Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3, 2015 - Light Materialized

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #93
“Light and joy and peace abide in me.”

Some days it's difficult to feel that light and joy and peace are abiding in me. During one of those times, I watched a documentary called "Queen of the Sun". In this film about bees, we are told that pollen is materialized light. I love that, don't you? When thought of in this way, it seems possible that we, too, are materialized light. As the reflection of God, that's exactly what we are! They also illustrate how the bee's light is freed through blocks of honeycomb, exquisitely shared with all as sweet, beautiful honey. And yet again, the light is freed through the illumination of beeswax candles. The freeing of light is cumulative with the bees, and we can experience the same thing as we unshackle the light and peace and joy within ourselves. Another lesson from the bees is the importance of community. Watching them working together for a common cause is uplifting and inspiring to me. It makes me want to join with my neighbors and do something important. But wait -- I'm doing that! What blesses one blesses all. My awakening to light and joy and peace is yours, too. Bees, people, trees -- as an idea of divine Mind, we're all in this together!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Light is a symbol of Mind, of Life, Truth, and Love, and not a vitalizing property of matter. Science reveals only one Mind, and this one shining by its own light and governing the universe, including man, in perfect harmony.."

Science & Health Page 510:27-1

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 12, 2014 - Scatter Joy

ACIMWorkbook Lesson #285
“My holiness shines bright and clear today.”

I have a friend who visits our town once a year with the intent of experiencing joy in every activity. He lives in Los Angeles and often tells me how much more fun our town is than his big city. I'm sure this is a matter of perception, but he brings something unusual with him when he comes to our town: pink nylon gowns and robes. He enjoys wearing these items and wanted to do so in public. After checking around on the internet, he found that Eureka Springs, Arkansas is one of the most accepting places in the country and so he visits us and enjoys expressing himself in a unique way. Although I don't know him in his natural habitat (so to speak!), I know he wakes up every day in our town expecting nothing but happy things and joy. And he receives them! Here's to everyone who is willing to live and love and allow themselves to express joy in whatever manner they are led to do so!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“We must form perfect models in thought and look at them continually, or we shall never carve them out in grand and noble lives. Let unselfishness, goodness, mercy, justice, health, holiness, love—the kingdom of heaven—reign within us, and sin, disease, and death will diminish until they finally disappear”
Science & Health Page 248:25-32

Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 29, 2013 - Put Down the Glass

"South Africa Sunrise"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #210
Central Theme: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Review: #190 “I choose the joy of God instead of pain.”

I just read a wonderful story that I related to today's lesson. We are asked how much a glass of water weighs. Then we are told it doesn't matter what its weight is, it matters how long we hold it. If we hold it a minute, it's light. If we hold it an hour, our arm and/or hand may become uncomfortable with the weight. If we hold it all day, our arm will feel paralyzed. This is related to holding onto worries and fears. If we keep them with us, we become convinced that they are impossible to overcome. We are paralyzed from the carrying of this weight. All we have to do is put the glass down to be released from our burden! Then we are free to feel the joy which is innately ours as a child of Love.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Who that has felt the loss of human peace has not gained stronger desires for spiritual joy? The aspiration after heavenly good comes even before we discover what belongs to wisdom and Love. The loss of earthly hopes and pleasures brightens the ascending path of many a heart. The pains of sense quickly inform us that the pleasures of sense are mortal and that joy is spiritual.”

Science & Health Page 265:23-30

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013 - Calm Assertive Behavior

"Ozark Valley"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #112:
Review of:
#93 "Light and joy and peace abide in me"
#94 "I am as God created me."

Last year on this day, I wrote something which is a nice reminder to me this year. It concerns the giving up of strong opinions, not jumping up on my soapbox to expound upon things, and quickly admitting my mistake if I do happen to fall into the ego trap of self-importance. Part of today's lesson tells us that "light and joy and peace abide in me". I remind myself today that this is true, and examine what it is which leads me into forgetfulness of this fact. No longer do I react if someone has an opinion different from mine about politics, religion, or someone I love and respect. It is what it is, and I can happily say something like, "You may be right about that". The only things over which I fall into reactionary mode have to do with our environment -- things like hog farms and electric lines and wasting of resources and such. It would be very easy to insist that I'm right and you're wrong when a utility company wants to cut great swathes through our lovely wooded neighborhoods. And sitting with closed mouth and shielded eyes is not the response to many other situations either. I know there are divinely-inspired ideas waiting for me to discover them, showing me ways to act in defense of goodness and purity. I will today remember that "I am as God created me", while leaving behind self-righteous opinions, clearing the way for Truth to be heard.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique. He is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, in which man is the reflection of God, or Mind, and therefore is eternal; that which has no separate mind from God; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker."
Science & Health Page 475:13-22

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3, 2013 - "Queen of the Sun"

"Zion National Park - Flowers and Bees"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #93
“Light and joy and peace abide in me.”

