Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to All!! As most of you know, I've been writing these "dailies" since mid-2011. While I am not going to stop, I am going to change the focus a bit. I've been taking ACIM daily workbook lessons as a focus. I'm dropping that format and writing about whatever comes to mind when my hands hover over the keyboard. I will still include quotes from both Mary Baker Eddy and A Course in Miracles, but with less structure. Of course, photographs will also be included (I know many of you enjoy them, as do I!). So let's start the New Year freely striving for right, purely turning from praise (to loosely quote Elizabeth Barrett Browning).

Much Love sent to you!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Relishing the Possibilities

photo credit: Richard Quick
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #365
"This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You,  Certain that Your direction gives me peace."

In this time of great change, it’s easy to long for the comfort of ritualistic actions and old habits. How nice it would be if we simply floated along, happily enjoying yesterday’s fruits. But life doesn’t seem to be that way. We wake up every morning and experience things in different ways. Changing thoughts bring on changing circumstance. I hope we can all hold onto each other and know that this is a good thing. Personally, I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I relish the possibilities!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The image of Spirit cannot be effaced, since it is the idea of Truth and changes not, but becomes more beautifully apparent at error’s demise.” Science & Health Page 542:5-7             


Friday, December 29, 2017

The Direction of Peace

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #364 "This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, Certain that Your direction gives me peace."

All the insecurities, the feelings of loss and lack, the guilt and blame, all these things are losing their reality to us. Now that we see the unreality of these beliefs within ourselves, it's hard not pointing them out to others when they present themselves! These last few days, I've noticed what I do say in the face of negativity, fear, anger, and hate. After a snide racial comment from a terse-lipped woman, I said, "Keep smiling!" Upon which she gave me a fake smile, and I gave her a small Namastè bow and left. When asked advice concerning someone's unhappiness, (knowing through experience that none of us can fix any other of us) my only suggestion was to concentrate on what brings happiness and fulfillment, and the unhappiness and emptiness will be lost in its face. We live what we've learned, giving to others from our receiving. What fun to see the joy this day will bring!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“We are all sculptors, working at various forms, moulding and chiseling thought. What is the model before mortal mind? Is it imperfection, joy, sorrow, sin, suffering? Have you accepted the mortal model? Are you reproducing it? Then you are haunted in your work by vicious sculptors and hideous forms...To remedy this, we must first turn our gaze in the right direction, and then walk that way. We must form perfect models in thought and look at them continually, or we shall never carve them out in grand and noble lives.” Science & Health Page 248:12

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Comfort and Joy

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #363 "This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, Certain that Your direction gives me peace."

I received an email from a friend who shared her thoughts: “this time of year continues being a precious period to fulfill and be fulfilled”. I love that! It seems to me this is what every day should bring to us, fulfillment in a reciprocal flow of Love and kindness. The smallest acts of generosity often bring someone a glow of happiness. Looking beyond time-honored ritual and belief may foster a sense of unity and joy in our own hearts. Living in the moment fulfills an appreciation within, which is so easily overlooked in the busy-ness of planning the future. I will embrace this holy instant without looking forward to the next, but simply basking in the beauty and love right now!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear, — this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony. The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress.” Science & Health Page 323:30-4

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Peaceful, Easy Feeling

photo credit: Arthur Bruno
ACIM Workbook Lesson #362 "This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, Certain that Your direction gives me peace."

I often remind myself that if I have a choice of being right or being kind, I’d rather be kind. Another reminder is to choose peace over specialness. I’m sure I’ve gladly proclaimed to others about my pain, my divorce, my cold, my sciatica, my low bank account — you get the picture! It’s much nicer to look past MY specialness and look for guidance to the divine Mind which is everywhere, allowing feelings to flow with the divine Love which is eternal, and to live with the excitement of Spirit lifting daily activity to the miraculous adventure it can be when I stop dictating reality. Gratitude and appreciation is a peaceful, easy feeling. I choose the harmony of unity, releasing separation and relaxing into infinity!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"Let us rid ourselves of the belief that man is separated from God, and obey only the divine Principle, Life and Love. Here is the great point of departure for all true spiritual growth."Science & Health Page 91:5-8

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Inseparable From Divine Love

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #361 "This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, Certain that Your direction gives me peace."

