Showing posts with label Letting Love Lead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letting Love Lead. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2016

Quietly Led By Love

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #155
“I will step back and let Him lead the way.”

It's sometimes difficult to know when to speak, when to act, or when to be quiet. It’s not always easy to remain silent about something we have passionate feelings toward. Sharing what we’re learning is a good thing, but pushing our attitudes on others, particularly if they’re not ready to hear them, serves no purpose. I recently had a lovely day with old friends who have very strong opinions about a number of things in this life. It was an opportunity to step back and ask myself if I wanted to express my opinions and engage in sport-arguing by joining in the contentious conversation, or if I would choose to enjoy listening while maintaining inner peace. I didn’t feel the need to make my views known or to correct what I feel is wrong, choosing rather to be led by Love. And I am grateful!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Spiritual sense, contradicting the material senses, involves intuition, hope, faith, understanding, fruition, reality." Science & Health Page 298:13-15

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 21, 2014 - Guided by Divine Mind

photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #233
“I give my life to God to guide today."

I have made a vow to myself to only "see, hear, and repeat good". Here's a seemingly harmless repetition that was an example of  mindlessly repeating something for the sake of conversation. One of our local woodworkers makes exquisite boxes which we sell in the gallery. His art is also available at a world-class museum store in a neighboring town. A man had come in looking for his work and was very upset because we had so few boxes available. He grumbled that the museum didn't have many and he had expected more from the artist's hometown. When this particular artist came in to bring us more little boxes, I unthinkingly told him about the encounter with the potential customer who went away in a huff. Why did I do this?? As soon as the "story" was out of my mouth, I realized I was repeating something that was totally unnecessary. This is but one example of how easy it is to jabber for no reason. If I were allowing myself to be guided by divine Mind, I never would have considered repeating such a thing. I'm learning!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“When we fully understand our relation to the Divine, we can have no other Mind but His,--no other Love, wisdom, or Truth, no other sense of Life, and no consciousness of the existence of matter or error. The power of the human will should be exercised only in subordination to Truth; else it will misguide the judgment and free the lower propensities. It is the province of spiritual sense to govern man.”

Science & Health Page 205:32-7

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