Saturday, December 10, 2022

Truth Makes A New Creature


I have always felt as though there is a tipping point in mass consciousness, a point where everyone sees their perfection and recognizes there is no difference in their own self and the self of that person over there. In this view, there is a world bathed in peace and contentment. There are no conflicts because everything good and pure is done for the good of everyone, and nothing contrary exists because we do not have such thoughts in the face of beauty and Love. There is no world of separation because we are all One and happily recognize this Truth. In order for perfection to emerge, error must be washed away. A dear friend, who has never believed the things I espouse, called to ask me what’s happening to this tipping point of Love, as he feels we’ve tipped the other way. Once again, I reiterate: Every thought is important! I feel like we're getting close!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "We cannot build safely on false foundations. Truth makes a new creature, in whom old things pass away and ‘all things are become new’."  Science & Health Page 201: 7-9

“Now are we one in thought, for fear has gone. And here, before the altar to one God, one Father, one Creator and one Thought, we stand together as one Son of God. Not separate from Him Who is our Source; not distant from one brother who is part of our one Self Whose innocence has joined us all as one, we stand in blessedness, and give as we receive. The Name of God is on our lips. And as we look within, we see the purity of Heaven shine in our reflection of our Father’s Love.” A Course in Miracles W-187.10:1-5

Friday, December 9, 2022

Forgive Your Madness



Art: Adrian Borda

 Therefore, dark past,

I'm about to do it.

I'm about to forgive you

for everything.

~ Mary Oliver

“Forgive yourself your madness, and forget all senseless journeys and all goal-less aims. They have no meaning. You can not escape from what you are. For God is merciful, and did not let His Son abandon Him. For what He is be thankful, for in that is your escape from madness and from death. Nowhere but where He is can you be found. There is no path that does not lead to Him.” 

A Course in Miracles T-31.IV.11:1-7

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Activating Empathy


A Meeting of Novel Women

Do you feel connected to others? With the proliferation of wireless connections through phones and other electronic devices, it’s easy to be in contact with friends and strangers all over the globe. But what about having face-to-face conversations about meaningful topics? I belong to a book club which has met once a month for almost 20 years. The books we read are the vehicles which drive our conversations deeper and wider. The discussion following the reading of Kristen Hannah’s book Magic Hour filled our hearts with compassionate empathy for children who could be termed “feral”.  In our Novel Women group we have both adoptive parents and child advocates for little ones who can easily get lost in our broken system. More than once I was moved to tears by the thought of babies surviving without the love of a parental figure. How do you build community in your area? I would suggest starting a book club, developing relationships with others, and allowing empathy lead you from there. Compassion is not an idle boast, but a nurturing action. Let us not be afraid of caring…

“To empathize does not mean to join in suffering, for that is what you must refuse to understand. That is the ego’s interpretation of empathy, and is always used to form a special relationship in which the suffering is shared. The capacity to empathize is very useful to the Holy Spirit, provided you let Him use it in His way. His way is very different. He does not understand suffering, and would have you teach it is not understandable. When He relates through you, He does not relate through your ego to another ego. He does not join in pain, understanding that healing pain is not accomplished by delusional attempts to enter into it, and lighten it by sharing the delusion.” A Course in Miracles T-16.I.1:1-7

“God is the Principle of divine metaphysics. As there is but one God, there can be but one divine Principle of all Science; and there must be fixed rules for the demonstration of this divine Principle. The letter of Science plentifully reaches humanity to-day, but its spirit comes only in small degrees. The vital part, the heart and soul of Christian Science, is Love. Without this, the letter is but the dead body of Science, — pulseless, cold, inanimate.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 113:1-8

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

A Song of Freedom

Woman in France protesting treatment of Iranian Women

“Iran’s anthem for changing rusted minds” — this editorial headline pulled me in immediately! The writer tells us how a protest song became an anthem. The song is “Baraye” and was composed by a young Iranian man named Shervin Hajpour after the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who was arrested by Iran’s morality police for not covering her hair sufficiently. The song reflects “exhaustion with theocratic rule, gender inequality, economic sanctions, and lack of opportunity”. A professor at Berkeley College of Music in Boston, Christian’s Karam, who grew up in Lebanon during the civil war, speaks from her experience: “Music has that ability to cut through our defenses and go straight to our hearts. It brings us to a place where we’re reminded of our shared humanity.” It’s inspiring to see how music in general, and this song in particular, reflect changes in thinking. As Ms. Karam says: “It goes beyond ideology; it goes beyond politics. It becomes a human affair. This is how momentum is built. A momentum for positive change and momentum where we are reminded that we are all in this together.” I pray that we listen and learn from each other, finding ways to celebrate our commonality and bypass the need to be always right. Namaste, dear ones…

“Eternal Truth is changing the universe. As mortals drop off their mental swaddling-clothes, thought expands into expression. ‘Let there be light,’ is the perpetual demand of Truth and Love, changing chaos into order and discord into the music of the spheres.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 255:1-6