I have been reminded today of ways we perhaps ask amiss for what it is we want. We, as humans, have a tendency to focus on what we don’t want, rather than what we do want — don’t you think? I remember a teacher once telling me to reinforce behaviors in our children rather than trying to turn them away from things we do not want them doing. For example, if you say, “Don’t play in the street”, all they hear is “play in the street”. I see similar behavior in ways we affirm our safety in different situations. Rather than knowing that we are all a product of divine Mind and by listening we are led in paths of safety and harmony, we tend to want to defend against the dangers we see around us. With this in mind, my goal is to listen — to listen quietly, inwardly, for that still, small voice which tells me when to slow down the car, when to delay leaving the house, what to do in any and every situation. I am one with and inseparable from divine Love, I need only remember this glorious fact!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"It is only by acknowledging the supremacy of Spirit, which annuls the claims of matter, that mortals can lay off mortality and find the indissoluble spiritual link which establishes man forever in the divine likeness, inseparable from his creator."

Science & Health Page 491:12-16

Monday, December 25, 2017

Peace Through Us

photo credit: Arthur Bruno
ACIM Workbook Lesson #360
"Peace be to me, the holy Son of God.
Peace to my brother, who is one with me. Let all the world be blessed with peace through us."

Let it go. Just breathe. We hear these instructions when learning how to break the hold of distress and open ourselves to peace. It took me years to realize that someone or something wasn't "making" me upset, it was my perception and interpretation and reaction to things which caused these feelings. Even with this realization, it's sometimes difficult to not get caught up in the craziness of the world. When I find myself becoming agitated about anything, I will remind myself to "let all the world be blessed with peace through us." After all, I can't change anything but my own self, and how wonderful that it’s the most important thing to do!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Let us learn of the real and eternal, and prepare for the reign of Spirit, the kingdom of heaven,—the reign and rule of universal harmony, which cannot be lost nor remain forever unseen."

Science & Health Page 208:20-24

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Love Enlightens Understanding

ACIM Workbook Lesson #358 "No call to God can be unheard nor left unanswered. And of this I can be sure; His answer is the one I really want." 

We have been created by Love, as Love, and our purpose is to extend Love. This truth of our existence is more than enough to bring peace and contentment to our lives, but people may get upset if we’re not following some ritual or belief which they think is important. A friend called today, very upset because she was being chastised by her children for not buying gifts for her grandchildren. She has decided to spend time with them and has done a lot of planning concerning the stories and activities she will share with them. I applaud her! I reminded her that she is following her heart in this decision and I told her something my good friend, Jim Young, used to say: It’s none of my business what anyone else thinks of me!  As we enjoy these coming holy days, may we all be so brave as to live from our inner knowing of what we should be doing, following that leading, while scattering joy!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Truth and Love enlighten the understanding, in whose ‘light shall we see light’; and this illumination is reflected spiritually by all who walk in the light and turn away from a false material sense.”

Science & Health Page 510:9-12 

Friday, December 22, 2017

Truth Within

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #357
"Truth answers every call we make to God, Responding first with miracles, and then
Returning unto us to be itself."

Most people I know are enjoying the beauty of the holidays, many even peacefully! But I've spoken with a few people today who are disenchanted with the commercialism and materiality associated with these times, and they're all too happy to tell others just how upset we should be, too! Although I don't want to be upset and, actually, refuse to be, I do want to spread peace and joy to those who can't or won't feel this harmony. I really wish I could spoon feed them and make them be as happy as can be! Unfortunately, there's no magic potion to cause this to happen. But there is a divine Principle which allows Truth to be heard and felt within ourselves, and shared through the miracle of forgiveness. The story of the Christmas miracle is the story of the daily miracle, the Truth, living within each of us, waiting for expression in the reality of Life!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Truth is affirmative, and confers harmony. All metaphysical logic is inspired by this simple rule of Truth, which governs all reality."  Science & Health Page 418:20-22

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Harmony of Divine Mind

photo credit: Heather Peters
ACIM Workbook Lesson #356 "Sickness is but another name for sin. Healing is but another name for God. The miracle is thus a call to Him."

