Showing posts with label I think with God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I think with God. Show all posts

Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 23, 2014 - Free Will

ACIM Workbook Lesson #143:
Review of:
#125 "In quiet I receive God's Word today."
#126  "All that I give is given to myself."
And the main thought to hold to in these review:
“My mind holds only what I think with God.”

Are you afraid that the realization of Oneness would take away your individuality? Two things which, in reality, do not exist -- mortal mind, as termed by Mary Baker Eddy, and ego as it's called in ACIM -- want you to think you would no longer be you if you admit that you are One with God and all that Is. What if free will does not exist unless you DO give up what you think of as individuality and embrace Oneness? I'm beginning to see that I have no will of my own if I'm simply regurgitating well-rehearsed lines from the history of my life. I'm starting to glimpse the freedom which comes from throwing off the chains I have bound myself with through a lifetime of fears and learned behavior. A dear friend related a story about thinking his stepmother had never liked him. Recently he found out she was practically deaf, and actions he had interpreted as slights to him were actually moments of confusion on her part. He now sees their relationship with the freedom of understanding. As we separate illusion from Truth, which is done by thinking with God, we are freed. I give thanks and look inward to heaven!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“There is but one I, or Us, but one divine Principle, or Mind, governing all existence; man and woman unchanged forever in their individual characters, even as numbers which never blend with each other, though they are governed by one Principle. All the objects of God's creation reflect one Mind, and whatever reflects not this one Mind, is false and erroneous, even the belief that life, substance, and intelligence are both mental and material.”

Science & Health Page 511:11-19

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