Showing posts with label Meaningless world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meaningless world. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2013

January 12, 2013 - Nothing Can Upset Me

"Colorado Sunset"
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #12
“I am upset because I see a meaningless world.”

Have you ever felt that when you are upset you should avoid the situation which supposedly caused it? Maybe you feel you should find the cause of your upset and change it. Or perhaps we say we're upset because of someone's actions and blame them for our chagrin.  So if we give no meaning to anything, if we see a meaningless world, and then become upset by this void, we may be tempted to try to figure out why this is happening. Today's lesson asks us to witness events without giving them any meaning, neither good nor bad, thereby leaving ourselves blank to see what Truth comes through in place of our personal feelings. If we find this upsetting, let's not act upon these feelings; instead, let's witness what happens without placing an interpretation on it. When we allow Sprit (God) to manifest through us -- which is our native state as a reflection, the image and likeness of God -- we open ourselves to the field of all possibilities. We can become a blank slate for Love to write on. Who's to know where this will lead us? To quote Rumi: "Out beyond ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there".

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Nothing is real and eternal,--nothing is Spirit,--but God and His idea. Evil has no reality. It is neither person, place, nor thing, but is simply a belief, an illusion of material sense." 
Science & Health Page 71:1-5

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 13, 2012 - Meaningless fear

ACIM Workbook Lesson #13
“A meaningless world engenders fear.”

Photo from Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
What is it about a meaningless world that would make us afraid? Today's lesson discussion tells us this: "A meaningless world engenders fear because I think I am in competition with God." So often we act as though we're in charge and that we must tell God what we want in order for it to be done. We bargain and cajole to get our way, then get angry with God when we don't. We blame God when anything less than our idea of good comes our way. We thank God when we get our way, perhaps in a boastful or self-satisfied way. All these actions are symptoms of the separation we feel. Allowing everything to be meaningless is similar to letting go of an addiction! Interesting symptoms show up, such as irritableness when giving up caffein. Today I repeatedly found myself thinking less than charitable and loving thoughts toward people I barely know. For instance, while reading on Facebook about the problems the daughter of an old friend was having, I thought to myself how she had brought them on herself. I immediately stopped and questioned my motives, uncovering the remembrance of a perceived painful period of antagonism between people I love. And then I stopped and remembered the reasons I love and appreciate these dear old friends. Let's not be afraid of any rogue thoughts that may seem to assault us, but simply acknowledge them as symptoms of a clearing away of self to allow our Self to be demonstrated.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The Hebrew Lawgiver, [Moses], slow of speech, despaired of making the people understand what should be revealed to him. When, led by wisdom to cast down his rod, he saw it become a serpent, Moses fled before it; but wisdom bade him come back and handle the serpent, and then Moses' fear departed. In this incident was seen the actuality of Science. Matter was shown to be a belief only. The serpent, evil, under wisdom's bidding, was destroyed through understanding divine Science, and this proof was a staff upon which to lean. The illusion of Moses lost its power to alarm him, when he discovered that what he apparently saw was really but a phase of mortal belief." 
Science & Health Page 321:5-18

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