Showing posts with label Always With Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Always With Me. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

No Division Possible

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #41 
“God goes with me wherever I go.”

Contemplating today's topic brings many platitudes to my mind. I smile at them and reach deeper within for silence. Many great teachers, including Jesus, tell us the same thing: The kingdom of heaven is within. For years I've known this, but it's taking a while to understand, and without understanding, it’s nothing but blind belief. For years, I suffered all the symptoms of separation from God: depression, anxiety, worry, a sense of helplessness and loneliness. I also went through the typical material means to quiet these feelings, but none of them worked for long. It took a major wake-up call to break the spell, and I am so grateful to have answered it! When we're thinking "God goes with me wherever I go", it's very easy to visualize a little angel on our shoulder, or someone walking beside us. Hence the importance of going deep within and silencing the multitudinous beliefs we have acquired in this existence. Knowing ourselves as consciousness, melded like a drop of water with the ocean, or a ray of sunshine with its source -- that's the feeling we're hoping to remember. I say remember because it's something we've always known, but perhaps have forgotten. Peace, joy, happiness: these are ours in the kingdom of heaven within, no matter what the outward circumstances may appear to be. Take a deep breath and feel the Oneness!

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
“Existence, separate from divinity, [divine] Science explains as impossible.” 

Science & Health Page 522:10-11

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