Showing posts with label no danger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label no danger. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2015

Safety Assured - September 1, 2015

photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #244
“I am in danger nowhere in the world."

Reading the above affirmation of our safety in any situation reminds me of many personal examples of this Truth. Often when we hear of material so-called laws being usurped, we think of this as divine intervention.  Let's not think of this as God setting aside material law in favor of spiritual principle, but as the demonstration of how Principle operates. By surrendering my separate identify, I feel the Oneness that is perfect peace. Holding on to my own knowledge and beliefs, I am afraid of many things, seeing possible dangers around every corner.  Returning to Love releases illusions which we have made, enabling us to see Truth, to live Love, in safety. I know many of you are thinking of the horrible things you know about which make this seem like a frivolous statement. In the mortal world we witness, this certainly is true. But is it the Truth? That is the question!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity.” Science & Health Page 571:18-21

Sunday, August 31, 2014

September 1, 2014 - Heavenly Rest

photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #244
“I am in danger nowhere in the world."

Generally when I read the topic for today's lesson, I think of my world-traveling son, Aaron, who supplies many of the photographs I use in these writings. But today when I read last year's entry with the accompanying Mary Baker Eddy poem, which is set to music and is one of my favorites, I was reminded of something which happened on the last day of August in 1998. On that day, I purchased the Honda Odyssey which I still drive and we were on our way home when we saw a car which had run off the road. We stopped to help and it turned out there were two women and three children in the vehicle. One of the children was bleeding from a wound in her side and they were all crying hysterically. I got a blanket out of my car and wrapped the injured child in it, pulling her to my lap. As we sat on the ground, I started singing this peaceful song to her. Soon everyone quieted down and the authorities arrived. We quickly were on our way home, feeling we had christened our car with peace!

Mary Baker Eddy poem:
Mother's Evening Prayer

O gentle presence, peace and joy and power;
         O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour,
Thou Love that guards the nestling's faltering flight!
         Keep Thou my child on upward wing tonight.

Love is our refuge; only with mine eye
         Can I behold the snare, the pit, the fall:
His habitation high is here, and nigh,
         His arm encircles me, and mine, and all.

O make me glad for every scalding tear,
         For hope deferred, ingratitude, disdain!
Wait, and love more for every hate, and fear
         No ill, — since God is good, and loss is gain.

Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing;
         In that sweet secret of the narrow way,
Seeking and finding, with the angels sing:
         "Lo, I am with you alway," — watch and pray.

No snare, no fowler, pestilence or pain;
         No night drops down upon the troubled breast,
When heaven's aftersmile earth's tear-drops gain,
         And mother finds her home and heav'nly rest.
(Poems by Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 4, 5)

Friday, August 31, 2012

September 1, 2012 - Where does our safety come from?

 A  Course in Miracles Lesson #244
“I am in danger nowhere in the world."

"Aaron in Zion National Park"
photo by Heather Magnan
Reading the above affirmation of our safety in any situation reminds me of a profound example of this Truth. A young woman was abducted from her college campus, tied up and blindfolded, and taken to a remote area. Throughout this trip, the woman continuously affirmed the One ever-presence which we all reflect. She affirmed this not only in relation to her well-being but also for the perpetrator.  After quite a while, the man stopped the car and apologized to the woman, at which point she shared some thoughts concerning the truth of his being. Then they proceeded back to her apartment so she could give him a copy of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I'm sure we all have stories of instances of protection through seeming divine intervention. Let's not think of this as intervention, but as the way things really are; not a setting aside of material danger, but an understanding of the divine Principle of all being. By this, we rest in the assurance that all is well. This knowledge has enabled me to peacefully know my son is safe during numerous travels. He's been away from home since he was 14, and flitting around the globe on his own since he was 19. Friends have wondered how I can be so calm and free from worry about him. It's because I know where his safety lies -- as does he.

Mary Baker Eddy poem:

Mother's Evening Prayer

O gentle presence, peace and joy and power;
         O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour,
Thou Love that guards the nestling's faltering flight!
         Keep Thou my child on upward wing tonight.

Love is our refuge; only with mine eye
         Can I behold the snare, the pit, the fall:
His habitation high is here, and nigh,
         His arm encircles me, and mine, and all.

O make me glad for every scalding tear,
         For hope deferred, ingratitude, disdain!
Wait, and love more for every hate, and fear
         No ill, — since God is good, and loss is gain.

Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing;
         In that sweet secret of the narrow way,
Seeking and finding, with the angels sing:
         "Lo, I am with you alway," — watch and pray.

No snare, no fowler, pestilence or pain;
         No night drops down upon the troubled breast,
When heaven's aftersmile earth's tear-drops gain,
         And mother finds her home and heav'nly rest.
(Poems by Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 4, 5)

Friday, September 2, 2011

September 1, 2011

ACIM Lesson #244
“I am in danger nowhere in the world.
Your Son is safe wherever he may be, for You are there with him. He need but call upon Your Name, and he will recollect his safety and Your Love, for they are one. How can he fear or doubt or fail to know he cannot suffer, be endangered, or experience unhappiness, when he belongs to You, beloved and loving, in the safety of Your Fatherly embrace?”

[ACIM prayer for today]
“And there we are in truth. No storms can come into the hallowed haven of our home. In God we are secure. For what can come to threaten God Himself, or make afraid what will forever be a part of Him?”

[Marsha's thoughts]
Reading the above affirmation of our safety in any situation reminds me of a profound example of this Truth. A young woman was abducted from her college campus and taken to a remote area. Throughout this trip, the woman continued to affirm the One ever-presence which we all are, and not only in relation to her well-being but also for the perpetrator.  After quite a while, the man stopped the car and apologized to the woman, at which point she shared spiritual truths with him and they proceeded back to her apartment so she could give him a copy of Science and Health. I'm sure we all have stories of instances of protection through seeming divine intervention. Let's not think of this as intervention, but as the way things really are; not a setting aside of material danger, but a knowledge of the divine Principle of all being. By this, we rest in the assurance that all is well.
 (to hear this story in her own words, follow this link: was abducted ... and released

Mary Baker Eddy poem:
Mother's Evening Prayer
O gentle presence, peace and joy and power;
         O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour,
Thou Love that guards the nestling's faltering flight!
         Keep Thou my child on upward wing tonight.
Love is our refuge; only with mine eye
         Can I behold the snare, the pit, the fall:
His habitation high is here, and nigh,
         His arm encircles me, and mine, and all.
O make me glad for every scalding tear,
         For hope deferred, ingratitude, disdain!
Wait, and love more for every hate, and fear
         No ill, — since God is good, and loss is gain.
Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing;
         In that sweet secret of the narrow way,
Seeking and finding, with the angels sing:
         "Lo, I am with you alway," — watch and pray.
No snare, no fowler, pestilence or pain;
         No night drops down upon the troubled breast,
When heaven's aftersmile earth's tear-drops gain,
         And mother finds her home and heav'nly rest.
(Poems by Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 4, 5)


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