When we read the above words, "Sickness is but another name for sin", the immediate response could be to think these words mean that we're sinners and are being punished for it by sickness. We are learning that sin is defined as anything which separates us from the Love which is God.  Most of us have been taught that sickness, evil, and many other aspects of this material existence are powers over which we have little to no control. Divine Principle, law, negates these mesmeric thoughts. As we wake up to this truth, multitudes of things we thought to be our master turn out to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors. As we lift the veil and reveal reality, the quotations we read here today begin to be more than words. They are principles by which to live. I relish every step of this awakening!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Christian Science brings to the body the sunlight of Truth, which invigorates and purifies. The effect of this Science is to stir the human mind to a change of base, on which it may yield to the harmony of the divine Mind." 

Science & Health Page 162:4-5, 9-11

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Somewhere in Eternity

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #355 "There is no end to all the peace and joy, And all the miracles that I will give, When I accept God's Word. Why not today?"

Our true selves are the image and likeness, of God. Why then is there so much which seems to be unGodlike? Because God did not create matter. This human body we seem to reside in, to be inseparable from, is not our true self. When we declare our perfection as a child of God, that perfection has absolutely nothing to do with this material world we are living in. If God created everything and it is good, that cannot encompass the dual good/bad stuff we see around us. Our vision for today is to see with the eyes of our true Being. That true Being does not change. Reality does not change. What doesn't change? Our true Selves which are the image and likeness of the One; that which we all truly are. So what good does it do to realize that we're not what we see with our so-called mortal eyes? It brings us into harmony with what IS true. Declaring the Truth of our Being is more than just a mental exercise. It's establishing this Truth within our thought. This establishment leads to demonstration of Truth. This demonstration of Truth brings us back to where we began, and never leads us anywhere other than to the home which is forever within -- wherever in eternity that may be.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"To divest thought of false trusts and material evidences in order that the spiritual facts of being may appear,--this is the great attainment by means of which we shall sweep away the false and give place to the true." 

Science & Health Page 423:8-12

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Stand Together

photo credit: Aaron Springston
[from 2013] A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #354 "We stand together, Christ and I, in peace
And certainty of purpose. And in Him Is His Creator, as He is in me."

Under any circumstance, it can be difficult to stand "in peace and certainty of purpose". When we fall into a rushed mindset, it's almost impossible to recognize that a peaceful state even exists! Recently I was hurrying to an appointment and needed to drop off something at the post office on the way. As the building came into sight, along with its limited parking spaces, I saw a woman getting into her car and preparing to pull out. Great! I'll pull right in and quickly get in and out, accomplishing my task. Well, this lady didn't pull out, but rather sat there and made a phone call. I must admit I thought some unloving thoughts toward her as I waited impatiently for her to move. Then suddenly I realized I knew her. Not only knew her, but she is one of my best friends! I had been in such a dither that I didn't recognize her, and I thought ugly things about her, and now was very sorry for all of it. Would I have felt differently if I hadn't known her? Hopefully not! I would like to think I would have awakened and stopped judgmental imaginings without the prompting realization that I knew and loved her. Thinking thoughts of unity, I have patience with all, as I pray they do with me, too. Once again, Namaste' …..

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear.”

Science & Health Page 506:18-21

Monday, December 18, 2017

True Idea Voicing Good

photo credit: Dale Johnson
ACIM Workbook Lesson #353 "My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today
Have but one purpose; to be given Christ To use to bless the world with miracles."

The use of the word "Christ" need not put off anyone who is not a follower of Jesus. Both Mary Baker Eddy and A Course in Miracles define The Christ in many ways. One of my favorites is this from Science & Health: "Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness." Every day is full of opportunities to bring Christ to a situation by listening to spiritual sense. When pondering today's topic, I couldn't help but think about a media-perpetrated debate about the color of Santa Claus' skin. If we bring Christ to this or any other situation, there is no need to take sides, as there are none. Skin color, gender, sexual orientation -- the multitude of dualities we choose to subscribe to, all meant to blind us to our unity -- none of them mean anything when brought to Christ, or spiritual sense. Let's hold to spiritual Truth when faced with erroneous mortal thought. It certainly makes life much simpler!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"The illumination of Mary's spiritual sense put to silence material law and its order of generation, and brought forth her child by the revelation of Truth, demonstrating God as the Father of men.” Science & Health Page 29:27-29

Sunday, December 17, 2017

True Colors

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #352 "Judgment and love are opposites. From one Come all the sorrows of the world. But from The other comes the peace of God Himself."

