Showing posts with label New Earth Now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Earth Now. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2018

The Exquisite Harmony of Life

There’s an awesome BBC series entitled "Life", with David Attenborough  as narrator. When viewing the perfection of all life blending together in exquisite harmony, I am inspired to be more in tune with this tapestry. Once again, we need only let loose the things we do by rote, leaving habitual behaviors where we found them, in order to open ourselves to new-old ideas and experience where that takes us. Today my thought goes to sustainable farms, organic and pure food, happy animals, pesticide-free vegetables! How wonderful to go to farmer's markets and actually talk to people who grow our food. In the last fifty years, the production of food has changed so drastically that most of our young people have no idea what they’re eating. And, in too many cases, we don't want to know. Every decision I make at the supermarket casts a vote for the process involved in its production. Every dollar I spend at a Farmer's Market also casts a vote. I don't really want to give my dollars to a corporation which manufactures food without Soul. I vote for food created with Love. I want everything I consume to be nurtured with Love. Releasing all guilt, I see that forgiveness is there for the realization of it, and a new world becomes visible. The New Earth has always been here, and now we're remembering and demonstrating that knowledge in a myriad of ways.

“Ask yourself: Am I living the life that approaches the supreme good?” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 496: 9-10

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