Showing posts with label Happiness Now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happiness Now. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 17, 2012 - Well Days

"A Gathering of the Girls"
photo by Jerry Dupy

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #290
“My present happiness is all I see.”

When my boys were little, I heard Wayne Dyer tell us something which I still practice to this day. He told the story of getting up in the morning, feeling wonderful, and saying, It's such a beautiful day, I think I'll call in sick! This made me smile at the time because in the past I'd often get a cold when I needed a break from the routine --  and had come to look forward to these days of respite. Although his illustration talked of a person pretending to be sick, I find that this pretense often manifests itself in our existence. And so I started to advise my children to let me know when they needed some time for themselves and we'd take "well days". (With full disclosure to their school, of course:) Today has been such a day for me. After a minor obligation this morning, I chose to simply Be on this beautiful 75-degree fall day. It's easy to feel “my present happiness” while sitting in the sun watching squirrels gathering nuts. Tomorrow I will choose to feel this happiness shining through whatever the day may bring.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Earth has little light or joy for mortals before Life is spiritually learned. Every agony of mortal error helps error to destroy error, and so aids the apprehension of immortal Truth. This is the new birth going on hourly, by which men may entertain angels, the true ideas of God, the spiritual sense of being.”
Science & Health Page 548:9-16

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