. To the so-called logical mind, this listening to intuition makes no sense, and so we don't pay attention. Think how many times you've said to yourself that you felt like you should or shouldn't have done something -- after the fact, after you refused to listen because you decided it was just your imagination. And if you do pull to the side of the road due to a "feeling", there's usually no proof that it was necessary. So living this way of life does develop a certain trust in yourself. What could be better than that!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"In reality there is no mortal mind, and consequently no transference of mortal thought and will-power. Life and being are of God. In Christian Science, man can do no harm, for scientific thoughts are true thoughts, passing from God to man." Science & Health Page 103:29-32

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