Showing posts with label No fear in love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No fear in love. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Swaddled in Love

photo credit: Aaron Springston
Fear stems from the idea that we can be separated from joy and love, from peace and security. I remember when my son left home for a boarding school at the age of fourteen. I was so sad that I felt I'd never laugh again. I literally couldn't imagine happiness, as everything I looked at reminded me he was gone. After a week or so of living in this maudlin state, I realized I was thinking of him as though he were dead. This led me to examine that avenue. What if he was dead? Wouldn't the love we felt still be alive? Of course, I would miss being around him, enjoying his company -- just as I was missing him with 300 miles of physical separation. A Rumi quote helped break this illusion: "Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. For those who love with heart and soul there is no separation." What is it which allows us to be together no matter where we seem to be? The Love which we are is a connection which cannot be broken by any set of material circumstance. When I'm really feeling the security of divine Love, I'm reminded of the way a baby is swaddled in a blanket. Divine Love swaddles us in its ever-present protection. While we may seem to face uncertainties and losses, "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." (ACIM text)

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

One Moment of Divine Consciousness ...

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #174
Central Theme: "God is but love and therefore so am I."
Review of: #157 "Into His Presence would I enter now." #158 "Today I learn to give as I receive."

I have a friend who went on an eight-month solo camping trip to remote regions of the United States. At the age of 74, she jumped into her car with a pup tent, a few blankets and changes of clothing, her sketch pad — and not much else! She slept under the stars, when possible by a river, met many interesting people, and got quite an education about Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Oregon, Arizona, and Utah. As I related some of Lizzy’s adventures to a mutual friend, she said she could never do anything like that until she “conquered her fear”. Hum, what an interesting concept! I suppose we are taught that fear is something to be overcome, but I think of it as something to be replaced. I suggested she start by giving up sensationalized news in the media, surrender her addiction to crime dramas on the television, and stop reading horror stories. She thought I was joking, as she can’t imagine life without those activities. I could have given her a lecture, but I let it go with a smile. :)

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"One moment of divine consciousness, or the spiritual understanding of Life and Love, is a foretaste of eternity." Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 589: 8-11

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Concepts of Love

ACIM Workbook Lesson #282
“I will not be afraid of love today.”

A friend from the west coast visits our fair village once a year and he is here now. We were having a conversation and he told me he has decided he is incapable of love. Now this is the kind of statement that I relish because I know we're going to have a great conversation! I started out asking him if he's ever loved an animal. "Sure," he says, "but I can't love another person." After asking him a barrage of questions, I dropped the major Truth that he refuses to accept: There is only one Love, expressed in whatever way we choose. This is a man whose company I enjoy for his love of music, his passion for quantum physics, and his never-ending interest in things he doesn't understand. He went away pondering that there is no such thing as an inability to love, only a decision to choose something else instead. I look forward to our next conversation!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Love is priestess at the altar of Truth. Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind, and form the perfect concept.”

Science & Health Page 454:21-23

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