Showing posts with label Judge Not. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judge Not. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Non-Judgment a Constant Meditation

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #243 “Today I will judge nothing that occurs."

How is it possible to "judge nothing that occurs"? This practice of non-judgment is a constant meditation with me, and I must admit I often feel like a failure at it. (Which in itself is a judgment!) This basic metaphysical precept of letting go and letting God, realizing that we of our own selves know nothing, facilitates giving up judgment because how can we judge what we do not know? And so I will continue to make note that my opinion is simply that: an opinion, not a Universal Truth. I thank Mr. Shakespeare for a thought that is in the front of Science & Health: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The optical focus is another proof of the illusion of material sense. On the eye’s retina, sky and tree-tops apparently join hands, clouds and ocean meet and mingle. The barometer, — that little prophet of storm and sunshine, denying the testimony of the senses, — points to fair weather in the midst of murky clouds and drenching rain. Experience is full of instances of similar illusions, which every thinker can recall for himself.” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 122:15-23

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Miracle of Love

creation of Sandy Wythawai Starbird
ACIM Workbook Lesson #349
"Today I let Christ's vision look upon all things for me and judge them not, but give each one a miracle of love instead."

Every day we’re exposed to situations and people which seem to beg for our judgment! I’ve been surprised recently to learn that some religions teach that this is a good thing for us to be doing, that they are telling their flocks to go forth and correct “bad” behavior. Even if I’ve never thought it was my place to save anyone, I certainly have judged others in a multitude of ways, both silently and vocally. It’s an easy habit to fall into, particularly when we’re trying to feel better about ourselves and, hence, think about how much better off we are than “they” are. But realizing that I’m okay makes it easier to admit that you’re okay, too! Setting my intention first thing in the morning in accordance with Love helps me to live in grace throughout the day, and every moment IS a miracle.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“A miracle fulfills God’s law, but does not violate that law. This fact at present seems more mysterious than the miracle itself.” Science & Health Page 132:31-1

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Namastè, Wayne Dyer

ACIM Workbook Lesson #243
“Today I will judge nothing that occurs."

I just heard about Wayne Dyer’s death. With someone as loving and pure of motive as this man, it’s easy to feel he’s your friend. The first book of his I ever read was, “When You Believe It, You’ll See It”. I even remember the yard sale I was at on Vaughn Street. I recall the feeling that went through me when I looked down at a box of books and saw it there, shining at me and asking to be taken home. I became a large fan of his, thrilled by how accessible he made this way of thought. He appealed to a wide variety of people with his non-judgmental way of speaking and his willingness to show us his weaknesses and to make fun of his ego. He was a delightful man who reached many otherwise uninterested people through his PBS talks, which were often run during their fundraising campaigns. Thank you, Wayne, for advising us not to “die with our music still inside us”. You certainly played your own loud and clear for all of us! Namastè, dear Friend.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“It should be thoroughly understood that all men have one Mind, one God and Father, one Life, Truth, and Love. Mankind will become perfect in proportion as this fact becomes apparent, war will cease and the true brotherhood of man will be established.”

Science and Health Page 467:9-13

Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 29, 2014 - No Assumptions

photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #243
“Today I will judge nothing that occurs."

This topic comes at a perfect time for me. I just read a Facebook private message sent  by an old man-friend and I'm extremely tempted to judge what he has said. While I moved past what we had 30 years ago, he continues to bring up things in detail that I would rather not contemplate. I tell myself that I have better things to think about. This implies that he does not. That is a judgment. Every thought I have had about this communication feels unnecessary. As I sit and contemplate his words and my reactions, I realize that it simply is what it is. There is no reason for me to think about it as good or bad; it just is. Once again, I turn to the ancient Toltec wisdom as interpreted by Don Miguel Ruiz in "The Four Agreements": I will not make assumptions, and I will not take anything personally. I'm so grateful to be learning to rely on divine Mind and release the circular thoughts of mortal mind!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“It should be thoroughly understood that all men have one Mind, one God and Father, one Life, Truth, and Love. Mankind will become perfect in proportion as this fact becomes apparent, war will cease and the true brotherhood of man will be established.”

Science and Health Page 467:9-13

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