Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10, 2011

ACIM Lesson #283
“My true Identity abides in You.”
[Marsha's thoughts]
"The Well-Loved Child"
fabric creations of
Sandy Wythawai Starbird
It is good to remind ourselves of today's topic on a regular basis. Already this morning there have been three instances in which people who have forgotten their true Identity have attempted to pull me into their forgotten state. By the remembering that these illusions are only that -- illusions -- and the true Being of everything is the Love which creates all, I have been able to look for answers to seeming personal conflicts without resorting to speculation and psychological nit-picking. When we get into a "he-said-she-said" playing of people against each other, there is no true resolution. So I've stepped back and said, inwardly, that I know there is only one solution, the Love-based One, and now I'm waiting to hear (see, feel, know) how these seeming conflicts will be resolved. I refuse to speculate on what they may be, or wonder who is going to "back down", because we are all in this together and there is only Good to be reflected by us all. I will not project my thoughts onto others, and I reject any that are thrown toward me from them. Divine Mind guides and governs us all, when we allow it.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Human thought never projected the least portion of true being. Human belief has sought and interpreted in its own way the echo of Spirit, and so seems to have reversed it and repeated it materially; but the human mind never produced a real tone nor sent forth a positive sound.”
Science & Health Page 126:8-14

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