Showing posts with label No Limits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No Limits. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Rapidly Shifting Thought

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #250 “Let me not see myself as limited."

Thinking of ourselves as unlimited contradicts everything we've been taught. Many of our first memories are of being told to be careful or else something dire will happen. Quantum physics is helping us to understand form isn't as solid as we've been told. With that understanding, it becomes clear that many limitations we've placed upon ourselves are nothing more than beliefs in material laws. Limitations are discarded when an athlete breaks a record in the Olympics, or if someone performs a seemingly-impossible feat like lifting a car off of trapped loved ones. We've all heard people tell tales we think of as supernatural, such as falling great distances and feeling as though they landed on a cushion, or so-called incurable diseases disappearing.  Now, I'm not suggesting we exchange one human belief for yet another, but that we look to divine Mind to tell us the truth of our being and that we allow ourselves to be led in paths we wouldn't have considered otherwise. Thought is shifting so rapidly at this time! Let's not be afraid to listen.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“A mortal, corporeal, or finite conception of God cannot embrace the glories of limitless, incorporeal Life and Love. Hence the unsatisfied human craving for something better, higher, holier, than is afforded by a material belief in a physical God and man. ” Science & Health Page 258: 1-6

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Adventures Unlimited

"Mongolia" photo credit, Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #250
“Let me not see myself as limited." 

Thinking of ourselves as unlimited contradicts everything we've been taught. From our first steps, we're told to be careful or else something dire will happen. Quantum physics is helping us to understand that form isn't as solid as we've always believed. With that understanding, it becomes clear that many limitations we've placed upon ourselves are nothing more than beliefs in material laws. Limitations are set aside when an athlete breaks a record in the Olympics, or if someone performs a seemingly-impossible feat like lifting a car off of a trapped loved one. We've all heard people tell tales we think of as supernatural, such as falling great distances and feeling as though they landed on a cushion, or so-called incurable diseases disappearing. I'm not suggesting we exchange one human belief for yet another, but that we look to divine Mind to tell us the truth of our being and that we allow ourselves to be led in paths we wouldn't have considered otherwise. Thought is shifting so rapidly at this time! Let's not be afraid to listen.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “A mortal, corporeal, or finite conception of God cannot embrace the glories of limitless, incorporeal Life and Love. Hence the unsatisfied human craving for something better, higher, holier, than is afforded by a material belief in a physical God and man.” Science & Health Page 258: 1-6

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Unified by Love

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #280
"What limits can I lay upon God's Son?"

I went into a local shop which sells the best olive oils in the world and fabulous balsamic vinegars. It’s always a treat to see what new taste treats they have and this visit was especially fun because I took a friend in who had never been there before. While we were tasting and shopping, a nice young man was helping us and I thought I knew who he was. Actually, I thought he was someone I’d known since he was a small child and I was very friendly, asking him questions about a play our local dance studio is performing and other things. Then just before we were leaving, he answered the phone and identified himself as “Josh”. At this point, I realized I didn’t know him from Adam! I think it was a lovely example of how we can be friendly and loving to everyone, anytime, anywhere, with nothing to hold us back other than our idea of how we should interact with others, be they strangers or friends. We are unified by Spirit, Soul, Mind, and Love!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The everlasting I AM is not bounded nor compressed within the narrow limits of physical humanity, nor can He be understood aright through mortal concepts. The precise form of God must be of small importance in comparison with the sublime question, What is infinite Mind or divine Love?"

Science & Health Page 256:13-18

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Unlimited Being

"Mt. Timpanogos Goats"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #250
“Let me not see myself as limited." 

