Showing posts with label Light of the World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light of the World. Show all posts

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Remembering my Function

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #62: "Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world."

“I wish I'd known about this way of thought earlier in life,” a friend once said to me. He was concerned that he wouldn't have enough time to assimilate these ideas. Many responses came to thought, but I chose to say none of them. Time -- what a concept! We are eternal, so how can there not be enough time to realize something we've always known? Yes, that does sound rather esoteric, or perhaps a bit airy-fairy -- but doesn't it feel true? I know I've mentioned this Deepak Chopra quote before, but it bears repeating: "Time is something we've made up so everything doesn't happen all at once." Looked at in this way, don't we already know everything that ever has been or every will be? This is our function: to remember. And through forgiveness, we grasp our strength as the expression and experience of God. With that knowledge of our true Self, we open the gates of understanding in all areas of existence. There are no limits as to time and space. We have the ability to grasp concepts, to actualize ideas, and to function as the light of the world. The lovely thing about this is (no matter how much I may think I know) there is always more to this never-ending adventure! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “Truth and Love enlighten the understanding, in whose ‘light shall we see light;’ and this illumination is reflected spiritually by all who walk in the light and turn away from a false material sense.” Science & Health Page 510:9-12

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Forgiveness is My Function

photo credit: Chris Fischer
ACIM Workbook Lesson #62:
"Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world."

First of all, let’s define forgiveness as letting go of illusions. When I let go of the meaning I have given to everything, I am able to hear something other than my own beliefs dictating my actions and expectations. A shining light of the world told a story on herself at a recent ACIM meeting. She recounted how she became upset over an inconvenience and ended up eating a cheeseburger. This violated many rules she has set for herself about eating meat, gluten, dairy, and not frequenting the place she bought this juicy forbidden food. That night, she woke up in much physical distress and (although she did not say it this way) she reached out to Holy Spirit. She heard a voice call her name and the distress disappeared. While she did not say this either, I feel part of this “miracle” was forgiving herself for breaking material rules and giving herself that one moment of clarity which allows us to BE the expression and experience of God. Whatever the case, it was a wonderful holy instant and a delightful moment for all of us hearing her tale! What a great reminder to look behind the illusion of separation and live our reality as One with divine Love!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “Truth and Love enlighten the understanding, in whose ‘light shall we see light;’ and this illumination is reflected spiritually by all who walk in the light and turn away from a false material sense.” Science & Health Page 510:9-12

Monday, February 29, 2016

What's Changed?

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #61:
“I am the light of the world”

A lot has changed in the last couple of millennia, don't you think? We could spend hours listing changes in thought and our understanding of our universe! Some things which have not changed much are our ideas about God. Religion has pretty well held us locked in to what has been thought of as truth. Many of us are fearlessly admitting that we are all the expression and experience of God. We're happily allowing our thought to embrace new concepts such as, "I am the light of the world"! This is not a self-important declaration, but an all-inclusive, divine-Love centered exclamation of the wonder we know as Life. Our expanding thought is bringing a joy we never dreamed would be possible on this earth plane. We're starting to understand that the kingdom of heaven is right here, within and without, waiting for us to embrace it. Let's go forth today and shine!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Light: Symbol of Truth; revelation and progress."

Science & Health Page 591:23-24

Friday, March 1, 2013

March 2, 2013 - Shining Reflections

"Shadows and Reflections"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #61 
"I am the light of the world."

The understanding that we are all "the light of the world" is liberating! So often when we catch glimpses of our Godly reflection, we deny the sight in the name of humility, or a false sense of sinfulness, or perhaps because Jesus said that's what he was and we don't think we can be, too. We are learning that there are no degrees of perfection, and this realization enables us to proudly reflect the light which we are, never hiding under a guise of smallness. This light which we are is demonstrated in many ways, sometimes contrary to what we've been taught. A friend and I were recently talking about our children and how wonderful they are, and how glad we are to know them. She said she didn't know how her boys had turned out so great, as she had moved them around frequently when they were young, and many of her ways wouldn't have been advocated by the so-called experts in childrearing. Perhaps because she was honest with her children, and always loved them fully without judgment, they are wonderful human beings and super parents in their own right. My boys also are wonderful, but the physical circumstances of their childhood was entirely different. They attended a beautiful independent school in a small town, had a full-time mom and every-other-weekend dad, and made lifelong friends while learning about the world from their small neighborhood. There are some things my friend and I had in common. We encouraged their light to shine and made sure they knew what that meant. We weren't afraid to teach them about God, but we didn't threaten them with this knowledge. Now that they're adults, we have the pleasure of watching their shining lights, fearless and loving, giving forth what they have received. What a lovely reflection!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: 
"Light: Symbol of Truth; revelation and progress." Science & Health Page 591:23-24

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 23, 2012 - Light of the World

ACIM Workbook Lesson #82
Review: “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness”
“Let me not forget my function.”

Heather, Yellowstone, Sunrise
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
We all share the same light which brings peace to every mind. It's easy to forget that this is true. Darkness often feels as real as light, but it's a mirage. We can go around telling people about light, but that doesn't take away the darkness in a room. By bringing light to a situation, no matter how small the flame, the darkness is dispelled as surely as if the sun were shining. And we're like the rays of light from the sun. We are an emanation of the One light, the same essence, with the same function. It seems easy to forget this function. Unhappy circumstances in life can make us think we've lost our light. But that can't happen. An eclipse may cover the sun beams temporarily, but they are still there, shining as brightly as ever, although unseen by some. And so it is our function to remember what our true being is. We are Love with a capital "L"! By our remembrance of this Source our function is fulfilled. Our light glows and grows, illuminating peace.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“One infinite God, good, unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfils the Scripture, "Love thy neighbor as thyself;" annihilates pagan and Christian idolatry,--whatever is wrong in social, civil, criminal, political, and religious codes; equalizes the sexes; annuls the curse on man, and leaves nothing that can sin, suffer, be punished or destroyed.”
Science & Health Page 340: 23-29

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 22, 2012 - Self Importance

ACIM Workbook Lesson #81:
Review: "I am the light of the world"
"Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world."

Photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
I just watched an episode of Modern Family in which Claire has lunch with an old college friend. Her friend has a very successful career and an exciting life as a single woman. Claire is a jealous and wants to show off her three kids and husband of seventeen years so she takes her friend home to meet them. Her handsome husband is inexplicably wearing a big fake mustache and is trapped in a port-a-potty placed there by the water company during work on the lines. Her oldest daughter is having a loud altercation with her boyfriend. Her other daughter and her son have been recycling in the neighborhood and have the kitchen filled with semi-empty bottles of alcohol. The son is in his underwear because he spilled booze all over himself, while the daughter is chasing a rat around the house which came in with the boxes. So much for self-importance, huh? Most of us probably have a silly story about a situation that backfired when we've wanted to show off in some way. When we stop and think about these feelings and what is behind them, it's easy to see how this desire to be "special", to be better than someone else, is at the core of every disagreement and conflict in the world.  With the understanding that we are all the reflection of Love, each demonstrating our individuality within this realm of unity, it becomes possible to let go of false images of self-importance and relax into the perfection of this experience we know as life. By doing so, we are the light of the world. By seeing ourself in others and others in ourself, we fulfill our function of forgiveness, letting go of ideas and beliefs which foster this misconception of difference and embracing Love as our common denominator.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers."
Science & Health Page 15:26-27

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