Showing posts with label Peace and Joy are mine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peace and Joy are mine. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Extending the Limitless to the Unlimited

Photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #105
“God’s peace and joy are mine.”

I love these sentences from today's ACIM workbook lesson: "True giving is creation. It extends the limitless to the unlimited, eternity to timelessness, and love unto itself." To live our lives from this perspective allows us to express Love freely, with no fear of it being rejected or misinterpreted. It allows us to gently reach out to people we've just met with heartfelt expressions of empathy and compassion. We bloom in unexpected ways when "extending the limitless to the unlimited". It's ours to give and to receive, in an eternal loop of Love. There's no way to measure how far the ripples of our joy and peace may extend. My cup runneth over!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"The calm and exalted thought or spiritual apprehension is at peace. Thus the dawn of ideas goes on, forming each successive stage of progress." Science & Health Page 506:11-14

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014 - Am I Blocking Joy?

photo by Chris Fischer
ACIM Workbook Lesson #105
“God’s peace and joy are mine.”

Have you withheld peace and joy from someone? You may wonder how this could be done, but every time I hold a grievance about someone, or have feelings of separation stemming from things I think have been done to  me, I withhold peace and joy. And every time I withhold this harmony from others, I block it from myself. While we may know intellectually that God's gifts of peace and joy are continually being supplied to us, we may not be able to receive them fully for many reasons. But, basically, those reasons come down to one thing: I'm not giving and so I can't receive. By removing  the dams we have set up which are blocking this flow, we  allow them to go out to others as they are rushing in to us. Yes, God's peace and joy are mine. But I must give to receive."True giving is creation. It extends the limitless to the unlimited, eternity to timelessness, and love unto itself." ACIM

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The calm and exalted thought or spiritual apprehension is at peace. Thus the dawn of ideas goes on, forming each successive stage of progress." Science & Health Page 506:11-14

Friday, April 27, 2012

April 28, 2012 - Peace, be still ...

"Heather in Montana"
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in Miracles Lesson #118
Review of:
(105) God's peace and joy are mine.
(106) Let me be still and listen to the truth.

[Marsha's thoughts]
When our minds are busy with worries and repetitive thoughts, when we're voicing our concerns either orally or mentally, it's very difficult to hear the still, small voice of Truth. This is why I always recommend meditation for people who tell me they are having problems sleeping. Not only must the mind be quiet for easy, peaceful falling into sleep, but the last thoughts we think before sinking into this other-worldly abyss are very important! We have been told by material practitioners of various disciplines that sound sleep is necessary to good health; that it facilitates healing in on-going ways which are necessary to our well-being. I've always felt this is true because we need to be quiet to hear the "still, small voice" that is ever-present, but often drowned out by the constant chatter we allow into our heads. This listening mode of being is essential to health, because this health we speak of comes from listening to our true Self rather than the material beliefs of the ages. One of "my" artists told me a lovely story of letting go and allowing. She has been hard at work creating new paintings for the May Festival of the Arts in Eureka Springs. She tells me that recently she wasn't able to sleep, that she was thinking perhaps she shouldn't even bother painting, it wasn't worth it, and other such things. Suddenly her computer awakened and she got up to see what was going on. There was an email from me telling her not to worry, that her show would be hung in its entirety and it would be wonderful! With this reassurance, she laid down and immediately went to sleep. I think this perfectly demonstrates how silencing our lips and thoughts to materialism allows Love to replace error, then peace and joy reign supreme in our existence.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Lips must be mute and materialism silent, that man may have audience with Spirit, the divine Principle, Love, which destroys all error.”
Science & Health Page 15:11-13

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 15, 2012 - Peace and Joy are mine

Immaterial mess in front of Eureka Thyme
photo by Randal Thompson

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #105
“God’s peace and joy are mine.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
The certainty that this is so, that God's peace and joy are mine because I am the pure reflection -- the essence, if you will -- of God, has carried me through this day. Yesterday I told you of the minor irritations involved with having the street torn up in front of my gallery, then having the phone quit working, and lastly my change of thought about the whole situation. At some point during trying circumstances, it's always tempting to fall into a why-me, victim mode. Midway through today, when the telephone company had not come to fix the phone (which is the same line that enables the credit card machine), I was perilously close to feeling put-upon. Plus, I've convinced myself that I can't greet the public more than four days in a row without a break, and I was on my fifth day! Knowing that gallery stroll days are twelve-hour marathons didn't help my attitude much. I felt grouchy and was happy that our featured artist was there to talk to people, because I didn't want to! And then something happened which caused me to realize the necessity of living Love. A sweet young couple with a baby came in. I didn't recognize them, but was talking to her about candles. The conversation turned to children and I shared with her what a great independent school we have here in Eureka Springs, with a short synopsis of why I felt that way. As I was telling her what a life-changing experience The Clear Spring School had been for us, she began to cry. She told me that not only had she needed to hear this, but that she had been in the gallery a year ago and had felt so welcomed she decided to move here. In that moment I realized that it doesn't matter if I'd rather be quietly enjoying my home, it doesn't matter if the street is torn up, it doesn't matter if we have no phone/credit card capabilities. What does matter is that I recognize that I am Love, and share that with everyone by my living of it. There is no way to know how far-reaching our actions may be. To genuinely care about everyone we meet, to listen to them, to respond honestly with Love, that's what renews our sense of joy and peace and restores energy. My cup runneth over.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Trials teach mortals not to lean on a material staff,-- a broken reed, which pierces the heart. We do not half remember this in the sunshine of joy and prosperity. Sorrow is salutary. Through great tribulation we enter the kingdom. Trials are proofs of God's care. Spiritual development germinates not from seed sown in the soil of material hopes, but when these decay, Love propagates anew the higher joys of Spirit, which have no taint of earth. Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love.”
Science & Health Page 66:6-16

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                        Humans are extremely resilient, and our environment is awesome in its regenerative powers. The Book of Hope, by Jane...