Showing posts with label Thought-Expanding Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thought-Expanding Ideas. Show all posts

A New Earth

ACIM Workbook Lesson #1
“Nothing I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] means anything.”

A new year brings excitement as we dream of how everything can change and be made new. I listen to and read the writings of Eckhart Tolle regularly, and A New Earth is one I frequently revisit. The idea that we are transcending the thoughts which bind us, evolving to another level of consciousness, is very exciting! The possibility of stepping out of habitual thought and living in the present moment can be frightening to those of us who are accustomed to living for the future. Perhaps with the busy-ness of our thinking we have lost connection with our sense of being, the intelligence which is more than thoughts in our head. It is time to move into another stage of evolution, allowing consciousness to release our addiction to circular thinking. For humanity to go on we must transcend the mind, going beyond the compulsion to think, realizing a deeper level of being. This evolutionary transformation of consciousness is no longer a luxury, but a necessity if we are to survive. Giving up beliefs and interpretations which we have assigned to everything clears the way for the thought-expanding ideas which will lead us to exactly where we need to be, doing what needs to be done. What an exciting time to be alive! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The enslavement of man is not legitimate. It will cease when man enters into his heritage of freedom, his God-given dominion over the material senses."

Science & Health Page 228:11-13

New Today

Correction at the Level of Thought

Art from Catrin Welz-Stein It seems there are any number of errors to correct in this world. It’s quite a relief to discover that I only nee...