Showing posts with label No cruelty in God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No cruelty in God. Show all posts

Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 29, 2014 - Living Grace

ACIM Workbook Lesson #180
Central Theme: "God is but love and therefore so am I." Review of: #169 "By grace I live. By grace I am released." #170 "There is no cruelty in God and none in me."

Although I don't beat myself up over the past, occasionally reminders pop up which I'd rather not acknowledge, but when I saw our review topics, I knew they must be faced. I used to have a very volatile personality. In conversation with a dear friend, I related a few incidents of anger -- which caused me to remember even more occasions. It's certainly not something I'm proud of, but I am happy that those highly-emotional feelings are gone. Many factors were involved in moving past those times, including becoming a parent, stopping alcohol consumption, and a sincere desire to live a life centered in divine Love. I'm glad this has come up now, because I've noticed a certain hardening of heart recently. There may be many supposed reasons for this, but none of them matter to me. I'd rather skip all the causes and return to the one Cause: God. Today I will reread ACIM workbook lessons #169 and 170, listening for inspiration while knowing "God is but love and therefore so am I." I want to feel what it means that "By grace I live. By grace I am released." May I fully accept that "There in no cruelty in God and none in me."

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Christian Science commands man to master the propensities, — to hold hatred in abeyance with kindness, to conquer lust with chastity, revenge with charity, and to overcome deceit with honesty. Choke these errors in their early stages, if you would not cherish an army of conspirators against health, happiness, and success."

Science & Health Page Page 405:5-11

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 19, 2012 - Goodness is our Natural State

A Course in Miracles Lesson #170
“There is no cruelty in God and none in me.”

[Unknown Photographer]
We often hear of cruelty beyond comprehension. How could anyone possibly perpetrate such behavior? I would hazard to guess that if asked, the people responsible would not think they were acting in a cruel manner. They would probably say it was necessary to protect themselves or others from some threat. Somewhere along the way, we have decided that it's all right to kill and perform other heinous acts because it's a logical defense against something or the other! Once again, The Four Agreements come to mind. In this wonderful interpretation of ancient Toltec wisdom, Don Miguel Ruiz explains four simple rules to live by which would ensure peace and happiness for everyone. The second agreement is, "Don't take anything personally". He goes so far as to say that even if someone shoots you in the head, it's not your problem, but theirs! I love this as it puts into perspective what we have misinterpreted. We seem to think retaliation is an acceptable behavior. I have one friend who thinks Jesus tells her it's all right to act in self defense. She tells me that Jesus told her she'd forgiven her sister enough, and it was all right to hate her now. Wow. I guess that's what I mean by people thinking they're doing a service to the world by killing or by other gross behavior. We can convince ourselves, with our mortal minds, that anything is good. And that illustrates the importance of letting go of all material beliefs. How are we to pick and choose what behaviors to keep and which to let loose? We are learning to listen, allowing ourselves to understand that as a reflection of God we are capable of living Truth. We are not only capable of living this pure Life that is God, but it is our natural state, expressing only the goodness which is God. The Utopia which comes with such a dream is a reality, when we allow it.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.”
Science & Health Page 497:24-28

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