Showing posts with label Be still and listen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Be still and listen. Show all posts

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Resurrection of Thought

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #106 “Let me be still and listen to the truth.”

What does the Easter story mean to you? I see it as a tale which illustrates the death of false beliefs and the resurrection of thought to the Truth of being. Jesus was here to teach us that we are all the children of God, that we are all capable of far more than we realize, and that we are all immortal. Although he did teach these things, it seems people have diluted the message over the years. You would think such a lesson of power and freedom would grow in thought rather than dissipate, but it has not. At this point in time, it appears we are satisfied living a mortal life of fear and guilt. Perhaps it's easier than accepting the majesty of our Being. Truth is that we are not mortal sinners, but rather immortal reflections of divine Love. We crucify ourselves on the cross of belief and stay there because we don't know how to get down. Jesus told us to know the Truth and be freed; that the kingdom of heaven is within! Today I want to celebrate a rebirth which is happening continually when I open myself to the Christ Idea within. And if you want to call it by another name, that’s just fine, too!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"Salvation: Life, Truth, and Love understood and demonstrated as supreme over all." Science & Health Page 593:20-21

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 28, 2015 - Peace, Stillness, Truth

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Course in Miracles Lesson #118 Review of: #105 "God's peace and joy are mine." #106 "Let me be still and listen to the truth."

When our minds are busy with worries and repetitive thoughts, when we're voicing our concerns either orally or mentally, it's very difficult to hear the still, small voice of Truth. This is why I always recommend meditation for people who tell me they’re having problems sleeping. Not only must the mind be quiet for easy, peaceful falling into sleep, but the last thoughts we think before sinking into this other-worldly abyss are very important! We have been told by material practitioners of various disciplines that sound sleep is necessary for good health; that it facilitates healing in on-going ways which are necessary to our well-being. I've always felt this is true because we need to be quiet to hear the ever-present voice of Truth, which is often drowned out by the constant chatter we allow into our heads. This listening mode of being is essential to health, because this health we speak of comes from listening to our true Self rather than the material beliefs of the ages.  Silencing our lips and thoughts to materialism allows Love to replace error, then peace and joy reign supreme in our existence. What a lovely byproduct!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Lips must be mute and materialism silent, that man may have audience with Spirit, the divine Principle, Love, which destroys all error.”

Science & Health Page15:11-13

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 16, 2015 - I'm Full

Halloween at Eureka Thyme
ACIM Workbook Lesson #106
“Let me be still and listen to the truth.”

I'm full. I'm finished. I've had enough. These are phrases I've always had trouble with! Whatever my current tangent may have been -- smoking, drinking, reading, eating -- I've done almost everything to excess. There was a time I was somewhat proud of my "addictive personality". It's nice to relax out of those crimes against Self. It's still tough to give things up, especially when I feel they're not finished. Letting go of my art gallery is what I've mourned the last few months, but I think I'm done. Whether it's giving up a personal relationship, the passing of a loved one, the letting go of any cherished belief, it's always a freeing experience to come to peace with the emotions surrounding it. I may think I don't know what to do without a particular thing or person, but it always seems to be all right when looked at in retrospect. It takes a desire for inner silence and peace. Keeping a busy mind does nothing to fill the void I tried to stuff with everything other than Truth. I am most grateful for all which has led me to this parenthesis in eternity, and can hardly wait to see what tomorrow may bring!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear,--this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony. The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress.”

Science & Health Page 323:32-5

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 16, 2014 - Sharing Silence

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #106
“Let me be still and listen to the truth.”

We are advised today to "be still and listen" for Truth. We are also told that for every five minutes we spend listening, a thousand minds are opened to the Truth we hear. Don't you feel we are very close to a tipping point in spiritual discernment? Every thought we have is important, especially during difficult times. When events occur which bring forth strong negative emotions in people, it is even more important to hold thought to this Truth which is heard in silence. Listening, hearing, receiving, and giving the Truth which is God is my job today and every day!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The effects of Christian Science are not so much seen as felt. It is the 'still, small voice' of Truth uttering itself. We are either turning away from this utterance, or we are listening to it and going up higher. Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear,--this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony. The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress. ‘Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.’”

Science & Health Page 323:28-8

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 28, 2013 - Peace, Stillness, Truth

"Montana Silhouettes"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #118
Review of:
#105 "God's peace and joy are mine."
#106 "Let me be still and listen to the truth."

When our minds are busy with worries and repetitive thoughts, when we're voicing our concerns either orally or mentally, it's very difficult to hear the still, small voice of Truth. This is why I always recommend meditation for people who tell me they are having problems sleeping. Not only must the mind be quiet for easy, peaceful falling into sleep, but the last thoughts we think before sinking into this other-worldly abyss are very important! We have been told by material practitioners of various disciplines that sound sleep is necessary for good health; that it facilitates healing in on-going ways which are necessary to our well-being. I've always felt this is true because we need to be quiet to hear the ever-present voice of Truth which is often drowned out by the constant chatter we allow into our heads. This listening mode of being is essential to health, because this health we speak of comes from listening to our true Self rather than the material beliefs of the ages.  Silencing our lips and thoughts to materialism allows Love to replace error, then peace and joy reign supreme in our existence. What a lovely byproduct!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Lips must be mute and materialism silent, that man may have audience with Spirit, the divine Principle, Love, which destroys all error.”
Science & Health Page15:11-13

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