Showing posts with label My true Identiy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My true Identiy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 10, 2013 - Utopia

"Happy Bird"
Primal Image
by Sandy Wythawai Starbird
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #283
“My true Identity abides in You.”

Imagine the utopia of life lived in the acceptance of our true Identity as a creation of divine Mind. When we see that we are a reflection of God, Love, when we understand that our essence is Truth, then we are able to accept our Identify and demonstrate that truth in daily life. One of the most valuable tools I have found is the ability to say, "I was wrong." Or perhaps the necessary allowance is admitting that I'm not always right! Small distinction there, but it seems more difficult. Nevertheless, Divine Mind guides and governs us all, when we allow it.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Human thought never projected the least portion of true being. Human belief has sought and interpreted in its own way the echo of Spirit, and so seems to have reversed it and repeated it materially; but the human mind never produced a real tone nor sent forth a positive sound.”

Science & Health Page 126:8-14

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