Showing posts with label What is my will?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is my will?. Show all posts

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 3, 2012 - Thy Will Be Done

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #307
“Conflicting wishes cannot be my will.”

Marsha in Mad Hatter Ball Hat
To be wide open, with no expectations, frees us in many ways. This state of Being opens us to the demonstration of the One absolute will. I'm reminded of an occasion where I really wanted to assert my own will. I was going about my business when the thought came to me, "Go to the Mad Hatter's Ball". Well, I didn't want to do this! I don't go to balls, I don't dress up in outrageous garb, and I most certainly don't pay cash money for doing what I don't want to do!  A week or so later, (to my chagrin!) I was given two tickets to the ball. What am I going to wear? A stop by the Doggie Thrift Shop answers this question, and I leave with a wonderful hat, in a style I love, with crazy red polyester curls. So it seems as though I'm going, and at this point I acquiesce. And then while talking to someone in the post office about the event, the postal worker behind the counter tells me she's been working on a hat for three years and asks if I want to wear it. Perhaps, I tell her (as I'm already pretty attached to my hat with the red hair.) This is a long story to tell about a concept so simple that it requires no thought: Do whatever you hear/feel is the thing to be doing. There's no right or wrong with this yielding to intuition. I don't know why I needed to be at this event, but everything came together beautifully and I had a great time, and even won first prize in the wildest hat contest. Maybe I needed to be there to stretch my so-called comfort zone a bit. The possibilities are endless, and I don't have to know anything other than this: Thy will be done. And It is done.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“We cannot serve two masters nor perceive divine Science with the material senses.”
Science and Health Page 167:11-12

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