Did you know that the same color may appear to look different when placed on various background colors? I read an article about this which explained that the way we perceive a color is based on our education about color perception and how we've been conditioned to see color. Who knew?? As I struggled to grasp this fact, I realized it's the same with our perceptions of what reality is. Spiritual perception allows us to see beyond the seeming reality of our material senses. Interactions with others may be full of judgments and suppositions when we look at the situation with by-rote, learned behavior and the immediacy of emotions. But Truth, which shines forth when we see from a spiritual perspective, allows for improved interactions with others. This is true because our human experience is the visible expression of our thinking. To see the world through the eyes of Love frees us to love as God Loves: purely, without a skewed view of the color and fabric of everything we see. Now I know what the expression "showing your true colors" means!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Thought will finally be understood and seen in all form, substance, and color, but without material accompaniments." Science & Health Page 310: 6:8

Friday, December 15, 2017

Living Miracles - or Not!

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #350 "Miracles mirror God's eternal Love. To offer them is to remember Him, And through His memory to save the world."

I love this quote attributed to Albert Einstein: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Through various religious teachings, most of us think of a miracle as divine power setting aside a material law, allowing something otherworldly or supernatural to occur. What if a miracle is simply a correction of our limiting beliefs, opening us to divine Mind and the limitless Life which is our true heritage as a child of Love? By this remembrance, we heal our mind of separation, giving us a clarity of thought and sight before unknown. I am very grateful —

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The miracle introduces no disorder, but unfolds the primal order, establishing the Science of God’s unchangeable law. Spiritual evolution alone is worthy of the exercise of divine power.” Science & Health Page 135:6-10

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Every Moment is a Miracle

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #349 "Today I let Christ's vision look upon all things for me and judge them not, but give each one a miracle of love instead."

Every day we’re exposed to situations and people which seem to beg for our judgment! I’ve been surprised recently to learn that some religions teach that this is a good thing for us to be doing, that they are telling their flocks to go forth and correct “bad” behavior. Even if I’ve never thought it was my place to save anyone, I certainly have judged others in a multitude of ways, both silently and vocally. It’s an easy habit to fall into, particularly when we’re trying to feel better about ourselves and, hence, think about how much better off we are than “they” are. But realizing that I’m okay makes it easier to admit that you’re okay, too! Setting my intention first thing in the morning in accordance with Love helps me to live in grace throughout the day, and every moment IS a miracle.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“A miracle fulfills God’s law, but does not violate that law. This fact at present seems more mysterious than the miracle itself.” Science & Health Page 132:31-1

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Tipping Point of Love

ACIM Workbook Lesson #348 "I have no cause for anger or for fear, For You surround me. And in every need That I perceive, Your grace suffices me."

I have always felt as though there is a tipping point in mass consciousness, a point in which everyone sees their perfection and recognizes there is no difference in their own self and the self of that person over there. In this sight, there is a world bathed in peace and contentment. There are no conflicts because everything good and pure is done for the good of everyone, and nothing contrary exists because we do not have such thoughts in the face of beauty and Love. There is no world of separation because we are all One and happily recognize this Truth. In order for perfection to emerge, error must be washed away. A dear friend, who has never believed these things I espouse, called to ask me what’s happening to this tipping point of Love, as he feels we’ve tipped the other way. Once again, I reiterate: Every thought is important! I feel like we're getting close!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "We cannot build safely on false foundations. Truth makes a new creature, in whom old things pass away and ‘all things are become new’."  Science & Health Page 201: 7-9

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

What Is, Without Judgment...

photo credit: Aaron Springston 
ACIM Workbook Lesson #347 "Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself, to keep the miracle away from me."

