Showing posts with label Seeing Truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seeing Truth. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Beyond the Appearance

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #20
"I am determined to see"

One of our learned behaviors is to place blame on others for things they have said or done which we perceive as detrimental to us or others. When we see what truly is, we are able to simply witness these events, without apportioning blame or cause to them. By this lack of reasoning, we then see things as they really are, without placing our own personal meaning on them. Today I am determined to see beyond the appearances. I strive to release what I believe about circumstances, allowing room for reality to show itSelf.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The question, 'What is Truth', convulses the world. Many are ready to meet this inquiry with the assurance which comes of understanding; but more are blinded by their old illusions, and try to 'give it pause'.” 

Science & Health Page 223:14-18

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 31, 2012 - Hints of Truth

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #304
“Let not my world obscure the sight of Christ.”

"Somewhere in China - 2009"
photo by Aaron Springston
Writings throughout the ages have given us hints as to the grand possibilities we might have as realities. As attested by powerful mythological characters and poetry which transforms our being, we have longed for the ability to change what seems to be the reality of situations in and around our personal existence. The world tells us that we are victims of circumstances, with life being experienced at the whim of chance meetings with luck, this being termed either good or bad. Every time we hear a story telling of something we think is impossible to us, but which contains outcomes so beautiful we wish it were within the realm of our world, let's accept the fact that there are no limits. Who knows what we're capable of doing? We seem to exceed expected outcomes in every avenue of existence. Wasn't it said that running a mile in less than four minutes was impossible? And it sure seems like the sun is going around the earth, don't you think? Today I set free any thought of limitation, any assumptions I may have as to what's what, and by doing so open the inner ways of sight.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Truth never destroys God's idea. Truth is spiritual, eternal substance, which cannot destroy the right reflection. Corporeal sense, or error, may seem to hide Truth, health, harmony, and Science, as the mist obscures the sun or the mountain; but Science, the sunshine of Truth, will melt away the shadow and reveal the celestial peaks.”
Science & Health Page 299:24-30

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