“The song of freedom, which sings the praises of another world, brings to it hope of peace. For it remembers Heaven, and now it sees that Heaven has come to earth at last, from which the ego’s rule has kept it out so long. Heaven has come because it found a home in your relationship on earth. And earth can hold no longer what has been given Heaven as its own.”  A Course in Miracles T-21.IV.7:4-7

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Offering Peace

Photo credit: Blake Lasater

I saw a picture of a man in a tee-shirt which said, "Give peace a chance". Then it had a photo of a big gun and the words: "I'll cover you if it doesn't work out." Where did we ever get the notion that we could be protected by violence? Later in the day, I saw an article from a few years back in which President Jimmy Carter told us the time for peace is now. He brought up our odd system of retribution, wherein we kill people for killing people, and how governments wage wars in the name of enforcing peace. There are a multitude of ways we seem to think that violence will end violence. I look back over the last few decades and it is astounding how often teachers, parents, and authority figures think they can control children with threats and corporal punishment. I’ve been studying the work of Gabor Mate, who examines the effects of violence in childhood and the after effects which appear in later life. These choices aren’t facilitating peace, so let’s choose again!

“Peace is impossible to those who look on war. Peace is inevitable to those who offer peace. How easily, then, is your judgment of the world escaped! It is not the world that makes peace seem impossible. It is the world you see that is impossible. Yet has God’s Judgment on this distorted world redeemed it and made it fit to welcome peace. And peace descends on it in joyous answer. Peace now belongs here, because a Thought of God has entered. What else but a Thought of God turns hell to Heaven merely by being what it is? The earth bows down before its gracious Presence, and it leans down in answer, to raise it up again. Now is the question different. It is no longer, ‘Can peace be possible in this world?’ but instead, ‘Is it not impossible that peace be absent here?’”

A Course in Miracles  M-11.4:1-12

“God has built a higher platform of human rights, and He has built it on diviner claims. These claims are not made through code or creed, but in demonstration of “on earth peace, good-will toward men.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 225:13-17

Monday, December 5, 2022

You Are Responsible For What You Believe

I truly try to not divide people into tribes, liking or disliking them because of their affiliations. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re a fan of the LSU Tigers or a member of the Rotterdam Symphonic Orchestra, my only goal is to listen to your words and hear the motives of your heart. I will bask in your company or stay away from you according to your kindness to others as shown by the goodness you live. And so when people begin berating actions because someone is labeled as liberal, it brings up questions in my mind as to why they are throwing these barbed verbal attacks. Since the accusations usually sound uniformly similar to each other, I can only surmise they are being spoon-fed by a larger source. Our information transportation is so fast today that almost anyone can set themselves up to spread the word — no matter its veracity. This statement from John Smallman’s writings rings true: “The only way forward is for humanity to engage lovingly with itself, instead of divisively and judgmentally, by fully honoring and respecting the sovereign rights of every individual on Planet Earth”. 

“The relationship of anger to attack is obvious, but the relationship of anger to fear is not always so apparent. Anger always involves projection of separation, which must ultimately be accepted as one’s own responsibility, rather than being blamed on others. Anger cannot occur unless you believe that you have been attacked, that your attack is justified in return, and that you are in no way responsible for it. Given these three wholly irrational premises, the equally irrational conclusion that a brother is worthy of attack rather than of love must follow. What can be expected from insane premises except an insane conclusion? The way to undo an insane conclusion is to consider the sanity of the premises on which it rests. You cannot be attacked, attack has no justification, and you are responsible for what you believe.” 

A Course in Miracles

“Jesus was the son of a virgin. He was appointed to speak God’s word and to appear to mortals in such a form of humanity as they could understand as well as perceive. Mary’s conception of him was spiritual, for only purity could reflect Truth and Love, which were plainly incarnate in the good and pure Christ Jesus. He expressed the highest type of divinity, which a fleshly form could express in that age. Into the real and ideal man the fleshly element cannot enter. Thus it is that Christ illustrates the coincidence, or spiritual agreement, between God and man in His image.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 332:23-2

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Almost Reach the Stars


Art by Catrin Welz Stein

“When someone you love dies, you are given the gift of ‘second chances’. Their eulogy is a reminder that the living can turn their lives around at any point. You’re not bound by the past; that is who you used to be. You’re reminded that your feelings are not who you are, but how you felt at that moment. Your bad choices defined you yesterday, but they are not who you are today. Your future doesn’t have to travel the same path with the same people. You can start over. You don’t have to apologize to people that won’t listen. You don’t have to justify your feelings or actions, during a difficult time in your life. You don’t have to put up with people that are insecure and want you to fail. All you have to do is walk forward with a positive outlook... The people of quality that were meant to be in your life won’t need you to explain the beauty of your heart. They already understand what being human is...a roller coaster ride of emotions during rainstorms and sunshine, sprinkled with moments when you can almost reach the stars.” 

Shannon L. Alder

New Today

Higher Enjoyments

Photo courtesy of Ramona McNeal In the 1970s, I spent a good deal of time in a bar called The Swingin' Door. I fell in love with Texas m...