I love to play bridge. I play a competitive form of this game which takes away the luck of the shuffle and deal, allowing people to compete on a purer level. Part of the fun of this game is watching how I, personally, react to mistakes in play. When I first became involved with this game around a year ago, I was very insecure concerning the play of the cards and would judge myself, often replaying situations while feeling inadequate. There is one couple in our group who regularly berate each other, loudly judging the others' bids and play. At first I found them disruptive, eventually seeing them as amusing. Today I thank them for showing me what I was doing to myself with my self-judgment. I could have easily walked away from this activity, giving any number of excuses for not enjoying something which I find to be fun and challenging. Living a life with no excuses allows us to examine situations for what they are, not for what we fear might be, opening us to the miracle that's looking for us!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"Material man is made up of involuntary and voluntary error, of a negative right and a positive wrong, the latter calling itself right. Man's spiritual individuality is never wrong." Science & Health Page 491:7-10

Monday, December 11, 2017

A Moment or An Eon?

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #346
"Today the peace of God envelops me,
And I forget all things except His Love."

Have you ever felt a moment when it seemed that time stood still? These sentences from today's ACIM lesson brought back a remembrance in me: "What I seek today transcends all laws of time and things perceived in time. I would forget all things except Your Love." A number of years ago I experienced a breach of time when I first saw a man who later became my very good friend. I was playing the organ at a Sunday morning service when he walked in and sat down. As I looked over at him, it was as though time didn't exist. Everything was still, and yet it felt like eons rushed through me. My material interpretation of this event was that I knew this man from forever; that he was the one I'd been waiting for. I see the event today as something different. Our meeting opened a portal, if you will. I became aware of a doorway I could step through where nothing existed other than the Love which is God. What a gift! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Eternity, not time, expresses the thought of Life, and time is no part of eternity. One ceases in proportion as the other is recognized." Science & Health Page 468:26:30

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Great Miracle

photo credit: Aaron Springston
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #345
"I offer only miracles today, For I would have them be returned to me."

"Do you think we live in a police state?” These were the opening words of a phone call I received. I generally steer clear of these types of conversations, but since my friend was upset, I stayed with him on the subject. While I don’t like to express strong opinions, the conversation was, for the most part, a call for both of us to return to Love. I see our current mortal, mental state as a reflection of the fear we harbor; a fear which is fed by almost everything in daily life. I talked to him of tipping points, and mass consciousness, and our true consciousness as an expression of Love. We could go on and on about the material conditions, causes, and solutions, but to get to the heart of it takes spiritual sense, which cannot be gleaned from intellectual exercises. And that's where I see the miracle: the revelation which shows us the omnipresence of divine Mind in every situation, no matter how dire physical sense tells us it is.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The great miracle, to human sense, is divine Love, and the grand necessity of existence is to gain the true idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven in man.”

Science & Health Page 560:11-15

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Stepping Out Of Separation

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #344 "Today I learn the law of love; that what
I give my brother is my gift to me."

Some brothers I feel a loving unity with; others seem to elicit fear and anger in me. I have so completely bought into the idea of separation, I think there is something I need to forgive in another. When giving this gift of forgiveness, I feel better for it. Sometimes I may think that someone’s behavior has changed, and I might even attribute it to my generous giving! Perhaps I only think it has changed because I’m seeing it differently. What a gift we have in the opportunity to see our innocence in another’s purity! We have been given a mega-mirror in which to view ourselves reflected in others, moment by moment -- and this may seem like a curse at times! Knowing that I am not like that guy in the mirror allows me to see through the illusion and view the face of Truth. We are all changeless and pure in our spiritual reality, and every time I see this in my brother, I take another step out of separation and one more closer to my true Being. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Truth has no consciousness of error. Love has no sense of hatred. Life has no partnership with death. Truth, Life, and Love are a law of annihilation to everything unlike themselves, because they declare nothing except God.” Science & Health Page 243:25-29

Friday, December 8, 2017

No Sacrifice

photo credit: Aaron Springston
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #343
"I am not asked to make a sacrifice To find the mercy and the peace of God."