By listening to spiritual sense, we are led in ways which are often unexpected. This light and joy and peace which are an integral part of us can be expressed in many ways. Acting as stewards of our world and its creatures is a natural expression of these qualities. And there are so many ways to do this! There is a documentary entitled "Queen of the Sun", which asks us to examine what bees are telling us. Bees are the epitome of expressing Oneness. They are a perfect metaphor for the value of community and working together. Their current colony collapse also shows us what happens when our true being is denied. As humans, we have been manipulating nature for our own needs. Part of our awakening is the realization that we've been doing many things for the wrong reasons. We've allowed greed and self-importance to take the place of joy and peace. We have also learned to fear nature in the oddest ways. Recently a ban on beekeeping was reversed in New York City. Through education, people are finding there is nothing to fear from the keeping of hives and collection of honey. By opening ourselves to the purpose of each and every creature, we discover we all have a reason for being. To fulfill this purpose brings peace and joy to all. Every crisis we see around us in this material existence has something to tell us when we open our heart to hear. It was stated in this film that pollen is materialized light; that this light is freed in the blocks of honeycomb; that we again free this light by making candles. The freeing of light is cumulative with the bees, and we can experience the same thing as we express the light and peace and joy within ourselves.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Your influence for good depends upon the weight you throw into the right scale. The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable."
Science & Health Page 192:21-24

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 29, 2012 - Choose Joy

"Book Club Joy" 

A Course in Miracles Lesson #210 (review)
Central Theme:
“I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.”
 Specific review: (#190) “I choose the joy of God instead of pain.”
Gathering with friends is always delicious! One of these feasts which I attend is a book club of women who are connected through our experiences with our children and our school.  The small independent school we were involved with fostered a kinship, a shared vision for education, an experience to be satisfied within. The school’s logo is, The Clear Spring School, Where Learning Is a Joy! Our once-a-month we meet and conversations flow through updates on our amazing offspring, relating of the excitement and chaos of trips, the joys in daily life,  and we even discuss the book! Actually, the books we read lead us in a direction for our discussions, but these books are simply tools to keep us connected, to engage us in a joyous celebration of who we are. I realize now that a common denominator amongst us is that we've always chosen joy over all the rest. There is, of course, pain in our lives, but we continually choose to live  in joy rather than sorrow. When the remembrances of hardships come to us, we acknowledge them and turn them away, in favor of the joy. When I’m with these beautiful people, I remember a Rumi quote: "Be with those who help your being'!
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Who that has felt the loss of human peace has not gained stronger desires for spiritual joy? The aspiration after heavenly good comes even before we discover what belongs to wisdom and Love. The loss of earthly hopes and pleasures brightens the ascending path of many a heart. The pains of sense quickly inform us that the pleasures of sense are mortal and that joy is spiritual.”
Science & Health Page 265:23-30

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 22, 2012 - No strong opinions to get in my way

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #112:
[review of lessons 93 & 94]
Heather at Zion National Park
photo by Aaron Springston
"Light and joy and peace abide in me"
"I am as God created me."

[Marsha's thoughts]
I like to think I hold no strong opinions. It is one of the spiritual practices I have adopted in my quest to leave behind material beliefs and remain receptive to the spiritual facts which await the open mind and heart. And so it always comes as a surprise when I hold forth with one of these said opinions! Today presented such a scenario. A woman came into the gallery who had written on a public chat board that she would not be attending any more of the passionate drum circles in Basin Park because it was now sponsored by the Eureka Springs Downtown Network and that had ruined it for her. She began telling the story to someone within my earshot. Imagine my surprise when I jumped up on my high horse and said, And what do you have against the Downtown Network??!! And became embroiled in a difference of opinion with her in a matter of moments. It didn't last long. As soon as a thought came to mind which was really attacking her on a personal level, I immediately told her I was sorry and that I hadn't realized this topic was such a hot spot for me. This story is told now to illustrate how easy it is to forget that "light and joy and peace abide in me". And also how easy it is to choose again and turn a situation around. The next time I hear something to which I react strongly, I will examine it right then and there, asking myself why I feel that way, clearing away any vestige of darkness with which I reacted. In this clearing, I will remember that "I am as God created me", without self-righteous opinions cluttering vision and pushing away Truth.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique. He is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, in which man is the reflection of God, or Mind, and therefore is eternal; that which has no separate mind from God; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker."
Science & Health Page 475:13-22

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