Showing posts with label Recognize no problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recognize no problems. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 21 2013 - Problem Solved

"Mongolia Climb"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #80
"Let me recognize my problems have been solved."

We now realize that our only problem is thinking we are separate from God. We also see that it is impossible to be separated from our source, so our problem is already solved by that knowledge.  This realization that our problem never existed in any way other than belief is such a freeing notion! It doesn't matter if the "problem" is one of a child who is making choices we feel sure will cause him and others pain and sadness, or if a sickness seems to hold us in its grip, or a financial struggle of some sort appears to be keeping us captive. All these maladies of sense are one and the same to the metaphysical principle which negates them. And that's what this lesson tells us today. The knowing that we're a reflection of God, actualized by our emanation as Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love, lets us live with no limits in our human existence. In my lifetime, I've seen this divine Principle at work in so many ways. This seeing beyond the material picture to the spiritual truth allows us to live Truth rather than erroneous material beliefs. And it's a brand new world!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"This is the doctrine of Christian Science:that divine Love cannot be deprived of its manifestation, or object; that joy cannot be turned into sorrow, for sorrow is not the master of joy; that good can never produce evil; that matter can never produce mind nor life result in death. The perfect man -- governed by God, his perfect Principle -- is sinless and eternal."
Science & Health Page 304:9-15

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