Showing posts with label I Am One with God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Am One with God. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 4, 2015 - Experience and Expression

photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #124
"Let me remember I am one with God."

Does the topic of today's ACIM lesson make you nervous? Perhaps there's a feeling that God won't like it if you think this -- much less if you say it! Somewhere along the path of Christian theology it was decided that Jesus is God and, because of this, he will take care of everything for us; all we have to do is believe and give ourselves to him. It's my understanding that Jesus was here to tell us he was one with God and so are we. Does this mean we are God? In the same way that a ray of sunlight is the sun, yes. It can't be said that it's the actual sun, but it certainly is the expression of it. A ray of sunlight is the experience of the sun, if you will, and we are the expression and experience of God. One with God; one with each other; one with everything. Let's spend some time contemplating that today. Say right out loud: "I Am one with God!" Let's not be afraid to think it and ask ourSelves exactly what that means. And don't forget to expect an answer!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Principle and its idea is one, and this one is God, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Being, and [Its] reflection is man and the universe."

Science & Health Page 465:17-1

Monday, May 20, 2013

May 21, 2013 - "The Holy Man"

"South Africa - 2010"
photo by Aaron Springston

ACIM Workbook Lesson #141:
Today begins a review of the last 20 lessons. Our main theme is:
“My mind holds only what I think with God" Review of:
#121 “Forgiveness is the key to happiness”
#122 “Forgiveness offers everything I want.”

I am reminded of a delightful little book called, "The Holy Man" by Susan Trott. It is comprised of numerous scenarios recounted by and through a group of people who are waiting in line to see The Holy Man. They feel all their questions will be answered, all their problems solved, if only they can meet and speak with him. The irony is that when they are finally admitted to his home, he simply leads them through the house and out the back door. The beauty of the book is that everyone sees what they need to see from their interactions with others while waiting in the long line. We, too, have these ah-hah moments while going about our day-to-day activities. The realization that our true thoughts are those we think with God brings a newness to everyday life. By releasing our by-rote reactions today, we are free to practice forgiveness with every blameless thought we have. When we're thinking purely with God, we needn't place meaning on anything we experience today. With this clean slate, who knows what insights will be ours? As with those who were waiting to speak to The Holy Man, whom they believed had all the answers, we will be finding insight in every moment, simply by allowing ourselves to accept that we are One with God. As such, all answers are ours, even without asking questions!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God creates all forms of reality. His thoughts are spiritual realities. So-called mortal mind--being nonexistent and consequently not within the range of immortal existence--could not by simulating deific power invert the divine creation, and afterwards recreate persons or things upon its own plane, since nothing exists beyond the range of all-inclusive infinity, in which and of which God is the sole creator. Mind, joyous in strength, dwells in the realm of Mind. Mind's infinite ideas run and disport themselves. In humility they climb the heights of holiness.”
Science & Health Page 513:26-9

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 4, 2013 - Realizing Oneness

Mugs Poster
by John Rankine

ACIM Workbook Lesson #124
"Let me remember I am one with God."

The recognition that we are one with God has a calming effect. It seems that those of us who think we are in charge of everything around us tend to be excited and often angry. Currently, I'm observing reactions to an art installation in Eureka Springs. There are three-by-four-foot posters plastered on blank walls around town .These posters depict 130 of our local artists making silly faces. The point of the project is to let people know they aren't stuffy, boring people and that we are a fun town. Midway through the month, the general public will be given markers to draw on the posters, further bringing frivolity to these black and white posters. I have no strong opinions about this art installation. I think the artist who thought up and enacted this idea is a wonderfully creative man whom I admire. Not everyone in town feels this way! Once again, we come back to individual perceptions and interpretations from belief and past experiences. Art and the creation and enjoyment of it is a wonderful litmus test of our ability to realize our Oneness with God and, hence, everyone and everything. I love observing people's reactions to various forms of art in our gallery. Now I'm enjoying watching the emotions these large mug shots are bringing to the surface in friends and loved ones. As the ACIM lesson tells us: "Today we see only the loving and the lovable. We see it in appearances of pain, and pain gives way to peace. We see it in the frantic, in the sad and the distressed, the lonely and afraid, who are restored to the tranquility and peace of mind in which they were created." And I will remember my Oneness with God and everyone as a reflection of that divine Mind which created us.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The eternal Elohim includes the forever universe. The name Elohim is in the plural, but this plurality of Spirit does not imply more than one God, nor does it imply three persons in one. It relates to the oneness, the tri-unity of Life, Truth, and Love. Man is the family name for all ideas,--the sons and daughters of God. All that God imparts moves in accord with Him, reflecting goodness and power.”
Science & Health Page 515:16:24

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 4, 2012 - I Am One, but do I know it?

"Bryce Canyon"
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in MiraclesLesson #124
"Let me remember I am one with God."

[Marsha's thoughts]
I watch with interest friends and acquaintances in the multitude of roles they play. I see fellow shopkeepers living on Eureka-time in a laid-back tourist town. Then there are professions which could be taken as stressful, and it's interesting to note which are so and which aren't. You've probably already thought of the myriad of "types" of people you know. In reflecting on this, it seems it doesn't matter whether they are in a profession which handles what we think of as life-or-death situations, or whether they check groceries, make music, create art, live a philanthropic life, or do anything they please on a regular basis! No matter how they spend their time, some are uptight and some are calm and cool. It's simply a matter of how they choose to respond to events around them. Some of these people are pure light, reflecting the Love of God in their every action. And some of them really want to be happy, and often pretend they are so, but deep in their eyes, and obvious in their actions, fear, guilt, lack are seen. Then there are those who dash about from one activity to another, rushed and hurried, running from something that perhaps isn't recognized even by them. I translate these actions as varying degrees of recognizing today's lesson: I Am one with God. And we are also reminded to "remember" that we are one with God. I think we're all remembering in varying degrees, and this remembrance shines forth in our actions. Some don't know there's anything to remember, and when they get hints, it frightens them and they retreat into well-known material beliefs and actions. Almost everyone I meet daily has caught a glimpse of Truth and seems eager to remember more. All of the people I spend time with want this knowledge. Once we have felt a glimpse of this Oneness, we want to feel it all the time. There's nothing else quite like knowing the presence of God. Today I will remember!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The eternal Elohim includes the forever universe. The name Elohim is in the plural, but this plurality of Spirit does not imply more than one God, nor does it imply three persons in one. It relates to the oneness, the tri-unity of Life, Truth, and Love. Man is the family name for all ideas,--the sons and daughters of God. All that God imparts moves in accord with Him, reflecting goodness and power.”
Science & Health Page 515:16:24

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