Showing posts with label no judgment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label no judgment. Show all posts

Sunday, December 17, 2017

True Colors

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #352 "Judgment and love are opposites. From one Come all the sorrows of the world. But from The other comes the peace of God Himself."

Did you know that the same color may appear to look different when placed on various background colors? I read an article about this which explained that the way we perceive a color is based on our education about color perception and how we've been conditioned to see color. Who knew?? As I struggled to grasp this fact, I realized it's the same with our perceptions of what reality is. Spiritual perception allows us to see beyond the seeming reality of our material senses. Interactions with others may be full of judgments and suppositions when we look at the situation with by-rote, learned behavior and the immediacy of emotions. But Truth, which shines forth when we see from a spiritual perspective, allows for improved interactions with others. This is true because our human experience is the visible expression of our thinking. To see the world through the eyes of Love frees us to love as God Loves: purely, without a skewed view of the color and fabric of everything we see. Now I know what the expression "showing your true colors" means!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Thought will finally be understood and seen in all form, substance, and color, but without material accompaniments." Science & Health Page 310: 6:8

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Judge Nothing - August 31, 2016

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #243
“Today I will judge nothing that occurs."

It’s easy to not judge things as long as everyone agrees with you, don’t you think? I can rock along and be happily non-judgmental and then bam! — someone says something I don’t understand, or don’t agree with, and I get up on my high horse and pontificate on how silly they are. Good grief! And so today I will read these words from our daily lesson and attempt to freely accept them into my being: “I will be honest with myself today. I will not think that I already know what must remain beyond my present grasp. I will not think I understand the whole from bits of my perception, which are all that I can see. Today I recognize that this is so. And so I am relieved of judgments that I cannot make. Thus do I free myself and what I look upon, to be in peace as God created us.” [ACIM] I send these thoughts to all I may have judged today. Namastè ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The optical focus is another proof of the illusion of material sense. On the eye’s retina, sky and tree-tops apparently join hands, clouds and ocean meet and mingle. The barometer, — that little prophet of storm and sunshine, denying the testimony of the senses, — points to fair weather in the midst of murky clouds and drenching rain. Experience is full of instances of similar illusions, which every thinker can recall for himself.” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 122:15-23

Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 7, 2014 - Of Elections and Such ...

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #311
“I judge all things as I would have them be.”

Recently, in the USA, we've had some major elections. I've always thought our political system was just another way of dividing us. I don't watch network television, news in traditional forms, nor political debates and such. I glance through our local newspaper and occasionally watch Colbert and/or the Daily Show (comedy based on the news) to "keep up" with what's going on out there. I did vote a few days ago, but haven't made the effort to find out who won or lost. These results are seeping in to me by various means, but I have no strong opinions on the outcome. I am in total agreement with Mary Baker Eddy in today's  quote concerning politics. I haven't always been this way. I used to campaign, and get involved, and even cry when "my" candidate lost. I like the way I feel now so much more!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
 "I am asked, 'What are your politics?' I have none, in reality, other than to help support a righteous government;  to love God supremely, and my neighbor as myself."

Miscellaneous Writing Page 276:23-25

Friday, September 2, 2011

August 31, 2011

ACIM Lesson #243
“Today I will judge nothing that occurs.
I will be honest with myself today. I will not think that I already know what must remain beyond my present grasp. I will not think I understand the whole from bits of my perception, which are all that I can see. Today I recognize that this is so. And so I am relieved of judgments that I cannot make. Thus do I free myself and what I look upon, to be in peace as God created us.
[ACIM prayer for today]
Father, today I leave creation free to be itself. I honor all its parts, in which I am included. We are one because each part contains Your memory, and truth must shine in all of us as one.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
It seems we're expected to judge everything all the time. Which political party is right? Is it good or bad for Wal-Mart to come to town? Is one friend's opinion better than another's? The list is endless. How is it possible to "judge nothing that occurs"? This practice is a constant meditation with me, and I must admit I often feel like a failure at it. (Which in itself is a judgment!) But this basic metaphysical precept is necessary for us to continue in our quest to know God, to know ourselves. And so I will continue to realize my opinion is simply that: an opinion, not a Universal Truth. I thank Mr. Shakespeare for a thought that is on one of the first pages of Science & Health: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“It should be thoroughly understood that all men have one Mind, one God and Father, one Life, Truth, and Love. Mankind will become perfect in proportion as this fact becomes apparent, war will cease and the true brotherhood of man will be established.”
Science and Health, p. 467:9-13
(I would prefer a quote which I couldn’t find. This is a paraphrase: I truly have no politics other than to pray for a righteous government, love my neighbor as myself, and to love God above all else.)

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