Saturday, February 27, 2016

Exponential Growth of Good

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #59: Today we review Lessons 41-45. 

I've never understood political conflict.  It seems to me that if everyone is for the good of all, what in the world is there to be conflicted about? I simply don't understand why we have these clashes and certainly don't want to talk about these disagreeable scenarios. Times of major elections in our fair country bring out interesting opinions from unexpected places. I try not to listen to any of it, holding to the knowledge of our true selves as the expression of Love, while looking past the rhetoric and seeming idiocy. If God is the Mind with which I think, and that thought is and can only be light, there is no fear nor condemnation necessary. With this realization, we could stop trying to change others' thought to what we think it should be, knowing that every thought based in divine Mind grows exponentially. Let's go forth and multiply -- Mind with a capital M, that is!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"This scientific sense of being, forsaking matter for Spirit, by no means suggests man's absorption into Deity and the loss of his identity, but confers upon man enlarged individuality, a wider sphere of thought and action, a more expansive love, a higher and more permanent peace."
Science & Health Page 265:10-15

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