What if all I need do to find peace is to stop thinking habitual, limiting thoughts? Let's say someone wants to change a personal relationship which we've had for some time. An example is when my son was 14 and he told me he didn't belong here, in this town, going to this school. My first thoughts were ones of blame -- toward myself and him. Why would he want to leave? What have I done to cause him to feel this way? Looking back, I see that his going away to school was the best thing that could have happened for both of us, but at the time it felt devastating. Living with the certainty that all is well, yielding to the intuitions given by divine Love, allows relationships to ebb and flow with nourishing experiences. What a joy it is to give up personal agendas and preconceived notions of how things should be, welcoming Love without the expectations we so often have of others! I feel no sense of sacrifice in this trade-off!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “…divine Principle never repents, but maintains the claim of Truth by quenching error. The pardon of divine mercy is the destruction of error.” Science & Health Page 329:24-26 

Thursday, December 7, 2017


photo credit: Alden Stallings
ACIM Workbook Lesson #342 "I let forgiveness rest upon all things, For thus forgiveness will be given me."

I am amazed it’s so difficult to accept myself for what I truly am! In Christian Science, this acceptance is often called "knowing the Truth”; in A Course in Miracles, it is known as forgiveness. Of course, there are many other ways to define this, but it's all semantics. What it boils down to is not just talking about this Principle, but really, truly knowing it! We are not material, we are spiritual. Spiritual perception is reality; material illusion is just that. I can talk about this until the cows come home, but it doesn't make it true in this reality I’ve created unless I quit talking and begin knowing! Our learned behavior is strong, but not as strong as Truth. Ego, mortal mind, wants us to stay with what seems real. I've convinced myself it is real and it seems impossible to release this fallacy, but I shall hold to the Truth of spiritual reality until the false falls away. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"The spiritual reality is the scientific fact in all things. The spiritual fact, repeated in the action of man and the whole universe, is harmonious and is the ideal of Truth.” Science & Health Page 205:32-3

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Remembering Innocence

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #341 "I can attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe."

In these studies, we are learning to give up beliefs we hold about the meaning of everything. As we do this, we are able to see things as they are rather than as we have decided they are! I read an interesting idea put forth by Helen Wright in Your Divinity Revealed. She says that what most of us think of as "thinking" is no more than rearranging our prejudices. This has come to mind often while I've tried to remain opinion-less and open-minded in dialogues with those who have different political and moral ideas than those I’ve adopted as my own. This past year has been extremely challenging for me, and utilizing divinely metaphysical thought is more important than ever. Today’s lesson reminds me to remember my innocence, for therein lies my safety. This innocence will be reflected back to me as I express unity with divine Love, releasing judgment and fear to make room for it. Namastè.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "The miracle of grace is no miracle to Love." Science & Health Page 494:15

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Be Glad!

photo credit: Arthur Bruno
ACIM Workbook Lesson #340 "I can be free of suffering today."

"Be glad today! Be glad! There is no room for anything but joy and thanks today." This is sage advice from today's Course in Miracles workbook lesson. While doing laundry, I was visiting with a good friend who mentioned that he knew someone who really disliked doing laundry. He told me that she has all sorts of rules for the way it must be done and he opined that perhaps this was a cause for her dislike. When I saw the aforementioned words from today's lesson, I also thought about someone asking me what I did for fun and their surprised reaction when I told them everything I do is fun! Relating these events reminds me of Wayne Dyer's words: If you drop a pen and don't enjoy picking it up, drop it again!! Let us all remember as we go through the day, whether our tasks be mundane or one of those moments which feels like a gift -- be glad!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Who that has felt the loss of human peace has not gained stronger desires for spiritual joy? The aspiration after heavenly good comes even before we discover what belongs to wisdom and Love. The loss of earthly hopes and pleasures brightens the ascending path of many a heart. The pains of sense quickly inform us that the pleasures of sense are mortal and that joy is spiritual." Science & Health Page 265:25-30

Monday, December 4, 2017

Only One Thing I Desire

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #339 "I will receive whatever I request."

