Showing posts with label See Differently. Show all posts
Showing posts with label See Differently. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2016

A New Earth

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #193
“All things are lessons God would have me learn.”

"A new species is arising on the planet. It is arising now, and you are it!" These lines end the Eckhart Tolle book, A New Earth. I wish it could be required reading for every person on this old earth! The beautifully clear way he explains how we cling to old belief, allowing ourselves to be influenced by fear, by the past, by illusion, is both inspiring and illuminating. We are told in today's workbook lesson,  "Forgive, and you will see this differently.” Mr. Tolle's book gives numerous examples of seeing differently. Every moment I will dedicate to seeing this new world, allowing the disappearance of old belief and hypnotic thought to provide a transparency for the arising of our new way of Living. What an exciting time for humanity!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “The Revelator tells us of “a new heaven and a new earth.” Have you ever pictured this heaven and earth, inhabited by beings under the control of supreme wisdom?”

Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures  Page 91:1-4

Monday, January 20, 2014

January 21, 2014 - No Degrees of Anger

"January Sunset"
photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #21:
"I am determined to see things differently"

Today's lesson commentary asks us to examine our thoughts for varying degrees of anger, from irritation to rage -- although it makes it quite clear there is no difference in degrees. An emotional reaction I find myself having is the facetious "bless her heart" statement so often used -- at least in the southern part of the U.S.! If something seems too ridiculous to ignore, yet I don't want to admit I'm being judgmental, this is the time when I would bless someone's heart in this back-handed way. These feelings of superiority are another way of enforcing the illusion of separation. By holding myself up as better, smarter, cooler, I put into action that same old separation of myself from others, and therefore from God. Please, don't think I'm saying this phrase should never be used! It's all in the tone as to whether you are showing compassion or sarcasm. Today I will be a sentinel and whenever anything I feel, think, or do sets off a feeling of uneasiness within me, I'll pause and ask to see God where my thought may see discord. Looking through the eyes of Love (God) precludes all erroneous thought and allows us to see as we are divinely seen -- purely, as reflections of the only Father-Mother God.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"Seeing is no less a quality of physical sense than feeling. Then why is it more difficult to see a thought than to feel one? Education alone determines the difference. In reality there is none." Science & Health Page 86:20-24

Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 28, 2013 - What Is This Really?

"Altai Mountains of Mongolia"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #28:
"Above all else, I want to see things differently."

Years ago, I had friends who were expecting their first baby. They thought it would be interesting to teach it the "wrong" things -- such as, blue would be red, a table might be called a chair, maybe a dog would be a cat. That would certainly be seeing things differently! I see a correlation in their mis-information scheme and the illusions and limitations we have set up for ourselves in our world.  Today's lesson asks us to give up any notions we have concerning the meaning of anything and everything. By doing this, we enable ourselves to drop what we've always thought about a particular something and allow ourselves to be open to what it is and what it is for. Won't it be fun to find out where this exercise will take us?! When we begin asking what things are for, rather than telling them what they are based on our previous labeling of them, interesting answers may be coming our way. I love this exercise and have fun with its applications. For instance, the way we, as a society, punish wrong-doing: Does our present system of retaliation and retribution actually accomplish anything? In reading a book, "The Buddhist and the Terrorist", an alternative to the treatment of a murderer is explored. This book is one of many which encourage me to see differently, to see myself as God sees me, to continue asking mySelf how that sight is gained and kept, to practice the Presence in every moment.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The objects cognized by the physical senses have not the reality of substance. They are only what mortal belief calls them." Science & Health Page 311:26-28

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