Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Clearing the Past

"Thailand" photo by Aaron Springston

In my quest to keep thought love-based and away from fearful fantasies, I often listen to uplifting books while I’m doing busywork. The current book is The Celestine Prophesy. I was reminded of something today when the author told  how to “clear the past”. When I took an intensive two-day training in Giving Deeksha, a/k/a Oneness Blessing, I remember the teacher telling us that we cannot progress without forgiving our parents. Unless we rectify the past, stop blaming the present on those events — no matter how horrid they may seem — then we have little to no chance of  feeling the peace and Love which we innately embody. I want nothing more than to move forward, through any seeming ripples which rock my boat. And so I am holding thought to the fact that we are all doing the best we can. I am, you are, everyone is. Namaste…

“If mortals are not progressive, past failures will be repeated until all wrong work is effaced or rectified. If at present satisfied with wrong-doing, we must learn to loathe it. If at present content with idleness, we must become dissatisfied with it. Remember that mankind must sooner or later, either by suffering or by Science, be convinced of the error that is to be overcome.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 240:19-26

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