Showing posts with label No neutral thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No neutral thoughts. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2017

Spiritual Intuitions or Material Beliefs?

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #17
"I see no neutral things".

It's difficult to discern if we’re receiving an intuitive feeling warning us about a person, place, or thing, or if we’re simply being wary because of past experiences. I’m remembering a time where I was asked to make a decision about allowing a particular person to be in charge of my gallery. Just looking at him, I immediately thought of motorcycle ruffians, self-declared bigots of varying sorts, and perhaps even the gestapo. I got a good feeling from him in many ways, but wondered if it was because I always want to see the good in everyone. Did this man have a hidden agenda of which I wanted no part? Was I indulging bigoted thinking? It can be hard to tell, and there was no way I could personally know for sure. I see no neutral things and it's impossible for me, the material, mortal, ego-riddled Marsha to tell the difference, either then or now. But the true Self, stripped of past experiences, beliefs, and bias, recognizes Truth without question. I think I’ll listen to her today!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"To corporeal sense, the sun appears to rise and set, and the earth to stand still; but astronomical science contradicts this, and explains the solar system as working on a different plan. All the evidence of physical sense and all the knowledge obtained from physical sense must yield to Science [the knowledge of Christ-consciousness], to the immortal truth of all things." Science & Health Page 493:2-8

Friday, January 15, 2016

No Neutral Thoughts

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #16
“I have no neutral thoughts.”

Every thought is important as it gives rise to perception, and it either extends truth or multiplies illusion. A well-known story many of us have heard illustrates today's subject. A grandfather is talking to his grandson about anger. He tells him that we all have a peaceful wolf and an angry wolf living inside us, and the one that grows is the one we feed. While I find this to be an exemplary tale illustrating a truth of this material existence, it does nothing to speak to the metaphysical truth we are learning: There is no angry wolf. As today's lesson states, "you can multiply nothing but you can't extend it". Our thoughts which feed an angry wolf have no power as they're feeding something which does not exist. So we are seeing that erroneous thoughts can seem real and may even seem to grow, but that's impossible because Truth trumps error every time.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Christian Science explains all cause and effect as mental, not physical. It lifts the veil of mystery from Soul and body. It shows the scientific relation of man to God, disentangles the interlaced ambiguities of being, and sets free the imprisoned thought."

Science & Health Page 114:23-27

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 16, 2014 - Every Thought is Important

Mongolia Sunset
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #16
“I have no neutral thoughts.”

We are remind today that "Every thought you have contributes to truth or illusion: either it extends truth or it multiplies illusion." Recently a number of things have occurred which I'm tempted to think of as disturbing. These things involve seeming losses, and my mind wants to dwell on the what-ifs, imaging reasons for people's actions and wondering what I could have done to change things. I understand how silly this is, as living in the past or pondering the future does nothing to change the now! Today I heard of a dear friend's son's passing. It was unexpected and surprising. I keep imaging her pain. But wait! Does that help her? If every thought is important (which I truly think it is!), then I should hold thought to Love, not pain or grief. What we dwell on multiplies, right? We've all seen it happen, in our lives and others'. So today I will take these words to heart and truly work toward practicing them in every facet of life. I can choose to see through my ego, or I can clear the way for seeing truth through divine Mind. I Am That -- I Am!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"In divine Science, the universe, including man, is spiritual, harmonious, and eternal. Science shows that what is termed matter is but the subjective state of what is termed by the author mortal mind." 

Science & Health Page 114:27-31

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 16, 2013 - Neutral Thoughts?

photo by Heather Magnan

ACIM Workbook Lesson #16
“I have no neutral thoughts.”

We are shown today that no thought is neutral. To quote the Course in Miracles workbook lesson #16: "There is no more self-contradictory concept than that of 'idle thoughts'. What gives rise to the perception of a whole world can hardly be called idle. Every thought you have contributes to truth or illusion: either it extends truth or it multiplies illusion. You can indeed multiply nothing, but you will not extend it by doing so." I love this last sentence as it elucidates the fact that error is nothing, and that we can multiply error, but we can't make it real. This fact gets lost in many myths we live by. We tend to make evil real, by stating its inevitability and proclaiming it to be a power equal to God, good. One story I love illustrates today's subject. A grandfather is talking to his grandson about anger. He tells him that we all have a peaceful and an angry wolf living inside us. The one that grows is the one we feed. While I find this to be an exemplary tale illustrating a truth of this material existence, it does nothing to speak to the Truth we are learning: there is no angry wolf. And as we are told in the above quote, "you can multiply nothing but you can't extend it". Our thoughts which feed an angry wolf have no power as they're feeding something which doesn't exist. On the other hand, when we turn thought to Truth, we make a contribution and extension of it to all that Is. So we are seeing that erroneous thoughts can seem real and may seem to grow, but that's impossible because Truth trumps error every time.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Christian Science explains all cause and effect as mental, not physical. It lifts the veil of mystery from Soul and body. It shows the scientific relation of man to God, disentangles the interlaced ambiguities of being, and sets free the imprisoned thought. In divine Science, the universe, including man, is spiritual, harmonious, and eternal. Science shows that what is termed matter is but the subjective state of what is termed by the author mortal mind." 
Science & Health Page 114:23-31

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 16, 2012 - No neutral thoughts

ACIM Workbook Lesson #16
“I have no neutral thoughts.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
Reflections photo by Heather Magnan
[Marsha's thoughts]
Today's lesson stresses that every thought we have is either loving or fearful. Folklore treats this concept through fable and example. One which fits this Truth for the day is the story of "Which Wolf Do You Feed?" In this native American story, a young man is angry to the point of distraction. His grandfather tells him we all have a peaceful wolf and a violent wolf living inside us, and the one which grows is the one that we feed. By recognizing our thoughts as feeding peace or war, Truth or illusion, we start to see how our thinking affects our world. As we go through this day realizing that no thoughts are neutral, it will be interesting to notice how this makes us feel. Are we uneasy or at peace with the thoughts we are thinking? Which ones bring us peace? Which ones make us squirm? Today I will allow Love to rule, which will starve the negative and feed peace.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Christian Science explains all cause and effect as mental, not physical. It lifts the veil of mystery from Soul and body. It shows the scientific relation of man to God, disentangles the interlaced ambiguities of being, and sets free the imprisoned thought. In divine Science, the universe, including man, is spiritual, harmonious, and eternal. Science shows that what is termed matter is but the subjective state of what is termed by the author mortal mind."
Science & Health  Page 114:23-31

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