Showing posts with label Gentle Sight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gentle Sight. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 22, 2013 - Gentle Sight

"Fall Foliage"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #265
Creation's gentleness is all I see.

The last couple of days, I've mentioned a motorcycle event in our little town. Many people think of this event as being very disruptive. Actually, it's been disturbing to me for the last few years. But this year I vowed to look at it with purer eyes and heart than previously. Today was the apex of the noise and hubbub and, to me, it was just another busy Saturday in Eureka Springs. As one of my friends said, "We live in a lively place! Isn't it fun!!" And so it was. As the day was coming to a close a big biker came in telling me as he entered that he didn't want anything; he was just waiting to get a tattoo downstairs. I started a conversation with him and learned he was a truck driver with a love for photography. He told me of the many photos he's taken, and how he walks out into the desert to find nature scenes which are out of the ordinary. We had a lovely chat and I saw a gentler side of him than what was outwardly presented. I'm very grateful for this sight!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The new birth is not the work of a moment. It begins with moments, and goes on with years; moments of surrender to God, of childlike trust and joyful adoption of good; moments of self-abnegation, self-consecration, heaven-born hope, and spiritual love.” 
Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896, p. 15

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