Showing posts with label No conflict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No conflict. Show all posts

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Only Will

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #331 “There is no conflict, for my will is Yours.”

I am reminded of many friends and loved ones who consider themselves victims, at the mercy of drugs and alcohol. With the proliferation of prescription drugs, I must include those dear imbibers in this group, too.  In hoping to find fixes for various maladies, we turn to drugs for cure. Seeking a way out of depression and sadness and fear, we turn to so-called recreational drugs to hide. The drugs taken for cure of disease rarely do more than mask symptoms and bring about other interesting side effects. The drugs we use to hide from ourselves usually work for a while, but then we're left in a deeper well than we were before. I've found the only way through this despair is a radical reliance on the Truth of our Being -- going within, if you will. Resting in the One. Relying on Love. Living in Truth. This is where healing is found, in this single-minded realization that my will is God's, and God's will is mine. There is nothing to fear when we see the truth in the acronym for that word: False Evidence Appearing Real.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “Will, as a quality of so-called mortal mind, is a wrong-doer; hence it should not be confounded with the term as applied to Mind or to one of God’s qualities.” Science & Health Page 497:24-26

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Exponential Growth of Good

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #59: Today we review Lessons 41-45. 

I've never understood political conflict.  It seems to me that if everyone is for the good of all, what in the world is there to be conflicted about? I simply don't understand why we have these clashes and certainly don't want to talk about these disagreeable scenarios. Times of major elections in our fair country bring out interesting opinions from unexpected places. I try not to listen to any of it, holding to the knowledge of our true selves as the expression of Love, while looking past the rhetoric and seeming idiocy. If God is the Mind with which I think, and that thought is and can only be light, there is no fear nor condemnation necessary. With this realization, we could stop trying to change others' thought to what we think it should be, knowing that every thought based in divine Mind grows exponentially. Let's go forth and multiply -- Mind with a capital M, that is!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"This scientific sense of being, forsaking matter for Spirit, by no means suggests man's absorption into Deity and the loss of his identity, but confers upon man enlarged individuality, a wider sphere of thought and action, a more expansive love, a higher and more permanent peace."
Science & Health Page 265:10-15

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Sleeping or Awakening?

photo credit: Christopher Fischer
ACIM Workbook Lesson #331
“There is no conflict, for my will is Yours.”

"Conflict is sleep, and peace awakening.” I love this line from today's ACIM lesson. And so we begin a series of ten teachings geared to help us understand what the ego (which is spoken of so often in these writings) actually is. If the thoughts we are having cause us conflict, they are of the ego -- or mortal mind, as Mary Baker Eddy refers to it. If there is harmony and peace, then our thoughts are God's ideas. Actually, there is nothing other than divine Idea; everything else is illusion, which is why erroneous thought is considered unreal. The only reality is God, which means either God is All or God is not. Hearing statements like this is when that little ego kicks in and makes a fuss. How can that be, it says? What about me?? Don't be afraid to tell it to be still. It is, after all, unreal. The silence that replaces the clamor holds the harmony of Being.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Will, as a quality of so-called mortal mind, is a wrong-doer; hence it should not be confounded with the term as applied to Mind or to one of God’s qualities.” Science & Health Page 497:24-26

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 27, 2013 - Awaken to Peace

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #331
“There is no conflict, for my will is Yours.”

"Conflict is sleep, and peace awakening". I love this line from today's ACIM lesson. Today begins a series of ten teachings geared to help us understand what the ego, which is spoken of so often in these lessons, actually is. If the thoughts we are having cause us conflict, they are of the ego -- or mortal mind, as Mary Baker Eddy refers to it. If there is harmony and peace, then our thoughts are God's ideas. Actually, there is nothing other than divine Idea; everything else is illusion That is why erroneous thought is considered unreal. The only reality is God. Either God is All or God is not. Hearing statements like this is when that little ego kicks in and makes a fuss. How can that be, it says? What about me?? Don't be afraid to tell it to be still. It is, after all, unreal. The silence that replaces the clamor holds the harmony of Being. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"When advanced to spiritual being and the understanding of God, man can no longer commune with matter; neither can he return to it, any more than a tree can return to its seed. Neither will man seem to be corporeal, but he will be an individual consciousness, characterized by the divine Spirit as idea, not matter."

Science & Health Page 76:12-17

Friday, March 23, 2012

March 24, 2012 - Happiness is my function

Photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #83
Review: “My only function is the one God gave me.” and “My happiness and my function are one.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
Conflict resolution. Conflict transformation. How much time and energy do we spend in attempting to negate conflict between others and/or within ourselves? We can make lists of the merits of our choices, we can role play and put ourselves in others' places in a situation, we can enlist therapists to help us out. There are lots of ways to search for the door out of conflict. I have found the only true way to leave it behind is to realize that such a thing does not exist anywhere other than in our thought. Anyone who has ever tried to calm fighting siblings knows the process can be daunting no matter how you approach it! I'll always remember a time when my boys were around 8 and 10 years of age. Their disagreements had advanced to the point where I saw no way out other than to give one of them away! One day, during a particularly intense bout, I gave up and sat down in my bedroom to have a good cry. Next to my chair was a stack of Christian Science Sentinels, the weekly publication which gives us practical metaphysical writings. I reached down and pulled one from the middle of the stack and opened it up to an article about brothers fighting! I don't remember anything about the content, other than it was just what I needed for the situation. And I remember the solution had to do with having no strong opinions. By letting go of my I'm-right-you're-wrong attitude, I was able to lead them to the same way of thought, by living it, not just telling them what they should do. Living Love creates bridges which bring us together in peace. Trust that your function and your happiness are your God-given right, and don't be afraid to open up and see what unexpected ways they will manifest.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God has endowed man with inalienable rights, among which are self-government, reason, and conscience. Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love.”
Science & Health Page 106:7-10

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