Showing posts with label My future is sure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My future is sure. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 2, 2013 - Listening to Intuition

"Monolith in Mongolia"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #214
Central theme: "I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me." Review: #194 "I place the future in the Hands of God."

Recently I was in a local thrift shop and overheard a woman telling of how she had "just known" she should bring her camera with her to work that day. She told her friend that she had repeatedly thought to pick up her camera and have it with her, but she had rationalized that there was no reason for that. So she left the camera behind. I did not have the chance to eavesdrop on why she had ended up needing it, but she had. She also told how she often had thoughts which proved to be valid, but she couldn't make herself believe them. Aren't you glad we're learning that these intuitions are what we receive when we clear the way for spiritual thought to be heard? And we know there is nothing to fear in this. Woo-hoo!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“We cannot fill vessels already full. They must first be emptied. Let us disrobe error. Then, when the winds of God blow, we shall not hug our tatters close about us.”

Science & Health Page 201:13-15

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