I was reminded recently of a meeting in which a woman confided a situation of abuse from her childhood. Some of the people in the metaphysical meeting we were attending insisted that she had chosen this scenario, whether to rectify something from a past life or for some other reason. This woman became very upset to think that a little girl would be tortured and want such a thing. Today's workbook lesson reiterates that no one desires pain, but often we are confused about what we would want. Without going into the possibility of past lives, or reincarnation and retribution, I remind myself that all I want is One Thing. My only desire is to know God, and everything else will be attained without my delineation of what that is. I also remind myself not to judge others in any way, as we are all on an individual path. That's what it's all about, after all. We are the experience of God, and there are no outlines as to what that means!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Materialists contradict their own statements. Their belief in material laws and in penalties for their infraction is the ancient error…”

Science & Health Page 389:22-24

Sunday, December 3, 2017

What Am I Thinking?

PC: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #338 "I am affected only by my thoughts."

It is estimated that we have more than 50,000 thoughts every day. As I heard Wayne Dyer tell us in one of his outstanding talks, the problem with this is that the thousands of thoughts we have today are the same ones we had yesterday! Waking up from the circular thinking in which we are trapped requires an honesty we’re not accustomed to practicing. I know habitual thought is not an easy habit to break, but the desire to do so is the first step. Just like changing any behavior, you have to want to change or you never will. How can we begin to think differently? We can’t simply stop thinking, but we can exchange the trivial musings for substantial ideas. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” As I go through this day, I’ll often ask myself: What would Eleanor think? Namastè, each and every One! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“My angels are exalted thoughts, appearing at the door of some sepulchre, in which human belief has buried its fondest earthly hopes. With white fingers they point upward to a new and glorified trust, to higher ideals of life and its joys.” Science & Health Page 299:1-11

Saturday, December 2, 2017


PC: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #337 "My sinlessness protects me from all harm."

First of all, let's define sin as anything which separates us from the Love which is God. When my children were small, we'd often talk about how they could experience the safety which comes from listening to intuition. When driving a car, I often hear an inner prompting to slow down or sometimes to speed up, once to even stop completely. So when my children began driving, I naturally talked to them about this listening which insures we are where we need to be. That split second which puts you in the same place as a car crossing into your lane, or the moment a deer is stepping into your path, these are the situations which are avoided by listening to intuition. And what allows us to hear this inner direction? First it takes a willingness to hear it, of course. And the recognition of our Oneness with All that Is creates an open heart, willing to know God. To the so-called logical mind, this listening to intuition makes no sense, and so we don't pay attention. Think how many times you've said to yourself that you felt like you should or shouldn't have done something -- after the fact, after you refused to listen because you decided it was just your imagination. And if you do pull to the side of the road due to a "feeling", there's usually no proof that it was necessary. So living this way of life does develop a certain trust in yourself. What could be better than that!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"In reality there is no mortal mind, and consequently no transference of mortal thought and will-power. Life and being are of God. In Christian Science, man can do no harm, for scientific thoughts are true thoughts, passing from God to man." Science & Health Page 103:29-32

Friday, December 1, 2017

New/Old Insights

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #336 "Forgiveness lets me know that minds are joined."

After listening to a program on National Public Radio called Invisibilia, I am even more certain we are coming to see the truth of our being. The first segment of this show dealt with emotions and how we are not truly the victim of our feelings, but rather that our emotions create the world around us. They told a story of a truck driver who hit a car which had spun out of control in a rainstorm. He was overwhelmed with guilt about the incident and the ensuing death of a young girl. He sued the people whose daughter had died, stating that it was their fault for the uncontrollable guilt and pain he was experiencing. The facts of this case are beside the point to me, but the findings of a behavioral scientist caught my attention. She says we are born only knowing pleasant or unpleasant feelings, along with arousal or calm. Everything else, she states, are leaned behaviors and within our control. This woman is extremely compassionate to the pain we all feel upon, for instance, the death of a loved one. Yet she acknowledges degrees of pain and examines why we react in these different ways. Fascinatingr! I highly recommend this beautiful program.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "The nearer a false belief approaches truth without passing the boundary where, having been destroyed by divine Love, it ceases to be even an illusion, the riper it becomes for destruction. The more material the belief, the more obvious its error, until divine Spirit, supreme in its domain, dominates all matter, and man is found in the likeness of Spirit, his original being." Science & Health Page 97:14-20

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