Showing posts with label The kingdom of heaven is here and now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The kingdom of heaven is here and now. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 6, 2012 - A shift makes all the difference!

A Course in Miracles Lesson #157
“Into His Presence would I enter now.”

Photo by Aaron Springston
Let us remember that we already are and always will be "in his Presence". The space "I enter now" is a shift in perception, a change of thought. This shift allows us to realize that we always were and always will be the image, the reflection, of God. Anything which separates us in thought from this Love, from this gentle presence, is unreal and will dissolve with our realization of the Truth. In a popular advice-to-the-artist newsletter by Robert Genn, he speaks to what the Course refers to as "ego": "These days, some high-priced shrinks are talking about "Your Inferior Shadow." This creepy critter is a dark presence--always with you--and he wants you to be fearful, incompetent, lousy, victimized, procrastinatory and self-loathing. Some of us have almost untamable Shadows while others have small ineffective ones." This false sense of self jumps out at us in ways which seem logical to mortal mind. When we enter into his Presence in thought, this shadow disappears as we step into that light. Our living in Truth erases any shadow of erroneous thought which seemed so real. I Am that I Am. If good news were reported in the media, it would be proclaiming all the instances of this yielding to Truth. I see it everywhere! I trust you do, too. That's what it's all about, huh? What I give, I receive. What I receive, I give. We are being "renewed by the transforming of our mind". We're transforming our mind into Mind, and entering into the kingdom of heaven. How lovely to know we have that choice!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“One moment of divine consciousness, or the spiritual understanding of Life and Love, is a foretaste of eternity. Time is a mortal thought, the divisor of which is the solar year. Eternity is God's measurement of Soul-filled years.”
Science & Health Page 598:23-28

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