Friday, March 1, 2013

March 2, 2013 - Shining Reflections

"Shadows and Reflections"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #61 
"I am the light of the world."

The understanding that we are all "the light of the world" is liberating! So often when we catch glimpses of our Godly reflection, we deny the sight in the name of humility, or a false sense of sinfulness, or perhaps because Jesus said that's what he was and we don't think we can be, too. We are learning that there are no degrees of perfection, and this realization enables us to proudly reflect the light which we are, never hiding under a guise of smallness. This light which we are is demonstrated in many ways, sometimes contrary to what we've been taught. A friend and I were recently talking about our children and how wonderful they are, and how glad we are to know them. She said she didn't know how her boys had turned out so great, as she had moved them around frequently when they were young, and many of her ways wouldn't have been advocated by the so-called experts in childrearing. Perhaps because she was honest with her children, and always loved them fully without judgment, they are wonderful human beings and super parents in their own right. My boys also are wonderful, but the physical circumstances of their childhood was entirely different. They attended a beautiful independent school in a small town, had a full-time mom and every-other-weekend dad, and made lifelong friends while learning about the world from their small neighborhood. There are some things my friend and I had in common. We encouraged their light to shine and made sure they knew what that meant. We weren't afraid to teach them about God, but we didn't threaten them with this knowledge. Now that they're adults, we have the pleasure of watching their shining lights, fearless and loving, giving forth what they have received. What a lovely reflection!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: 
"Light: Symbol of Truth; revelation and progress." Science & Health Page 591:23-24

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