Thinking of ourselves as unlimited contradicts everything we've been taught. Many of our first memories are of being told to be careful or else something dire will happen. Quantum physics is helping us to understand that form isn't as solid as we've been told. With that understanding, it becomes clear that many limitations we've placed upon ourselves are nothing more than beliefs in material laws. Limitations are discarded when an athlete breaks a record in the Olympics, or if someone performs a seemingly-impossible feat like lifting a car off of trapped loved ones. We've all heard people tell tales we think of as supernatural, such as falling great distances and feeling as though they landed on a cushion, or so-called incurable diseases disappearing.  Now, I'm not suggesting we exchange one human belief for yet another, but that we look to divine Mind to tell us the truth of our being and that we allow ourselves to be led in paths we wouldn't have considered otherwise. Thought is shifting so rapidly at this time! Let's not be afraid to listen.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“A mortal, corporeal, or finite conception of God cannot embrace the glories of limitless, incorporeal Life and Love. Hence the unsatisfied human craving for something better, higher, holier, than is afforded by a material belief in a physical God and man. ” Science & Health Page 258: 1-6

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7, 2014 - Unlimited

photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #280
"What limits can I lay upon God's Son?"

We all know of instances which seem miraculous to material sense. The most profound one which comes to me is of a woman born without eyes, yet she could see. We are able to understand this phenomena on many levels. Materially we could say that she is mind reading, "seeing" what others think about colors and placement of furniture and such things. Spiritually we know that we are all One, and hence know everything because we reflect all that Is. Both of these concepts can seem impossible while we're stuck in the day-to-day illusions we accept as real. Let's start out with small practice sessions to see where expansion of thought can take us. I enjoy giving my dog commands without speaking or gesturing. This is much easier than trying to open my thought to what he has to say! Animal communication is one of my daily goals as I work towards the clarity which comes with letting go of erroneous thought. Kinship with all Life. Namaste ~~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The everlasting I AM is not bounded nor compressed within the narrow limits of physical humanity, nor can He be understood aright through mortal concepts. The precise form of God must be of small importance in comparison with the sublime question, What is infinite Mind or divine Love?"

Science & Health Page 256:13-18

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 7, 2014 - Supernatural or Supremely Natural?

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #250
“Let me not see myself as limited."

Thinking of ourselves as unlimited contradicts everything we've been taught. Many of our first memories are of being told to be careful or else something dire will happen. Quantum physics is helping us to understand that form isn't as solid as we've been told. With that understanding, it becomes clear that many limitations we've placed upon ourselves are nothing more than beliefs in material laws. Limitations are discarded when an athlete breaks a record in the Olympics, or if someone performs a seemingly-impossible feat like lifting a car off of trapped loved ones. We've all heard people tell tales we think of as supernatural, such as falling great distances and feeling as though they landed on a cushion, or so-called incurable diseases disappearing. The first Wayne Dyer book I read was "When You Believe It, You'll See It!" I was so excited to see that mainstream thought was shifting! Now, I'm not suggesting we exchange one human belief for yet another, but that we look to divine Mind to tell us the truth of our being and that we allow ourselves to be led in paths we wouldn't have considered otherwise. Thought is shifting so rapidly at this time! Let's not be afraid to listen.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“It would require an infinite form to contain infinite Mind. Indeed, the phrase infinite form involves a contradiction of terms. Finite man cannot be the image and likeness of the infinite God. A mortal, corporeal, or finite conception of God cannot embrace the glories of limitless, incorporeal Life and Love. Hence the unsatisfied human craving for something better, higher, holier, than is afforded by a material belief in a physical God and man. ” Science & Health Page 257: 30-6

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013 - No Limits

"Sunset on the Delaware River"
photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
A CIM Workbook Lesson #280
"What limits can I lay upon God's Son?"

We all know of instances which seem miraculous to material sense. The most profound one which comes to me is of a woman born without eyes, yet she could see. We are able to understand this phenomena on many levels. Materially we could say that she is mind reading, "seeing" what others think about colors and placement of furniture and such things. Spiritually we know that we are all One, and hence know everything because we reflect all that Is. Both of these concepts can seem impossible while we're stuck in the day-to-day illusions we accept as real. Let's start out with small practice sessions to see where expansion of thought can take us. I enjoy giving my dog commands without speaking or gesturing. This is much easier than trying to open my thought to what he has to say! Animal communication is one of my daily goals as I work towards the clarity which comes with letting go of erroneous thought. Kinship with all Life. Namaste ~~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The everlasting I AM is not bounded nor compressed within the narrow limits of physical humanity, nor can He be understood aright through mortal concepts. The precise form of God must be of small importance in comparison with the sublime question, What is infinite Mind or divine Love?"

Science & Health Page 256:13-18

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