Showing posts with label True Identity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label True Identity. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Imagine ...

photo credit: Kailey Jones
ACIM Workbook Lesson #283
“My true Identity abides in You.”

Imagine the utopia of living life in the acceptance of our true Identity as a creation of divine Mind. When we see that we are a reflection of Love, when we understand that our essence is Truth, then we are able to accept our identity and watch it blossom in daily life. Over the years, we develop a complex idea of who we are, and we spend a great deal of time defending and adding to this concept. The thought of giving that up can be distressing, and many of us refuse to even consider it. But what if this yielding expanded our identity rather than causing it to disappear? There is no need of losing yourself in the process of acknowledging unity. Just imagine — 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Man is not absorbed in Deity, and God’s man cannot lose his individuality, for he reflects eternal Life; nor is he an isolated, solitary idea, for he represents infinite Mind, the sum of all substance.” Science & Health Page 259:1-5

Friday, October 9, 2015

Truth Shining Through

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #283
“My true Identity abides in You.”

Imagine the utopia of living life in the acceptance of our true Identity as a creation of divine Mind. When we see that we are a reflection of Love, when we understand that our essence is Truth, then we are able to accept our identity and watch it blossom in daily life. Over the years, we develop a complex idea of who we are, and we spend a great deal of time defending and adding to this concept. The thought of giving that up can be distressing, and many of us refuse to even consider it. But what if this yielding expanded our identity rather than causing it to disappear? There is no need of losing yourself in the process of acknowledging unity. Just imagine — 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Man is not absorbed in Deity, and God’s man cannot lose his individuality, for he reflects eternal Life; nor is he an isolated, solitary idea, for he represents infinite Mind, the sum of all substance.” Science & Health Page 259:1-5

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 9, 2013 - What is my Identity?

"Mt. Timpanogos Goat"
photo by Aaron Springston 
ACIM Workbook Lesson #252
“The Son of God is my Identity."

It's very easy to forget our identity of a child of God, and once that's done, it's easy to wander down a path we never wanted to visit. A year or so ago, I found myself thinking uncharitable  thoughts about people at times. I engaged in banter with friends, complaining about other people. I found myself having strong opinions about political stuff. And it has taken its toll. For quite some time I've been experiencing health problems. A rash here, a twisted ankle there -- but a pretty steady stream of material problems. Not long ago I included an article by Mary Baker Eddy entitled "Demonstration". In this she tells us a "secret". And that secret is to have no negative thoughts about anything or anyone -- anytime, ever! In looking over the last twenty years I've spent in serious contemplation of Truth, there was a time I honestly didn't have ugly thoughts about anything. My first thoughts in the morning were acknowledgements of spiritual Truth. That is not true now. In working with a Christian Science practitioner for the last few days, many erroneous thoughts are being uncovered and are laying on the table for examination and excision. This exercise and study is full of joy for the things I'm discovering. I trust delving into my true Identity will not leave me where it found me!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"I watch my thoughts about people, the lame, the old, the unloved to sense that I pass in the street, stray animals, I except nothing. I have taken my radical stand for perfection and I will not, absolutely will not, relax this perfect standard.

The result has been simply marvelous. Try it and you will find that you forget your glasses; they will become unnecessary.

You will be seeing with God's eyes, His perfect sight, and you will behold a perfect universe, the outward condition of your inward thinking. To change the picture you must change the sight that produced the picture.
From an article entitled "Demonstration"

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 10, 2012 - Remembering True Identity

"Ozark Sunrise"
photo by John Rankine

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #283
“My true Identity abides in You.”

The meaning of today's topic springs to mind often. Already this morning there have been three instances where people have forgotten their true Identity and attempted to pull me into their forgotten state. By the remembering that these illusions are only that -- illusions -- and that the true essence of everything is Love, I have been able to look for answers to seeming personal conflicts without resorting to speculation and psychological nit-picking. When we get into a "he-said-she-said" playing of people against each other, there is no true resolution. So I've stepped back and said, inwardly, that I know there is only one solution, the Love-based One, and now I'm waiting to hear (see, feel, know) how these seeming conflicts will be resolved. I refuse to speculate on possible resolutions, or wonder who is going to "back down", because we are all in this together and there is only Good to be reflected by us all. I will not project my thoughts onto others, and I reject any that are thrown toward me from them. Divine Mind guides and governs us all, when recognized as our true identity.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Human thought never projected the least portion of true being. Human belief has sought and interpreted in its own way the echo of Spirit, and so seems to have reversed it and repeated it materially; but the human mind never produced a real tone nor sent forth a positive sound.”
Science & Health Page 126:8-14

Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 9, 2012 - True Identity

"Aaron at Glacier National Park
photo by Heather Magnan

A Course in Miracles Lesson #252
“The Son of God is my Identity."

Our true identify is so much more than we have ever imagined. In this time of shifting perception and actualized reality we humbly and happily accept our identity as the child of God! To illustrate this awakening, let's take as a metaphor the act of falling asleep in our favorite chair. The coziness of it is hard to resist, and even though you may be doing something you enjoy and are engaged in -- such as active reading and writing -- the lure of oblivion is strong. So we succumb to the blissful sleep, which includes both sweet dreams and nightmares. But, then again, anything is possible in our dreams, so perhaps this falling into sleep isn't only oblivion. Perhaps there's more to this dream state than we realize. Maybe it comes to allow us to experience what seems impossible in daily living. But now we're realizing the limitlessness of our true Selves. And so today I'm not going to worry if my waking dream of material existence seems fraught with limitations and unwanted beliefs, because I know these can be transformed in the "twinkling of an eye". This true Self with its shimmering, brilliant purity and limitless Love seems far away when we're looking at life from the outside. And so today in my waking dream I will see this real identify as it looks from the inside, in the calm of quiet certainty, with exalted angel-thoughts leading me through this day. With each loving action, I will catch glimpses of my true Identify and joyfully expect to see more!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“My angels are exalted thoughts, appearing at the door of some sepulchre, in which human belief has buried its fondest earthly hopes. With white fingers they point upward to a new and glorified trust, to higher ideals of life and its joys. Angels are God's representatives. These upward-soaring beings never lead towards self, sin, or materiality, but guide to the divine Principle of all good, whither every real individuality, image, or likeness of God, gathers. By giving earnest heed to these spiritual guides they tarry with us, and we entertain ‘angels unawares.’”
Science & Health Page 299: 7-17

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10, 2011

ACIM Lesson #283
“My true Identity abides in You.”
[Marsha's thoughts]
"The Well-Loved Child"
fabric creations of
Sandy Wythawai Starbird
It is good to remind ourselves of today's topic on a regular basis. Already this morning there have been three instances in which people who have forgotten their true Identity have attempted to pull me into their forgotten state. By the remembering that these illusions are only that -- illusions -- and the true Being of everything is the Love which creates all, I have been able to look for answers to seeming personal conflicts without resorting to speculation and psychological nit-picking. When we get into a "he-said-she-said" playing of people against each other, there is no true resolution. So I've stepped back and said, inwardly, that I know there is only one solution, the Love-based One, and now I'm waiting to hear (see, feel, know) how these seeming conflicts will be resolved. I refuse to speculate on what they may be, or wonder who is going to "back down", because we are all in this together and there is only Good to be reflected by us all. I will not project my thoughts onto others, and I reject any that are thrown toward me from them. Divine Mind guides and governs us all, when we allow it.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Human thought never projected the least portion of true being. Human belief has sought and interpreted in its own way the echo of Spirit, and so seems to have reversed it and repeated it materially; but the human mind never produced a real tone nor sent forth a positive sound.”
Science & Health Page 126:8-14

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